Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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Page4A-COLUMBIA MiSSOURIAN.Thursday. Feb. 9.7978<br />

, . Abortioq may. be wisest, kindest solution'<br />

. .<br />

To the cdltor: ... ,<br />

I have read with Interest the past several<br />

months lettera written by people who ate "antiabortion"<br />

or "orelife" and those who are "DW<br />

choice."<br />

My own fcellngs on the subject of al;ortfon are<br />

of a more personal nature ban previous<br />

opinions e xprd. I will speak only for myself,<br />

but I do believe thnt while I cnnnot talk as a ;<br />

doctor, Wal worker, lawyer, minister, stpUstician,<br />

ctc.,might, perhapsin my own way I am<br />

more of an expert Ulan all these hrpes -. 01 people . .<br />

combined.<br />

I belone to in oreanization of mcnand womcn<br />

who hnv~experie&ed the trnurna and pnln of M<br />

unwnnted pkgnancy and who have undergone<br />

the agony of surrendering thc cMd to an agency<br />

for adoption plnccmenl. We are a support group<br />

of such people. (For more MormaUon write Lo:<br />

Mrs. Lee Cnmpbell, president; Concerned .Parenthood who care deeply about the needs of<br />

UnltedBihparenls Inc.; P.O. Box 573; Milford, . .the pregnant woman and her partner. The long'<br />

Mnss. 01757.)<br />

. tenn as wellas the short-term dfects of an un-<br />

I rem&ber r;ly pregnancy well and the PW~, unwanted PEgnnncY. Thdr concern<br />

hcllhh paln and agony I was drnggcd hugh gws beyond a fetus' "Ufe." To them, the<br />

shortly aftermy 'hughter's birth. I remember 1 Pre6nant Ls more a handy<br />

acutely the harassment and humiliation I was mre - she is a deserves<br />

forced t, endure at hnnds 01 arrogant, un- considcraUon of her feeUngs, emotional health<br />

concerned agency workets, whose standards to an~,",~$~$.whethor you or -<br />

Ulis very day donot reflect humane, human care.<br />

attitudes toward birthparents. , abortion is the wlsest, kindest, most humane<br />

and k t solution. Whatever your feehss on .<br />

I remember well how I was treated as. just abortion, I thlnk most of you dll agree Gt the<br />

another handy broodmarc, n free uterus, n pnir preg~nt women and her partner are human<br />

of ovaries to be manipulated, to serve !he needs behgs. We also are terribly vulnerable to .<br />

of total strnngcrs who will never offer adequate ,permnnent, severe emotional dnmage. It's time<br />

compensation for the hell I was put through for . . this fad ofUe wasreallzed by all. Thenk you<br />

their benefit.<br />

'<br />

I am truly grateful for people Uke Dr. John<br />

Higdon, Tom Darr and Karlu Myers of Planned<br />

Lhdn F. Shlpley<br />

43 h'oWnndAcrcs<br />

.. . .<br />


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