coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org

coal trade bulletin - Clpdigital.org


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strike, and ourselves, at which you presided; as<br />

a result of which, you addressed us a letter containing<br />

your suggestions for a termination of the<br />

strike, which we promptly accepted; and we particularly<br />

call your attention to tbe statements of<br />

Secretary Wilson on page 251 of tbe records.<br />

"Until your proposal for a settlement of tbe<br />

strike has been submitted to tbe miners now on<br />

strike in accordance with the conference understanding,<br />

we think that you will agree with us<br />

that no other plan should be presented or considered.<br />

"Sincerely,<br />

"J. F. WELBORN,<br />

"D. W. BROWN.<br />

"J. C. OSGOOD."<br />

After receiving the above letters Gov. Ammons<br />

and Secretary Wilson held a conference and the<br />

latter sent a letter to the miners and operators<br />

withdrawing the joint<br />


of the strike situation, pending a referendum vote<br />

by the miners on the proposition of the governor.<br />

On the same date, at Pueblo. Col., an attempt to<br />

secure a monopoly of labor was charged in indictments<br />

returned by the federal grand jury against<br />

national officers of the United Mine Workers of<br />

America. The men named are:<br />

J. P. White, president: Frank* J. Hayes, vice<br />

president, and William Green, secretary and treasurer.<br />

Conspiracy in restraint of interstate commerce<br />

in violation of the federal anti-trust law, was<br />

charged in indictments against officials of tbe<br />

United Mine Workers of America, as follows:<br />

Frank J. Hayes. John R. Lawson, Adolph Gernier.<br />

Robert Uhlrieh, A. B. McGary, James M<strong>org</strong>an,<br />

Charles Batey and Edgar Wallace, editor of<br />

the United Mine Workers Journal.<br />

Several other indictments were returned against<br />

miners for alleged depredations against property.<br />

The jury prepared a long report in which mining<br />

conditions are reviewed. It ends with recommendations<br />

that the mining laws be more diligently<br />

enforced, that the governor should be empowered<br />

by tbe legislature to regulate or suspend<br />

the sale of ammunition and explosives during<br />

strike trouhles, that in cases of dispute both parties<br />

should be required by law to operate the mines<br />

pending settlement.<br />

Methods of the United Mine Workers are severely<br />

condemned, the report saying:<br />

"The methods pursued by tbe United Mine Workers<br />

of America in their endeavors to force recognition<br />

of their union by the <strong>coal</strong> mine operators<br />

in this state are an insult to conservative and lawabiding<br />

labor. They have brought experienced<br />

strike agitators and have armed hundreds of irre­<br />

sponsible aliens, who have become a menace to the<br />

peace and prosperity and even the lives of citizens.<br />

They created open insurrection in Southern<br />

Colorado and have resorted to measures which<br />

all fair-minded labor <strong>org</strong>anizations repudiate. The<br />

officers in charge of many of the tent colonies confess<br />

their inability to control the men whom they<br />

have armed and aroused.<br />

"Evidently no qualification is necessary for membership<br />

in the United Mine Workers of America.<br />

other than a promise to pay dues, which are apparently<br />

used to support insurrection and lawlessness<br />

when necessary to<br />


by intimidation and fear whenever strikes are<br />

called."<br />

The referendum vote of the miners on Gov.<br />

Amnions' proposition to end the strike was begun<br />

Dec. 2.<br />

The same date the military commission announced<br />

that Robert Uhlrieh, president of the<br />

Trinidad local of the United Mine Workers, had<br />

confessed to supplying strikers at the Ludlow<br />

tent colony with arms and ammunition on Oct. 27,<br />

the day preceding the fatal battle at that place.<br />

Uhlrieh told the commission he was of German<br />

birth and an unnaturalized resident of the United<br />

States and that be would not become naturalized<br />

because he did not approve of many things for<br />

which the American government stands. The<br />

military commission continued its investigation of<br />

the strike situation.<br />

The formal call for a convention of representatives<br />

of every labor union in Colorado, to meet in<br />

Denver Dec. 16, was issued Dec. 3 by John Mc­<br />

Lennan, president, and W, T. Hickey, secretary of<br />

the State Federation oi Labor. The convention<br />

will consider the question of calling a state-wide<br />

sympathetic strike in support of the ITnited Minp<br />

Workers on strike in the Colorado <strong>coal</strong> fields. In<br />

this connection the operators have issued an ultimatum<br />

in which the striking miners are given until<br />

Jan. 1 to return to work.<br />

The ultimatum of the operators is addressed to<br />

the "Coal Employes of the Rocky Mountain Fuel<br />

Co.. tlie Victor-American Fuel Co. and the Colorado<br />

Fuel & Iron Co." It follows:<br />

"The <strong>coal</strong> companies have arranged to secure<br />

men outside of the strike district with which to<br />

operate their mines to capacity, and confidently<br />

expect within 30 days to have all the men required.<br />

Tt is the desire of the operators that the<br />

old employes return to work before the mines are<br />

filled with other workers, and preference will be<br />

given to tbe men now- on strike who have not<br />

been guilty of violence, up to Jan. 1, 1914, after<br />

which date no more men will be required. Some<br />

of the mines are now working with a full force,<br />


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