Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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difforont docisions, or porliops boon happior<br />

wltli tho docisions I did riioko. I1 durlng<br />

ono of tlio onrly liilcrviows I lind boon prosontod<br />

with somotliiiig in writiti~j wlilcii<br />

would ltnve givon rno n clonror undorstnnd-<br />

I110 of wlicit o~lopllon oritnilod orid whot<br />

sorvlcos might bo nvoiloblo to mu if I woro<br />

to docido to koop my bnby.<br />

Nowndnys, somo pooplo soon1 to lliink that<br />

hirtiirnotliors should fool guilty for tiavirig<br />

givon up tliolr childron for odoption. Yot, at<br />

tho tlme, I was mod0 to fool guilty for wonting<br />

to koop my boblos. If tlroro Is ony guilt in<br />

odoption, it should bo shorod by tlioso who<br />

forcod our backs to tho woll. Porhaps tho<br />

sociol workers thougtit that tlioy woro helping<br />

unmorriod mothors by oncouroging<br />

thorn to keop their illogltimoto prognenclos<br />

socrot, but it could bo orguod that, In doing<br />

so, tlioy wero cntorlng to tho projudicos of<br />

o potrlnrchnl socloty wlilcli, trodilionnlly,<br />

110s loorod tlio soxunllty 01 wonicti. It<br />

sooins to mo tho1 blrtlirnolhors oro cxpoctod<br />

to bo tlio scopogonts for tlio scxual guilt<br />

of socinty nnd I. for oiio, nin gortiiig tircrl of<br />

boliig o scnpogoot.<br />

Editor's rtote: We tvoold wclcorne corttnrerits<br />

frorti oin renders on rile points nincte<br />

irr tho nbovo nrticle. Tlie nutlror liol~es tlint<br />

everitcmlly sho rriny be oblo to obtairi iriforrnntion<br />

on tho two birtlisoos slic gave rrp<br />

for nrlopliori. Tlrc first wns bout on April 2 1,<br />

1959, tlre secorrd on October 4, 1961.<br />

Ariy person wislrirrg to corrmct lrer niny do<br />

so core of Forriilv Irrvolvonierrt Journnl. 4<br />


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