Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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~ltlllltll:n 111and i.illi'll1 til.12 alw.1ys ,I SIIJ~CI~ flurry of ctiilrtion. "IVliocucr Arid on unc IPI isstle hc docs diller<br />

I,.IVC ht.r~i~gait~st ;~l~ortinn, tlrcy didn't Ilc.~rd of such tlrings hack rlir~ii" ;asks tlic with his cur~~radcs: U~ilikc tlic nvcr.<br />

i.m the ninvcliie~rt dctivcly u~ttil tllc is. 67.ycar.old rtblri of nttl~ 1sa;lc Ad~tlr Is. rvlrcln~injirrail>rily 111 Family I'roicction<br />

: stre ,lnlck lllinic six yc;~rs a#), \YIICII tlrcir racl L'o~r}:teg.rlioll, fl;~ili~ig his arms ill thc L1111iiy ~llcnrlrcrs, I'~vli.rkolI hcl~cvcs in tlrc<br />

.!; ~glrl~r. then IS. .~nn~rc~nccd <strong>III</strong> llcr par. ,rir ;is if tn shoo it away. Ptrli.lkuff, sccru lewisli law that ,111 ah~rrtion ia acccpt,ihlc<br />

'<br />

.rr tli~t .lie was prcgnarrt, llcrr lie tary ul thc V,r.rd Ilcrrali~rrrlnr Cutrr~cil 01 il perlum~cd rrillii~~ lorty days alter lertil.<br />

I ~1111o vis~lily upset wlicrt Iic talks ;rlruut Oi~l~odan ll.ibhis ol llaltirn~~~c, cxplairis ization.<br />

I..: "trcatt~ir~nl" shc then rcceivcd lrorn that "pcoplc,l~avc lust tlicir ~cligiuus ori. "['eoplc c.111 h;~vc honest dillcrmccs of<br />

tl~c pnrlcssi~r I;II colrin~unity.<br />

ct~t.?tic~ri."<br />

11pitiiu11 and still Ire ~tinral," IIC in5ists. Po.<br />

) "Tlic srrcidl workers treated my ddu& This crosiuri of spiritilalily, thc rabbi Iiakull is iicw allir,riR tlic rat~ks of hloral<br />

:! rcr likc tmsli ... likc she was a bareloot Irclicvcs, he&ln when "pco~~lc hcct~rr~c hlaiority, arid hc llopcs that lhcrc wiil be<br />

. hillbilly . from Wcst Virxinia ... iust be. riiorc scientific and bcgan probing into sunlc "clar~licatio~i" as to what is ~iioral,<br />

I e.rusc she would not co~isidcr abortion as tlii~ijis." (To dc~nolisli llarwin's theory nl "I nicrn. WIIJI arc yutr ji~rin~ to ilof Takc a<br />

.:. an alterndlive." Amid tears, tcriipcr, arrd cvolutlon, hc lines up scveral dinrrcr fcllow who in cvcry other way you con.<br />

; rni~cb cu~ifusinn, the 1icr:o sent thcir<br />

rider moral. and when yoc~ f~nd lic dis.<br />

dru~litcr to n ho~iic for utlwcd ~iiotlicrs<br />

aprccs with you on onc thing, ltc's out<br />

'1 n , upon tltc advicc of the social<br />

c~~tirplcrclyl"<br />

9 workers, insisted that SI~C place t h child ~ The Falllily 1)rotection And he's optrrri~stic. "I do~r't think that<br />

: up lor adoption wlicn born. But nn thc-..LobbY empllasizes hl its wc can go down rnucli lurther monlly,"<br />

!: d;y the adoption papers were to be,<br />

lie says, sIr.rkinp 111s head atid Iaupliing.<br />

e., S~KIIC~, thctr dauhtcr ilunn hcrsel( on the literature that Illore<br />

"Thc only dircctiun wc can go is up.''<br />

.:i 11;ior screaming [hat slic w~ntcd lo kccp<br />

bL1biCS a?IC abOL.tCd ill tile<br />

'4 lrer brbl<br />

Sudllcnl rllc dccr/cr~ing ro~rr~tl o/ II rt~r.<br />

:I "Nrrdlc\s to sav." says Lillran Hcrz United States vearlv thm clccrr cxplorron rrps throu~h the audrto<br />

