Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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. . . .<br />

M-twian_nc M~an<br />

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a,:. '<br />

, C/O Hearst Headl.ine Service<br />

235 East 45th, New York, NY 10017<br />

, .<br />

hould Stay , Buried<br />

blood or havc lnhcrlted rlchcs. The<br />

hll muslcal "Annle" caplures lhls<br />

longlng tat the unknown. thls dulre<br />

lo nrove lo the natural narcnt lltot the<br />

baby lbcy lcll hehhd his grown up to<br />

ber pemn really worth tnowlrrg.<br />

Such dreams, however. are Unreal.<br />

Isllc. Even the besf.lnteuUoncd, kind.<br />

esl adoplcn and their natural arcltts<br />

can have lltllc in common nnd f llllc to<br />

my to each olher atwr 60 many Inter.<br />

venlng yean.<br />

. Opcnlna the adoptlon files Is not<br />

(air lo the adopllve parenls. who as.<br />

sumo tho raponslblllty of carln lor<br />

. lhcse chlldren ac lhelr own. I inve<br />

known many couples who hnve<br />

ndonled chlldren a d tbclr love for<br />

Ol natural parenb lor lbelr childr<br />

' But- tho'nsscholonlcal halance<br />

allalr, even In the tllosl lntellljicnt<br />

and lovln ol homnns. Thr rnnsl3nt<br />

shadow of a mystcrlnlls natural ,taren1<br />

who would eventually he revealed<br />

, could only compllcale and lnlerlere<br />

wtlb lhal r~l~tlonshlp.<br />

. . The hlologlcal parenis and the<br />

adopllve parclllr bare a rl 111 to prl.<br />

vacy W<strong>III</strong>C~ trbnsccnds the fnlerrst 0l -<br />

the ndoplce In kno\rlng more aboul<br />

hk orla1n.p. Ft~rlhcrn~ore, onenlnc the<br />

putayean laler.<br />

I1 Is In the nallo~lnl lnlcrnl lo on.<br />

courage ndopllon, pnrllculnrl) slncc<br />

the Carter admlnlstrallon and Con.<br />

resa lnslsl thal Medlcald funds<br />

&ould not nay for abortlono lor rroar

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