Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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**THE DENVER POST Sun.. Much 7.1976 13<br />

Wllhoul lhc pcr~nlssion; Incli~dlng lhc fnrl<br />

llrnl hho war iIi~#ilintitlc nnd lhal her<br />

nlolllcr wns now n ICHC~C~<br />

niartltd lo n<br />

physlclnt~.<br />

"It wns lhc lirsl l hcilrd I wad lllcglil,<br />

male. 1 musl say ll fcll good. I had such<br />

a fccling of rcjcdlon nll tltcsc ycnrs. I<br />

knew 1 wes Just a.bnby, nnd it wnsn'l rcnlly<br />

~rcc'lhcy wcrc rcjccllttg. Bul I know<br />

how I fccl aboul my chlldrcn. nnd (here's<br />

, jusl no \vuy I would glvc lltc~n up." ,<br />

hlrs. Armslrong snitl she wcnl home<br />

Imntedlnlcly nnd callcd her pnrcnls.<br />

"hly mollicr wns vcry caretul lo say,<br />

'Ilave you thougltl lhls nll over? Are you<br />

rllrc yo11 mn handlc It?' I mid, 'Ycs, I'm .<br />

bl~rc.' And Otcy sl~ocvcd~tnc Wlh tho let<br />

11-r!."<br />

dcall~,",hc nddcd, when sllc lold him she<br />

had jmlncd Scnrch.<br />

"SJJO looks rnough llkc hcr molhcr.<br />

'And, ~vcll, iltcy'rc holh pcrccpllve<br />

c~~ougb. 1 tltot~gh~, bell. Lhcy're gqing lo<br />

ntecl nl n Srarch n~ccllng."<br />

By Ihnt IImc, hlrs, Armslrong wns seclhing<br />

wlfh Ittipn(lcnco ns sltc wailrd more<br />

lhan hro wccks lor hcr pnrcnts' ~tllorncy<br />

lo wrilc o pcr~iilsslon lellcr lo Joos hcr<br />

I)arcnls mllborl~cd.<br />

SCHI.I!~I IIC<strong>III</strong> nttolhc~' niccllng In lnlc<br />

Fitbrutlry. hlrfi, Arntslrong wcnl, hlrs.<br />

\Vhllo ~tl~tiosl \vcnl bl dccidcd against il<br />

nl lhc 1:tsl mlnull*. noring 11 collcc hrcnk,<br />

I s ArlnsLrssg I)cRntt tliscussl~~fi lllc<br />

~t~nl:rrss of ltcr sci~rch, nnd lncnllt~tlrd<br />

Ihr nclv fi~cls hlro lto\v ltorl - tltnl her<br />

ntolllrr crns n Ic:tclte~*. nt:lrricd lo a<br />

phgsiclnn, will1 Iwo cltlld~~cn.<br />

'I \vom;llt slto war lalkittfi lo<br />

"drnpl~~*~l l~cr ];I\\#" nnll snid, "hly (;lbd. I<br />

knt~w wltn your <strong>III</strong><strong>III</strong>IIP~ IS," uttd IICW In<br />

Ihts II*II~~<strong>III</strong>IJ<strong>III</strong>* -. whlln hlrs. Art~isIrot~fl<br />

w~~llrtl, alle si1It1. "ill 81 slillc ol sltuvk."<br />

, Sla, loo, llkc hlrs. \Vhilc, had vlslotls of<br />

havllli: her ltnlr d6ne nnrl lookln~ her lical<br />

nl (Itis lcnpnu-nitcd mcctlng. I!tslcntl. "I<br />

wns shaking as thnu:h I crctc Ircezit~fi."<br />

bnd so white attd "lwkl~!;! 50 n~vlul, pcople<br />

kcpt asking If I didn't \c;?nt a drink or<br />

~omc~i~l~tg:'<br />

Iloth aomcn nolcd lhal lhcy had h*cn<br />

wcll xnrnd. bv Search ntcn:bcrs rind<br />

lhelr cxperiencc~, lo caprcl l!e nol.sI -<br />

a lerrlble dlrnppl~ttmenl, n cold mcrling,<br />

ntnybc cven complcte rejection.<br />

"I nlrra!s thought of thc nrgnli\c<br />

: things Iirsl - lhal 1 mlgl~l mccl lhls llerson<br />

and Ihlttk. ]uckl<br />

"Pcoplc prcpnrcd me. Ion." raid Mrr.<br />

h ... .. . T -. a rr~t~rnibr, 11,1s tlllld<br />

rnlnl~l no1 b@ nll ?uu illrll~lpnl~.<br />

'l~00l~ 1~r;Ll.IsG'<br />

"Yel frotn llte very tnntnrnl . it l~rlv<br />

0 ,,,,I,I,,,, v ,., I . I. 8 . . ...,. I...I<br />

,. ,.<br />

111 <strong>III</strong>).II 11114 tlll~~v r:lov 11111 81 I.* 11'11. 11#"1<br />

H.,O Y,II~I,~II 110 1-1 lu,,tlt(.~ $11 11111111 be<br />

el~clt wtsrc nlrttid we ctuttld critrc Uln<br />

olhrr Irlxtll dl."<br />

AN Ill? 11\11 \\tlltlcn r:~l ftcor r:~t,h (<strong>III</strong>IVI,<br />

<strong>III</strong>C rcscn~blnncc dark halr. dark cycs,<br />

lealurc~. hclghl - was slaggcrlnc evcn down lo a unlqur falnlly lrnil -<br />

cr~ch of lhem 1s mlssing two of hcr lop<br />

lronl lcclh,<br />

'<br />

I7ar n!l lliclr years itlid mot~lh~ of Inipa.<br />

Ilcr~cc, 110th itorncn agreed lhal the timing.<br />

In the cnd. \\as beit. I I Iitnc<br />

both anlttcn rtcrc lu!l) co~n~n!:lr.d lo the<br />

mccllng. and slllwu~l~ llrs, Ar1119Irong<br />

snld ltcr pnrcnls sllll can't fu!l!' ncccpl il,<br />

Iltcy tiid II~ lcnst rceo~~cllc lhcmuclv~s lo<br />

llrc nirclin~. volucloril~ sl~o\r hcr !he lel.<br />

lcrs and glvc lhclr perniirsion.<br />

Mrs. \\'hllc rald that the nigh1 of lI;!lr<br />

nicclln~ shc Iwkcd toj) ihf! jn.ssnj!e IJI llto<br />

Ilible <strong>III</strong>JO<strong>III</strong> ... n litns to plant. ;: limc lo<br />

sox. n l1111c lo bc horn, n limc lo [lie. I<br />

slngcd 1111 lo read I1 . 1 bad bcrn ~cl.<br />

liltc XI int~)allcnI . . . God docs sct a<br />

selik~lulr." '<br />

As lor the r~tull~~.r's nrc~nmlllo~l Illat<br />

ltrr rl~~~t~ltlcr was \villhn shuttlin?, tlis-<br />

I~lncc'!<br />

hlrr, Ar~ttslronl: raid. "I Ilvnl in<br />

I)r~lv~r Inutl ol nly lilc )as1 o few hlocks<br />

. from hcr-slnce I wns 4."<br />

. .., .

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