Skólaskýrsla 2002 - Verzlunarskóli Íslands

Skólaskýrsla 2002 - Verzlunarskóli Íslands

Skólaskýrsla 2002 - Verzlunarskóli Íslands


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22 I was suffering from a sharp attack of intermittent fever. chronic debilitating fitful infectious severe23 Such incidents multiplied causing perplexity. bewilderment co-ordination devastation disease famine24 I must have looked aghast. diffident incisive incomprehensible mellow shocked25 A striking brightness, for example, would elicit comment. delay discourage hasten produce resumeFill each blank with one of the words given.26–28 alert, applied, contrary, elaborated, envisage, inculcate, intrinsic, mathematize,potential, subjected, suspendedNew methods of education will have to be developed and ______ to very young children inorder to _____ the instinctive and successful habits of thought so _____ to those which havebeen naturally acquired.Advanced Language PracticeRewrite each sentence so that it contains the word in capitals, and so that the meaningstays the same. Include a phrasal verb in your answer.29 Many customs restrictions have been abolished.AWAY30 It was a simple trick but the teacher was taken in by it.FOR31 I haven’t realized what it means yet.SUNKComplete each sentence with one of the words given.32–34 apathetic; bulletin; delegated; extrovert; gist; prose; prospect; rate; toll; vergeI understood the ______ of the article, but I didn’t read it in detail.The final day begins with the Australian team on the ______ of victory.Very few students wanted to join in the activities. They seemed rather ____.146

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