'!sr~ltly as she pulls ; fra11;cd picture of a<br />

rrum as prcrurcr o/ nrrtn,qt nru.sbrootn<br />

'. sn~ilinl: 6.ycar.old off her living rourn Jews were mii;dFrcd<br />

clo~rds llarlr tn soccesrlon urr tlrc screen.<br />

,ii nrantcl, "wlien I look at this sweet little durillg World War LI.<br />

Irr tlrc oud~cncc, n srttull boy3 cyet grow<br />

lacc. i think of all the babies wlro arc<br />

widr ivith c.scrrcnrmt or 111c tul~i~tling<br />

... .i ahortcd who would have been iust likc<br />

sound of uvnd irlls the roorn.<br />

.a!<br />

.., her."<br />

s'lfos,;nyth;"R /,kc this cvcr lrapjier~ed<br />

,> Abortion is murder, ray the Hcrzcs, end blatcs on llis tahlc. Picking one of then1 in your days or tire drrys 01 your lorela.<br />

:I there is no room lor compromise- UP. he slys. "If I said to YoL,. 'This is the then1 ~ l n w the trtrnipctsj Lct 1111 who<br />

(6 especially wlicn thcrc is an "excellent, f~rst pl.lt~ ever created ... and it Jet'cl. Iive in the land rrcmlle. /or the day of<br />

screntific mcrhod" for birtl~ control. Tlrcy oped all thcsc others,' wouhd You bclirvc llrc end<br />

,: conlir~g. .."<br />

cannot uridcrstatrd why murc educators mci B.lh!"l Closc.ups 01 lire cast an oranpt plorv in<br />

.!in bolh public and rcli~ious conirnunitics "All the evils lwe have arc the room as irz cr'rck/irtg sound rnrnrsi.<br />

'.: rvill not rcach ',n.~tural lariilly plannin~" "suit of rcicction of Cud." he sJY% lies. "\/,\nlerrca ~lorsrr't repent. God ,\ill<br />

form of brrth control siniilar to the uxpl.'inin~ he rcadil~ cmbraccs the e;tllUr chastI.n this cotrntry or abolish it<br />

rhythm mctliwl.<br />

goals 01 the Fanilly Protection Lobby. "Wc<br />

to and ~ ,. ~ , n, bock ~ ~<br />

'L "11 rcyuircs a little sclf.denial,w con. have lust reached our limits, and some to cod,<br />

ccdcs tier: with a scowl, "sumc~hitig thirl~ 113s to nround. Today is the -7hc time is short. . . . And lvhat will<br />

thrt's against tlic Anicrican and the Carh. of dc~ravil~." you soy ivlrcn your childrm inquirc.<br />

;I olic grain."<br />

Poliakolf says today's tolerance shown . ~ ~ ~ ,,.hot j d tvcre ~ . you iv/len<br />

for hornoscxuals proves his poinr: "There Anleric,r corllnlurl~sr~r~~~<br />

<<br />

Phorngmplrs of corlrd /etuse> covered arc no two ways about it: A hor~~oscxual<br />

: tvitlr hlood/Ia.sIr onto the screen o/ is a pervert. hlost of them don't ivllnt to It is casc perhaps a bit too easy, to dis.<br />

.:Fahvcll's slitle slto~v. rtrpidly inrcrrpcrscd bc corcd." Last year Poli~koff testified miss hloral h1.iioriry as iust ;inother ex.<br />

..trlr shots olAdollHirlcr. dcud 1 ~ ~ and ~ ~ against s . city gay rights lcgislatlon that trcn~ist lootnote for futurc history bouks.<br />

C:lorio Stcir~ctrr. "11 ~r-errnkirrx pllrce would havc given homuscxuals legal pro Dcmagogucry-from thc riglit and the<br />

irrghr in lronr o/ our eyes bccausc ivc tection. left-is not new in America. Nor arc prv<br />

.tllrln't care." the voice sho~rts. "so thr "These arc sick pcoplc." hc says. "You litical hrliels srrld in tlrc ndnie of C~rd and<br />

: Anrericon rlrearrr flus Occontc o l~ideous cmnot cxpcct parents to put their cliil. rcinfurccd by specters uf every irnapir~ablc<br />

Amcrican nrplrtnrarc."<br />

Jrcn into 2 sch~x~l situation whcrc thc threat. Thc apocalyptic vision of ludg.<br />

