Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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. Giving ' up<br />

':. f<br />

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old , . trauma, new, cause<br />

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'<br />

i. ., * N. Y, Times pews ~kriicc<br />

: '' NEW YORK - They have becn<br />

called by man nnhcs: natural parents,<br />

blologlca I' parents, gcnctlcpnr.<br />

en& and Iately. "blrthparcnls." But<br />

whatever thclr descrl tlon, thc<br />

eoplc who gave up the I' r chlldrcn<br />

Rave becn the forgotten Ihlrd of the<br />

adoption triad.<br />

Hlstorlcally, the unwed mother<br />

has been stlgn~ntlzcd as a promlscuolts<br />

woman, and tho father who dld<br />

,not marry her regarded as 8 scoundrel.<br />

Both kept thelr secret and, wllh ,<br />

, .<br />

surrendcr, severed nll ties to thelr .<br />

.<br />

offspring.<br />

. Now, spurred by the wove of<br />

odoptees searching for their or1 Ins,<br />

blolorlcal ~arents are themse 4 vcs<br />

P<br />

s enkSng out and agllaUng . . for new<br />

r<br />

.<br />

ghtr.<br />

4<br />

' Thby have thelr own nallonnl as-.<br />

sociatlon Concerned Vnlted Blrlhparents,<br />

~ UB;<br />

! "We are not against the concept<br />

of adoption but we fell that.we've<br />

been excluded and treated as babv<br />

machlnes." sald Lee Campsell, whb<br />

founded CUB In July, 1976:'s~ a sup.<br />

port and activist group for men and<br />

women who have surrendered thelr<br />

chlldren to adoptlon." It Is not a.<br />

search group to help parents and<br />

'-<br />

chlldren flnd one another.<br />

' The organlzatlon, which has<br />

about 250 members, now has chapters<br />

In Massachusetts, the New.<br />

York-Northern Jersev area and the '<br />

~csn~lyvanla~oulh llcrsey area and<br />

Is plannlna branches In Bllnnesota<br />

and - Califomla.<br />

hlost of Its members are between<br />

28 ond 35 years old of the gcneratlon.<br />

Mrs. ~nmobefl. the natlonnl<br />

pkslilent sald, "who durrendcred at<br />

a tlme whcn It was still objectionable<br />

tosublect o chlld to a ltletlme ol baatardy?'<br />

Because CUB Is so new - the<br />

New York-Northern Jersey branch .<br />

met for the first tlmc last month- It<br />

'.<br />

records to chlldrcn who have turncc<br />

. I8 and encourngd blologlcnl porcnl<br />

to volunlarlly make ovallnblc lnlor<br />

famlllcs, '<br />

But be and thnt, there Is IIttI~<br />

ngrcemcnl<br />

Mrs. ~ampicll, a proponcntoflh~<br />

most controverslnl changes, noult<br />

grant the blologlcal parent a stront<br />

volce in the cholce of the adopllvc<br />

couole. .<br />

Ilies.'in the anst. n lot oi cncrnv has<br />

been expended 'mntchlngp~i~slc~<br />

and ethnlc charnctcrlstlcs: I thlnk<br />

It's more important to match phllos.<br />

oohlcs. If the 'blrthonrent' Is adn.<br />

mant about vlailal~on rlghls, shc<br />

could be matched up wllh ndoptlvc<br />

Dnlcnts who don't consldcr the Idea<br />

abhbrrent. "<br />

. .<br />

hlarls Bleschner, secretary 01 thc<br />

23-year-old New York Stale Adoptlvc<br />

Patents Commlttce, snld she would<br />

help her own adopted chlldren seck<br />

thclr blologlcal arcnts whcn they<br />

reach the ,age o f mnjorlty. But she<br />

objected to visitation rlghls before<br />

that time.<br />

"Thc adopllvc famlly Is a total<br />

.family wltholit Including the blologi<br />

cal parent," she snld. "1f.a woman<br />

wants to vlslt her chlld, she has no<br />

buslness placing thnt chlld. Ellhcr<br />

you're a parent or you're not. It's a<br />

final kind of declslon; there's no<br />

chnnnlne .~~~ vour mlnd In the mlddlc."<br />

CUB memhrs strccscd that the<br />

had no dcslre to rc.enter Ulclr chll<br />

., - -<br />

dren's - llves.<br />

~~ ~<br />

"Our purposc Is not to take our<br />

chlldrcn oway " ciolcd hlor Ewlns,<br />

co.ordlnator oilhe New Yor branch<br />

and a rcglstcrcd nurse at hlouut<br />

Slnni Hospllnl who ave bldh to a<br />

son I8 .- venrs PCO. w f en she Was 23<br />

ears o'ld.~"~he'ndo live pnrcnls<br />

iavc parented hlm P aken care of<br />

hlm whcn he was sfck. sent him to<br />

scltuol shnrcd the joys of hls chlld.<br />

hood. loved lllm. I do want to mcct<br />

hlm.'nnd scc the face thnt mi~ht look<br />

and coun- llkeminc, hut there Is nothlnifor hls<br />

8<br />

adopted arenL5 to be frlghlcncd of<br />

Members n reed that It is csscn- I - I wou~t;otl~y ., hope he'd be closer to<br />

yd to open leafed blrth and adoptlo~~i Ihcm.<br />


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