Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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Adoptive parents fear search -<br />

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EDITOR'S NOTE: \\'hen an atloplcd chlld<br />

decldes lo scek 111s or her ttnlurnl pnrcnls, lllrrc<br />

1s an uncertainty ns to what the rcnclion will he 'A mother, to me, is the<br />

pnrenls.<br />

when n womnn seeks the thlld mother ~110 takes responsi-<br />

. ,<br />

..... . .nut lherc Is llltlc rTnu~rt whnt eflcct lhc bilify, ~110 would figltt to<br />

... nppenrance of n nnlllrnl nlotller wottld hnve<br />

. !, on the parcnlswho ntlnplcd lhnl C<strong>III</strong>I~. keep her child, and sure<br />

wouldn't* siue it a(uay4'<br />

,:. I -bolll lor llle child and lor the nnlt~rnl<br />

1 ! The snmc is lrt~c<br />

I. she surrendcrcd lor ntlo llon.<br />

:. . Todny, In the Ioarlh pnrl ol n scries, FOCIIS 1<br />

. .. reporter Norma noth rccotmta (11e rcncllons<br />

.,..<br />

..,,! of a call lc wllh an ndopte~l child lo IIlc<br />

... - An ndoptlvc nlolhcr<br />

.. . I~OIIR<strong>III</strong><br />

tgsl a nnlarol mothcr mlght eotnc<br />

. . .,. ..,,<br />

. looklag lor their chlld. .<br />

, me! The guy sold, 'Jusl n rnin~llc.' on11 wbcn hc mer<br />

-. . . b b m bock on Ibc phone, llc sold. 'llnw would yo11 Ilks lo hr<br />

Ihc molhcr ol n baby plrl?' "<br />

' ' The adOpllng Parcnls makc llllrd sldc 01 Ih' 'lWe pol her a1 Do'clockil~e ncxl nrorning," shc snlll<br />

I ado lion triangle. "The ntlnule they walk In ll~c raorn ~ vill~ lhnl baby<br />

hLrk Susan not llleir lhcrc's ~~olhing clsc that mnllrrs:' snlll ,!lark.<br />

arc such pnrenls. They hn1.e two sot~nl: cbildrcn. On) ~l~~ ndoplil pnrcn(s sclcc( lloby.s ,(I.<br />

of lLcm Is adopled. In join ntly croul nflcr slx nlonl k 13,<br />

would work lo Insure kccplng adapllul<br />

lhc birth tcrlilirnlc is cl~nngcd wllll<br />

lhc cl~lld's new nnnlc and lhc nnrnc 01 llrc adoplilrg<br />

records sealed.<br />

porcnts In lhc plncc of ihc nnlernl pnrrnls.<br />

"Wc have very slrong fccllngs agnlnst it." Susal wny, 1tss our cllild... suSns<br />

snld.<br />

. .. . . . "The way I looked nl I!. If $ou'rc gclllrrg n ncwbnrtr.<br />

. ..<br />

ray lo ourdaughlc lhc only ivny Ore child's molhcr is n ~noll~cr is la Il,r<br />

. :.; , look lor hcr nnlurnl molhcr wo~rl~l he If sllc hnl term gmo(hcr. 11'~ tlscrl I, our soelrlg. Cal.c.<br />

,, . , . somclhln physlcnlly tvrong with her lhnl tvns l~crcdl blrlll lo [he bally,- hlPrk mill.<br />

. . lory or I!I bccnn~c such n menlnl erirls I11cre wns nl susnn ,ddcl, ,.A lllolllcr, is nrn(hrr lvh,,<br />

allctnnllve." she snld.<br />

.. .. lnkrs rcspnnslltlllly. who \vnuld liehl In kcrl~ hrr chil~l.<br />

.. "Il the day cnmc when (hat hccamc nn lss~tc I ,d ,,,., 61vc ll a\vay, .rllcrc.s ,var. Al!<br />

wodd lcar me apnrt inside, bul I would go nlong nnd<br />

wotl~l~ ,,,, mc,<br />

would haw I was strong cnollgh not (0 show her llov "T)lrrc nrc grcfil spntls lltnc \vllrll ~0<br />

, . much I hurl."<br />

lor!ct sl1e.s<br />

adoplcd. A1 one ll~nc. 1 ttr~rldn'l use Iltc yrtrrl. btrl on,.<br />

Both Lundslroms vehcrnenlly opp~scd opcnlnl dny I sold. ,WE 11avc 10 tell her; SO \,I. rat l~cr cloun 111:<br />

ado tion records.<br />

thc snln anti lctld hcr. llcr ln~ntr~lI;~lc rcspotlre tva%<br />

"FL's like p~aylng ~arncs wllh lhc haby." Susn~~ sald -con 1 go bock otlll ,vnlrll T", no,v?. -<br />

' " ' "I cnn't i~nnglnc a yoclng co~rple n.110 cnn'l I18t.c 5lnrk said, w~llc did .,vho tnolller!* I<br />

thlldrcn who dcspcralrly wnnl them, who wnll nnr<br />

. . snid, + Y loakilg ~ llcr,, ~ - ~ ~ ~<br />

wnll and pay lllc unwdly nnloltlll of lllonrv I( custs what 11 na(llral lllothcr cnlled and ~drtll~firl:<br />