' On rl~e ,rudrturiurn stagc, young kids will gut the idea th~t<br />

this pcrvc~t is a ~iicnt Day is a lungsta~idinp staple of<br />

!!vonlcn in long blue dr~sscr sit slunrpecl linc person and normaf."<br />

evangclisni. But the call ru acknowlrdgc<br />

' !o,r tbr. lloor and rrnn. "IVe lwtp lor yeto, Alrhouyh Poliakoif bclicves organira. Cod hclurc it's too late ilds hvcn ~iven<br />

! .An~erico.... lVe weep lor you. An~er tirr~is llkc the Fa~iiily Ptotcction Lcrbby new urgency today, 3s hloral hlaiority<br />

will give thc United States the spirrrual t.tkcs adv~nr.lpc of the fear of nucluar war<br />

rcvlvol it nccds, he has had lit~lc success ;<strong>III</strong>~ Strvict cxp~nsionis~~i.<br />

A~iicrica has been "dying" 1111 dec pcrsuadi~iji tnrrst lcadcrs ul the lucal letv Locally, huwcvcr, tlic Family I'r~i~ection<br />

I . a h , c~rritcnds Rahlii hlanucl i'trl~akolf. ish c~rrrrn~uc~ity to cnlbrdce the ~ruup. Jle Lolrby belicvcs the v~]u~lly widespread<br />

He lr~njis lor ilicpcntlcr diiys of his ynutli, has lleen flatly told by ~rp~cscnt~tivcs 01 ;lnxicty abur~t the dissuluti~~~i 111 tlic tradi.<br />

i when "mntl~cr%,as the hub of the lio~nc tire Associated lewish C11.1r1tics tl1.11 they ticinil fa~n~ly has 111e greatest p~~tcntial lor<br />

I ,%ho kcpt cvcrytliirig togctlicr." \Vl~cn all ;Ire suspici~rus of an uryariizatian rliat creating converts lo llic cousc. Lc.tdc1<br />

the kid, slrpt in Uruld tlill I'a~k rln hot illdgcr polrlical r;llldld~lcs s~ilcly by its \Vriglit s.iys people feel lost withuut<br />

i ',unilricr niglitc. Wlicn "pr~rplc related IU<br />

'<br />

~liurnl stand.~rds. "YIIU know," hc ex. ~iir~ral Ieadcrslrip. "Despite cvll~t sorr~c<br />

csch otllcr." \$'lien dourr were 11111 Io~kccf ~li~irirs c~ci~edly, "tlrese guys arc CIJLY! I~bcral huln~riists, \vIio arc \V.<strong>III</strong>U\V<strong>III</strong>~ ill a<br />

I '"4 ri~rrclrurit windows weren't protcctcd Wlr.11 else are YOU going to iudgc them sea ol relarivis~ii, say. there is a rl~lit atid<br />

by metal grates. <strong>III</strong>I~" a wror~g." He ctrr~tcrrds tll;rt ;I l.itgc r c ~<br />

! ' nut .dl tlt.rt was 11fty years ;rgo, .rrrJ to. Nu1 thdt 1'11li~k1rff bel~evcs that nior~l mcnt ul tlic poliuI.ltir~11 is "CI).<strong>III</strong>~~ 11111 lor<br />

jdJy "the diilc~cricc is likc rlid~t<br />

1<br />

JIIJ day." Ity call IIC cdsily o~rccd upoti. Fur,r,cui~i& 1111rraI Ic.~dcrsli~~-tl~~~~c<br />

ill ~IIC<br />

.. '<strong>III</strong>USIIY<br />

S~<strong>III</strong>II): UI~ a tvtiude~i chair ill Itis 1'1kes. for a I~ I~IC~I( tire "ir~~rn~rraIity"~rl 11111110. rt~lddle.' TIIL.~ .ire ~tr~iddlir~g tire Ie~iee,<br />

;ille krtcl~eri, Pt~lrakr~ll decries "air pollu. S~X<strong>III</strong>~S, I'uIl~k~lff s~ys. "YOU C~I? iililgc a irlrd we hope to fie1 tlie~ii dtr\vn."<br />

!!on, wdtcr pullution, r11ir111 pollution" In pelson's 1nor:llity bascd on one issue." UII~<strong>III</strong>~<strong>III</strong>C~~ 1111 /1119e 113<br />

'. 4:. ., BALlWOQE MAGAZINE Llr\V lVBl 78

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