Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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Decnus; I no longer L d a television set,<br />

I had to nnd new wnys of entertaining<br />

myself at night. The nrst night, I rcnrranged<br />

the entire apqtmcnt nnd hung<br />

u some bright posters that I had pur- .<br />

ctnsed weeks before.<br />

Tb necond nlght, I decided to expcri.<br />

ment and ended up mnklng whole-wheat<br />

bread. I had nevcr mnde it before, and I<br />

felt so proud of myself when I saw those<br />

crisp brown loaves.coming out of the<br />

oven,<br />

Each dn teemed like more fun now,<br />

, bccnusc I &it like I hnd lrlends to slrnre<br />

things wlth. Althouglr I wasn't ns close to<br />

thcm as the frlcnds I had left at home, I<br />

kncw that in time I could be. I renlized<br />

now that I hndn't given other people<br />

much of achnnce to be my friends. .<br />

The thlrd night. I had just gotten home<br />

from work nnd chnn ed into old clothes,<br />

preparing to do tile k nundry, when tlrerc<br />

war a knock on the door. I opened I: to<br />

nnd Mike stnndin there. It took n mo-,<br />

mcnt for me to rcnflze why Ire looked different,<br />

nnd then I saw\ that be wasn't in<br />

unltorml<br />

"You're wenrin normnl clothes,"<br />

blurted out In surpr f se.<br />

Mike Inughed. "I don't wenr my uniform<br />

when I'm offdut ."<br />

"nut if you're off i uty. then wlry are<br />

1 you here?' I nsked, puuled.<br />

L "Thls is a ~crsonnl call," Mikesni!. "I<br />

didn't come /lere for police business.<br />

70 "You cnnre toseeme?" I nsked.<br />

1 '<br />

"Yes-unless you're hlding someoue<br />

else in here." Mlke replied wit11 a grin.<br />

"Oh, pleare come In," I sold. "I<br />

wnsn'l tbinklng."<br />

Mlke looked nt the pile of dirty ciotl~u.<br />

"Looks like you're etting rendy to do<br />

Inundry. Would ou ikkesomc help?"<br />

"Sure," I repifed bnppily.<br />

And, so, strnnge ns it sounds, thnt's<br />

txnctly whnt Mike and I did. After we'd<br />

put the lnundry in, we ordered a tnke.out<br />

iun and shnred n bottle of red wine. We<br />

r<br />

aughcd and kidded each other ns if we'd<br />

been friends for ycnrs.<br />

At the end of tire evenin , Mike took<br />

me in his nrrns and held met f ghtly ngninrt<br />

him. I snu glcd closer, feeling secure and<br />

happy in h& embrace.<br />

'You're a very specini indy," Mike<br />

whispered to me. "I'm nlmost hnppy<br />

your npnrtment wns robbed because I got<br />

to meet you."<br />

I tilted my face un for the kiss tltnt I<br />

knew was cdmitrg, aid It wns every bit as<br />

.nod nr I'd hnncd.<br />

Since that njgltt, Mlke nnd I hove been<br />

dating stendily. We'll be setting married<br />

in aliout six~months. nnd 1% invited<br />

- - - - - . - . . - . - - .<br />

- .<br />

everyone in my dcnnrtment to the wcddlng<br />

The police never did cntch tire bur inr<br />

who rnnsncked nry npnrtment; but, B n n<br />

strnnge wny, 1'11 nlwnys be grntcful to<br />

whocvcr it wns. Thc robbcry brought nrc<br />

n new outlook on life-nnd n llfe with !Ire<br />

mnn I ~ OVC~<br />

Tllf: END<br />

by pure chnncc, nnd even sot to becotrie '<br />

purl of his dally life. You see, last yenr<br />

my son wns in the sixth grndc, nnd I wns<br />

his tenchcr.<br />

When I wnr n lccrmgcr, and before all,<br />

this happened, I lind occnsionnl dates, but<br />

never a steady boyfriend. I went to tile<br />

movies nnd cxchnnged n few kisses, but<br />

Lhnt was nhout all. When I nlet Milton,<br />

though, things chnngcd. Tire rclationsl~ip<br />

didn't last, nnd we mndc love only once.<br />

but I ended up pregnnnt. To make things<br />

worse, I completely ignored nt condition<br />

until I wns almost hnlfwny tirough nty<br />

prcgnnncy.<br />

Onc dny, i~owcver, my rnothcr took trre<br />

nslde and nskcd mc if l wns pregnant. I<br />

tried to hide the truth, but sire took mc to<br />

a doctor n~rd ire contlrmcd tlrnl she wns<br />

right. Before I kncw whnt wns going on,<br />

they sent me off to n lro~nc for unwed<br />

mothcrs. My nrcnts mndc it clear thnt I<br />

wns welcome gome, but I kncw my baby<br />

would ncver be occcptcd.<br />

On April ninctecnth, n dny I will ncver<br />

torget, my bnby was horn. I didn't get to<br />

sce him, but the nurse told me that he svns<br />

n healthy male. I was nliowed to give him<br />

a first nnmc, nnd I nnmrd him Lee.<br />

Attcr I returned home, I went back to<br />

school, mnde up the work I'd missed by<br />

going to summer school, and grndunted<br />

with my clnss. I supposc that people<br />

kncw, or nt lens! suspected, where I hnd<br />

been, but no one ever snid anything to me<br />

about it. I wns just as glad they didn't, bccnuse<br />

I dldn't even speak to my own fnrn.<br />

ily about my illtle boy. I kncw there wns<br />

no polnt in upsettin thcm; but thouglr it<br />

wns nppnrcnt thnt t 7 ley wnntcd to forget<br />

about him, I knew I nevcr could.<br />

To be honest, pnrt of me lived in a<br />

dream world I had created. I tried to<br />

imngine how little Lee looked, where he<br />

wns, what he wns like, nnd how his<br />

parents cnred for hlm. At times. 1 even<br />

pretended thnt Lee wns with me. nrtd we<br />

were a 11s py motl~cr nnd son. nut every<br />

year, on r.ee'r birtirdny, n heavy gloom<br />

would descend on me nnd I pltied m self<br />

for being deprived of the joy of rasing r<br />

Lce.<br />

Afler I grndunted from high school, I<br />

went to the stnte tenclrcr's college. I hnd<br />

decided thnt in helping othcr children, I<br />

mlght sntlsfy my longing to be part or my<br />

son's IIre.<br />

As soon as I got my teachirrg certincnte,<br />

I went to work inn public scirool<br />

ncnr a lnrge city in m home state. It was<br />

a smell school-on !' y two classes per<br />

grade-but last yenr wns nlready my tl~ird<br />

yenr Icnchiag there. About two weeks<br />

alter scl~ool started, n new child enrolled<br />

inmy clnss. ltis nnmc wns LeeGiiman.<br />

I don't remember making nnv conncc-<br />

. tlons nbout his name nt flrst. Lee tit in<br />

well with tire clnss. Tltc students liked<br />

him, nnd I did, too. He was n good student,<br />

pnrticulnrly in reading nnd cornwl~lclr<br />

were my fnvoritc subwas<br />

well-mannered nnd had a<br />

cnutiful smile.<br />

Lee nr~d I got nlong well. I tensed him<br />

nbout l~nvlng so mnrry "girllriends," nnd<br />

he worked hnrd lor my npprovnl in clnss.<br />

Dut it wns~r't until the Friday betore the<br />

Chrislmns lrolidnys thnt I put two nnd

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