Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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frlond who know soomod to know moro thon I of tho poln thot<br />

would como; thus, sllo couldn't fool my joy os acutoly 0s I did. Tho<br />

birthfothor folt dlsbollof and ongor. Ho folt cought ond trapped. I<br />

don't know if he ovor folt rosponsiblo or lovod our boby.<br />

Othor thon thoso pooplo, I kopt my prognoncy socrot for<br />

months. I wos happy ond oxcitod loornlng what It meant to cerry<br />

o child within mo. As long os it was socrot, it could hurt no ono,<br />

ond I didn't hove to foco the probability of losing my child.<br />

I told my porentsof tho plans I had modo, my plans for odoptlon<br />

to protoct my baby's fothor, his wife, ond his throo lnnocont children.<br />

1 told thom I wontod my boby to hovo o two-parent homo.<br />

They didn't disagree. That wos tho first time In my life thot I ovor<br />

sow my mother cry. It has hopponod a lot since then.<br />

Through tho Florence Crlttonton Hostings House in Massochusotts<br />

I found o wago home whore I spont tho next throe end<br />

one-half months bobysitting, cleaning house as I had nevor dono<br />

before (or ever wlll agoinl) My temporary family was welcoming<br />

and klnd and holpod make the time pass qulckly and boorobly.<br />

At tho Crit, I was counselled in a holpful way about my<br />

unroollstic lovo for a morriod man. But, to tho best of my rocolloctlon,<br />

there was no counselling in regard to my docision to surrondor<br />

my child to adoption. No olio talkod about the oftor-effocts of<br />

giving up o child. No ono offorod any olternotivos. I iotor loarnod<br />

that my poronts would hovo holpod mo to koop my child, if thot<br />

hod boon my doclsion, but thoy wore told by the Crit coseworkor<br />

not to try and advise mo - not to try ond Influonce mo In any woy.<br />

I also later loarnod that my grondmother wanted dosporotoly to<br />

take me In permanently - me and my boby - but sho was told<br />

to stay out of it. Poronts end grandparents hovo lived to regret<br />

occopting thls odvico of tho profosslonois who told thom thoy hod<br />

no right to an opinion about tho futuro of their first grondclllld<br />

end great-grondchild.<br />

My doughtor was born by Coosoroan Soction about 11:OO a.m.<br />

I'll novor forgot tho joy I felt whnn I hoord hor first cry and know<br />

thot she was olive ond heolthy. On tho morning of tho oighth doy,<br />

I orrongod tho layotto I hod brought for Lisa and gothoring my<br />

courogo and porsonol belongings, I loft tho hospital. I will novor<br />

In my lifo hovo to do onything as difficult or os painful os looving<br />

thot hospltal without Lisa. It took ovary ounco of strongth I hod.<br />

I signed tho finol relooso popers tho following doy. My parents<br />

como to got mo ond wo started tho work of forgotting.<br />

. rC<br />


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