Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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My Aibptecll Daughter PJmted<br />

To Rnd Her Naturd Mot11er<br />

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I wns ltcnrlbrokctl If slrc succcctlccl,<br />

~vl~cn Knrcti inslstcd<br />

tvould I lose l~cr? Or<br />

on finding tltc wotlinn<br />

woctld love provc<br />

who gnvc birtlt to hcr.<br />

stronger tl~nn blood?<br />

y husbnnd, other pnrct1L3 have rctl<br />

George, nltd 1 hnir?"<br />

ntloptetl Knrcn "Ilotv should 1 itno\v?"<br />

tvhcn uhe mns five dnys 1 nt~swcrcrl lrril:~bly.<br />

oltl. It wns the joyful<br />

"Whnt doca it ntnttcr?"<br />

clirt~nx to ycnrs of fras-<br />

Thcn. tVllcn she tvns<br />

trntlon durir~g tvhlch In high school, KR~CII .- .<br />

we'd tried unrcucccssfully cnntc hotttc nntl ~ I I -<br />

to stnrt n fnmily. Rut<br />

t~ouncctl to IIR thnt her<br />

despite our longirtg for<br />

clnss wns tlolng a 11rojcct<br />

. children, wc hnd hccn otl gct~cnlogy. Tltc idea<br />

hcsitnnt nbout ntlol)ting.<br />

tvns to trncc tltcir nnccs-<br />

Could we, tve nskcd our- tors bnck to thclr ~tntivc . -.<br />

selves, love nn ndoptcd Inads nntl then dr~itt'<br />

cl~lld ns much ns we<br />

fnn~ily trecs.<br />

would love one of our "Your jirent-groat<br />

, very own? grnntlpnrcnts on 1112' sitle<br />

. . As soon as we snw cnme fro111 1 rclentl," I told<br />

Knren, nil our doubts<br />

her, "Antl Dnddy's \vcrc n<br />

ilisnppcn~~ctl. She lny in n crib, Dnntty more yours thnll me?" nilxtoreof Scotcl~ nntl E~lfilish.''<br />

bald nnd wrinkled, looklrtg 111- "Ab8olutcly not," I told her "Dut tlto~c aoc~l'l nly nrtcrcdlbly<br />

vulnernblc. I rcnchcd firmly. "It's beill&! tolrottier ccstors," Icnren snid slotvly. "I<br />

out for hcr ns instil~ctlvcly nn thnt nlnkes pcople n fnlnt!y. 11o11't know nt~ythlnj! nl~otttrillif<br />

I hnd just given birth. As I You tlos't tnkc love nwny froni aclf. I ment~, I could i~c Gor~nntt<br />

held her close, I looked up nt one person to give it to nn- or Frcnch or nnything."<br />

Gcorjio'u fnce nnd snw thnt his other. The mn~ic is thnt lo\'c T<strong>III</strong>IL COII~C~RII~~OII nntl the<br />

wonder equaletl niy o\tvn. just keeps coming." lost, worricd look on my tln~~sh-<br />

But tve hnd n surprise nhcnd. This ntntlc sense to Knrcn. tcr's fncc t~psct nic tcrribiy. I<br />

Eight ycnrs Inter I bccnme She never ~ceti~ctl jealous of pltot~cd the scltool to tell tltc<br />

pregnnl~t nntl \vc \velcomctl n D~<strong>III</strong>IJ.. We were B close, lot'itt~ tenchcr tvhnt I tl~oujil~t of j:lrson.<br />

Thrilled ns tvc ~vere. this fnmily. lnp chlltlrcn such nn nuuij:nmlrncle<br />

in no tvny tlin~inished Even no, cvcry once in n mcnt.<br />

. our feelings for Knren. wltile Knrcn nskcd 11s nl~out "I'm sorry if this hns cnuscd<br />

On tho nttvicc of the socinl her "rcnl pnrcr~ls." Thosc qocs- problet~~s," RIIC npologizccl. "Of<br />

worker nt tho ndoptioll ngcltey, tiotls II~WUYR setit n chill course, linrctl nlny tlrnw 1tc.r<br />

wc hnd never co~~ccnled from throu~h me. I ren~cmbcr n con- fanlily trec ~IS<strong>III</strong>&! your ~IICCR. .<br />

Knren thnt she \vns arlo~~tctl, vcrstitiot~ whc~t sl~c wns 12. tors. Itttt. . .I' nhe pnitsetl. thct~ +<br />

So when \ve brot~~ht D:~nny "You'rc nl\vnyn snyi~tl! Dntl- ntldctl hesilnttlly, "do yo11 11:ivc ;<br />

-<br />

home from the hosl~ilnl, Knrcn ny looks like I)ntltly," Knrcn <strong>III</strong>I~ i~~fortt~ntlor~ nhot~t I(11rctt's<br />

wna full of qucstio~t~, snid. "They're both no blo~td. rcnl pnrents? She docs sccnl so<br />

"Dnnny ctime out of your Nobody in this f~tntily lins re11 engcr to know ~ornetltit~g." x<br />

.a<br />

tumn~y," I(nrett snid logicnlly, hnir but nle. I'tl rcnlly like to "My husbnntl nt~tl 1 coasidcr $<br />

"And I didn't. Docs tillit mnkc ktiow how I got It. Did my ro~lrin~rd 011 patv $2 2<br />

.<br />

30<br />

f<br />

I<br />

. .<br />

GI 2,

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