Skólaskýrsla 2002 - Verzlunarskóli Íslands

Skólaskýrsla 2002 - Verzlunarskóli Íslands

Skólaskýrsla 2002 - Verzlunarskóli Íslands


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20 The United Nations Charter had been drafted at the Potsdam peace conference in July1945.21 Mr Gorbachev tried not to gloat over the fact that it was only the presence of the Sovietcruiser that saved the day.22 The two superpowers were entering a “new epoch.”23 The constitution was finally ratified by all thirteen states in 1791.24 The role of the Vice-President gives him or her no other task than presiding over thedebates in the Senate, where he may only vote in the case of a tie.Tick the box with the correct alternative for the underlined word or phrase.25 Representatives met in Philadelphia and replied by imposing a trade embargo on Britain. an important shipment from another country an official agreement between two countries an official conflict between two countries an official order stopping trade with another country an extremely valuable agricultural commodity26 Virginia also seceded on the constitutional grounds that every state in the union enjoyedsovereign rights attacked broke away denied objected succeeded27 But nobody reckoned on the winter storm which churned up the sea.believed in expected knew about was aware of worried about28 All these famous cities lie in the Soviet sphere and all are subject to increasing control fromMoscow. accountable to in opposition to responsible for resisting underAdvanced Language PracticeRewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaningstays the same. Include a phrasal verb in your answer.29 Many customs restrictions have been abolished. AWAY30 It was a simple trick but the teacher was taken in by it. FOR31 I haven’t realized what it means yet. SUNK142

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