Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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. -, Citholic Chnri ties 'f rauil'<br />

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By Charles Mount<br />

end Robcrl Benjamin<br />

A CIItCUIT COUI\T Iaalfit r~llc,l F~I.<br />

dny lhnl Cnll~ollc Chnrltlcs usd "lrnud<br />

nnd durrs.~" lo prs~indc nn,~ Ilnn~nl.rlcd<br />

norlh suburbnn wonlnn lo plrl llcr 2.<br />

monlh*ld son up for ndopllon 111 1077.<br />

Thcrcforc, Judgc lrw111 CO~ICI ruled,<br />

Linda Po!nh, 30, 01 IJm S. Cl~catcr AV.,<br />

Pa-1-hTdgc, should gel cuslody 01 1&<br />

monlhnld &n P@ic!lln!~s, IC son<br />

sho hns not sccii7nr 16 montl~s.<br />

"The h~l hfolhcr's Dny present I<br />

collld get." snld hllu Polnlcs, weeping<br />

~JPPUY wflll her relnllves nrnund her.<br />

Her JOY was tempered when Cohcn<br />

RSVC ~lllollc Cllarlllrs' nllorncys 10<br />

tlnys lo ask nn Appcllnlo Courl to stay<br />

his order. If lhnl occurs, Scnn mlglll<br />

.<br />

remain wllh tho foslcr pnrcnls who hnre<br />

had him for lhc Ins1 IS molllhs ond \vllo<br />

won1 lo adopt hlm.<br />

IP NO STAY 01 hl: ordcr I4 olalncgi,<br />

Cohen -Id, Sean Is lo bc brou~ht 10 ),I,<br />

courlrwm on hlny 24 nnd givcn 10 his<br />

mother.<br />

~1~ Polnl~, n lormcr ndmlnlslrnllvc<br />

mmlarg or n pharmnccutlcnl firm, wpr<br />

MI married lo tho hhyk lnlber, a 35<br />

YCmld mnrrled man kho she<br />

lives In Cnlllornlo. She sold thnl<br />

month t f t tho ~ blrlh 01 Senn, thc Inlllcr<br />

bgin harasing hcr, m shc plnced Scnn .<br />

In the cue Of Cnlholic Charllla whlld,.,<br />

got legal. help to. terminate illo .<br />

man's partnlnl rlghu.<br />

On Dee. 14, Ion, sha slgncd n ycslu<br />

PnW. a condltlonol surrender cf the<br />

chlfd for adoptJon. Ilowcvcr, sho snld,<br />

she Ifas told she had I\IV nlorc days (6<br />

Fakc the haby olllclally ndoplnlllc. she<br />

nld she then told n Call~olic Chnrllics<br />

CnnllnllcJ On pago '' cnl' ' Llndo Polal~s disPla~s<br />

IIhnt,lshnlo br Arlhus WI~I<br />

a Pllolo of her son. Scan Patrick, ltlal was loken shdrlly nflcr'his birlh in 1977,<br />

.. . .- - . .<br />

I<br />

WL'ES-T~<br />

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NN/)AL$<br />

CL;s-fuay - np<br />

Pp4< T,cE.s<br />

I<br />

t<br />

Co:.en mlcd, OT~~,, m~ellflor lo( ~rnnl cmotlonnlly when Col-cn rend tho "frnlld<br />

Conllnutd Irnm 11pdOn*<br />

nns oblnlned lly frnld and duress," by and I-~S" porunn of his ruling. hfiss<br />

counsc~or she v'n111cj her baby cnl..,,llc ~llnrlllcr. tbr wcltnrc nrm nl Polnlcs gospcd, cmbrncd prlcsl~ und<br />

. .<br />

bnck. 8 t!,c noinon Cnllrollc Archdloccsc 01 Chi. wept.<br />

on ~ccj 20, 1077. sbc sold. sllc was cng~.<br />

,~SI~IC I:C co~irtruwn, shc snl~l ~lle<br />

told lllnl (IIC ngcncy ltnd conlnctcd an llc snld Calhollc Cherltlca mnlnlnl~led anntcd In scc Scan " n~ so011 ns posslblc.<br />

nll,,pll$c Innilly rind ,lid IIO~ wnnl lo "?llcncc' nboul I!le cr~msclln: 01 hllss I hnvc 111s oa11 room nll llacd op. Il tvlll<br />

~,llsnppol~~lW<br />

lhnt lnmlly by lnklng Senn Polclcs; nd~nlllcd dcr'royln~ llcr cnsc . he tho bcst hlolhcr's 1)ny prcscnt I<br />

hnck. she sjlll Cntl~olb Chnrlllc? nlfl records; nllowcd her 10 rco SEnn only c3uld ~cl!'<br />

'<br />

:clnli illcd told her "a mlslnkc" hnd twice dsrlng lhc slx weeks 1l hod cusfo. bliss Pnlnlcs, who llves tvilh hcr pnrhcen<br />

tnnZc nnd sllc lvns 11 gel Scnn dy of thc c'lllc'; gnvr Icgnl ndrlce . cnls, so\,\ RI~C gnvc up n ~ccrclnrial lob<br />

lIack, $at counselor Ann Abrnms flnnlly hllss Polnlca, wl~lcll only 1 nltorncY to work nlchla ns n rcslnllrnllt lloslcss<br />

11cr ll~nl lllo ndopllnn wollld bc linnl cnn rln; nn~l Icl LI:c lnllscr Sl~n on UlcRnl so sllc ~~mlld npcnd ~lnys lryln~ lo l!cl<br />

nnd thnl sl:c hnd no rlgllh lo Scan. lorm permllllng the ndopllon. SOPI) bnck. Shc snl~l ll~nl 11 nnd wllcn<br />

Collcn excorlnlcd l:.e ~llnrlly moup for scan Is rcturllcd, s):c will go bilck lo n<br />

I I I@ 1 'lncg a-0 lolnl cllnrcgard" of 1110 "hcrnasmcnl" .scerc,nrlnl lob.<br />

. gut Scnn hnck, cIlnrgh4 thnl CnthDlc &liar Polnlcs \rcnl llrrnusll, which *(lcr rccprs, ~nll.ollc Cl~nrlllcs nl.<br />

, ~l~nrlllcs I5nrl cllnn:cll 111 CnsC rccerrls sflid "slloul~l hnvc nlrrle~l n lruc profcs- lorncys for<br />

lo nlnkc 11 look 0s tllollfill llnri nl Collcn's or. siqtlnl" tllnl sllc wns orllng undcr du.<br />

.<br />

ngrrcd In<br />

<br />

.,., %..d...i;. 2. *-<br />


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