Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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longor young (she was in hor mid-sixties)<br />

and my fotlier was now clironicolly Ill, slio<br />

did not think she could liolp mu with tho<br />

baby and so sha, too, thought that adoption<br />

would bo tho bost thing. (Just boforo<br />

she diod, my motlior asked me if I over<br />

hoord onyttiing about my first baby end<br />

when I told hor no, she said: "Thoy don't<br />

soem to wont to lot you bo with him, do<br />

thoy?" It was tlion I realized she had never<br />

understood the signiflcanco of adoption.)<br />

During my noxt appointment with Miss<br />

Walloco I showod hor my motlior's lottor<br />

and slio remorkod that if tho pnronts did not<br />

tako In an unwed daughtor and her baby tho<br />

only other solution was odoption.<br />

I also wroto to the psychiotrist I had soon at<br />

the titno whon I hod boon so doprossod, but<br />

his reply modo little senso to me. He wroto<br />

sornetliing to tho effect lliot I had gotten<br />

pragriorit bocauso I was lnsocuro as a<br />

woman but that prognoncy wouldn't liolp<br />

mu ovorconio my lnsocuritios. With rogard<br />

to whot I should do about tho baby, ha<br />

WrotU that iovo moorit pulling tho wolfarc<br />

of anothor oheod of my own doslros ond if I<br />

could find mysolf oblo to do that my<br />

problorn would bo solvod. Riolitly or<br />

wrongly, I interpreted that to mean that lie<br />

was advising odoption. Looking back, I<br />

think this wos on ovcrsimplificotion. It is<br />

not enough to be willing to put another porson's<br />

welfare ohoad of your own. It takos<br />

ludgomont to know whot ore tho bost interosts<br />

of ony given person. And thot is tho<br />

difficult part.<br />

Thoro was also something in tho<br />

psychiatrist's letter about o potlont of his<br />

who was adopted. I-lo told me this woman<br />

hod spent yoars searching for hor birthporents,<br />

thinking thot finding thom would<br />

solvo hor emotional problems. Evontually<br />

sho found hor birthmothor and, years lator,<br />

hor blrthfothor: but by tliot titno tlioy had so<br />

rostructurod their livos tlioy found it difficult<br />

to fit hor in.<br />

I sliowod tlils lottar to Miss Wollaco and slto<br />

said the psychiatrist soomod liko a kind ond<br />


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