, who nnswcr n thousnnd qucslions, rind slll~ never 111<br />

.. . hcrscl,?<br />

ccrlaln Ole child lhcy adopl will rcally ltc ll~cre.<br />

. . .<br />

"I'd slnrl irrnrbllng all over nnll 1'11 hnpe I'd civ~r<br />

As hrrnlnc hlcCurdy rccnllcd lhc jrjln of givin~ 111<br />

nrny lnVc lllnl shc.cl slill rl;,!. lvllh 1.d I:.:<br />

I " Susan i*ua'lstrom rccallcd Win no llrc wol~rnn. 'Tlrcre's 1111 way lhnl cl~il~l 1vo1111l rvcr 11,<br />

bclng able to hnve n Irnl>g.<br />

.' . "You go lhrosg11 lhc yrors whrn ynll try lo irnve n yollrs llPr.l ..sllsall dcspllc salll, the fnct Ihal you gave lrlrlh 1,<br />

baby. You gu lo ll~c doelnr cvrr? rnnrllh. YOU hart<br />

lcsls nnd keep lcln~=rnlllrc cllnrls ?lid hnvc smlr rerorlls<br />

~llllollgll<br />

n,,cncll<br />

( I pr,lpe~(ng<br />

,llrv<br />

~<br />

(in<br />

~<br />

llnl<br />

lo ~ II~VC ~<br />

illlrr,crr<br />

(lIc ndolllll~..<br />

,I.<br />

lubes blown, otllY lo flc told You ulll I1cvcr Ilnvc<br />

cllildrcll lllldcr 18, hlnrk .mlli, -jllsl ll~rnurc lllry.!<br />

rhlldrcn.<br />

8<br />

18. IIOLV' many are crnnlloaolly tnnlurc cr.ough I<br />

"hlaybc gnu llnd ool whnl's wron nnd nrn!hr ?or ~lnnl~lc<br />

s,ICI~I~I! ilkc 11131?~<br />

dnn'l. YOU want lnR~vcyoer ~les~,anrFr~rildrcn~'~~n~~~t 0 ~ llavr 1 ~l,u ~ ,lllrrll ~ eolc rvllll lol~a)., ~llr.\.dall<br />

.. Ihc prohlcm is wllll lllc Illlsbond. but lllcn wc'r~ told 11 nrcll lo llnvc lilnl nllllrl~ hrlrdcn rill<br />

wc rvut~t klds wc rill here lo n~lo~tt.<br />

Illel, lllill,~s.<br />

t~linlllc Il~c). k1111w ll~cy'rc 18. and I;<strong>III</strong>I~ lhc lruuks ill<br />

"Ever J I ~ Y kllu\vs YOU CPII'I have chlldrt-n. II'~ nllrn lllry.rc<br />

hen~lllnl!&." shc snid.<br />

ri,,,,<br />

"Es~trcinlly 111 l~otncs whcrc Ihrre hnan'l bccn 3.<br />

011rc n couplc ~lccidcs lo ndnpl a bnby lhrrc arc <strong>III</strong>C<br />

qllcsllons by lflc ilgcllrs, (Ilc inlrrricws rind -tvnrs1111 r lcil ~l,lrll,loll,~.<br />

llrr ~ltls~tnll,~ ,,,lIll,~, cshlayl,Q lly l~ltlc ttl,.y.,r;<br />

. . all - lhc !vnIlinj!.<br />

"\Ye wnilrd 11; ~tr~~nllla lor a child.':<br />

liruy'rr n ~al~~ri~ ~<strong>III</strong>)IICII lo ir;~n~l!c 11. ily Ilrcn. ll~rg'!,<br />

S U S said. ~ rcn,.~ll~li<br />

1111, nllti ~llvcl~ in l~~~lrrl,ll~ ,vilys,<br />

"Y~II rouldt~'l b~~llrvc thc c~~~oll~ianl nposy ?nit $11<br />

..Unlll chilli rllnrrlrd; ilc.s k,lo,Vn ntlc<br />

<strong>III</strong>~OIICII. wailln~. You \rail cvcry day, nnd r,vrly tlily "1 ,<br />

lhc cclae gels n lillle closer.<br />

"I'd cnll lhr nccncy crcry wrck on11 ~ clllc l salnr<br />

nttsrvcr. noon I collcd Thcrc an11 IV;IS<br />

snld. no 'Yna'vc balry lur latl nlc. In l'llr~~<br />

hnvc crlrr nllrr.<br />

11 I~nby lor T<strong>III</strong>II1Sl)AY IN FOCUS: Tllr nfic~tcics.<br />

.- ..- . . l;..: . .<br />

fil18 lo have kl,l,f;. s ~ ~ , ~ ~<br />

- -<br />

. . . . ; I<br />

I<br />

i<br />

,.<br />

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1 .<br />

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