Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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Jane Bosvckl. Palrlcla Cnrblrre<br />

Jonrrnc Edgnr, Nlr~a Flnkclalcln<br />

Surannc Brnun Levfnc<br />

Sumn Mcticnry, Mar(ha Nelaon<br />

. Lclly Coltlrr l'o(lrcblir<br />

Gloria Stclrrern. Ruth Sullivan<br />

Ellcn Swccl. Mary Thom<br />


Slarce Crufle. Darcy GlI~,ltr<br />

Octsy lsrnel. Rllodn Kalc~lnsky<br />

Dclla Rowfond<br />

DESIaN<br />

Dlane Lattrpl~ron.~R~hbln Sclrlll<br />

:, I<br />

Desl(lrr consuilanl: Slcve Phllllpr<br />

. - . - - .<br />

Lnlrrle H1l5man. Barbara Kraus ,<br />


Mnrgarc"llcks(Advenlslng' ' '<br />

Nancy Maldn. Calherlne O'linlre . ,., ,i<br />

Arlene Packles. Joan Ptrllpolt ,<br />


Ell~ahclh M. Lang. Cathy L sypal .<br />

ADVERTISIN0 . .<br />

Jane Dcrnsteln. Courtncy Dlllcn ,<br />

Elltahlh Grilnn<br />

Janlcc Orosrmon, Wayne Hcflln<br />

Anne Ilollon. Rlla Malaleala<br />

Ka~ROrc.LauraSchro~ .<br />

Eslhcr Wilson ICInsalfled)<br />

Reglonal O(llces<br />

Mldmst Fellcc Arden<br />

tladassah Lev1<br />

West: Lanah Jones. Tars Slrnpaon<br />

PUBUSlIINa<br />

Patrlcla Carblnc. Susan Hollman<br />

Georgia Roulals, Arthur Torlow<br />


Jane Fox, Elizabeth Jacobren<br />

Audrcy Wilson '<br />


Faye Harvlrr<br />

Jan'csMi'chc~~~Janc'St'apiro<br />


lngclmrg Day, Sumn Dworkln<br />

Barbara Ehrenrelch<br />

, Marcla Ann Glllesplc<br />

Cmol Kleltnan. Hohln Morgan<br />

MaryPcacock.Phylll~Rosscr .<br />

Claudc Sewan-Schreiber<br />

Llndsy Van Geldcr. Alkc Walker<br />

Llsa Cronln Wohl. Yvonne<br />

. . '<br />


SCIIOIARS<strong>III</strong>P AND EDUCATION<br />

C1II1.tlnc R, 8llmpson. Chrlr. Doug1.s~ Colle"c<br />

D~nhlbIlntk.~I~~ir~~l~.~rltx~~I,~~~,r~t,riorml<br />

.<br />

Ifru~,lrcll,~fal irillttl~t!ll8lrrlll1l~(u lllc-<br />

Ad~k~f~wft~c~,tI 01 \V.Cl~nr.s~r CoiIq)e<br />

'<br />

1<br />

.- - -- - - - -<br />

Ing-It seerns a slionie llint we give men sclf.cngcndcred helplessness 01 a Jarils<br />

1<br />

so mucti credit for jusl being overage. Joplln is lnflnitcly preferable lo llic<br />

Pl~llip A. Wenk numerous all.fcniale bands ilial have<br />

Portland,Oreg. flowered under tlie loose banner c'<br />

"punk rock." Tlic loci llial bands llke Ili~<br />

Is llic "new" Ms. a father? If so.*hen Au Pairs, the Modcllcs, llie Slils, llic Belle<br />

dld Uiis sex-cliarige opcratlon lake Stars, llic B.Glrls, and ttle (lo-Go's are<br />

place?<br />

not merely cull bonds (Ilic Go.Go's ore<br />

'Equal opportunity 1alliers"--In a the nrst lernule rock bond In Iilsloly lo<br />

plg's eyel'rhcday tliey lakcoff from work break lnlo the U.S. top 20) Is a source<br />

and take on the complele runnlng of ll~e 01 great prldc lo "punk" fcrninlsls llke<br />

household so that ri~ollicffi con have myself.<br />

tlmc to "be Involved in the lives 01 tlrelr It rnigli\ be uschll lo polnl out that<br />

children" al play.. . Illat's !lie day I'll con. I1 was "punk rockers" who started llie<br />

cede equal opportunlly lalhcrlng. Unlll Rock-Agalnsl-Raclsni arid Rockthen,<br />

the "discovery" 01 fatlicrhood Is Agalnsl-Scxlsm organlzatlons in Brllnln.<br />

only another grab for the goodlcs ... llie It is punk rockers who ore rcvlving a<br />

"joys." N. Sliorpc strong interest In forrns 01 black musk<br />

Castlelon, N.Y. lrom rliy(lim and blues llirougli soul,<br />

funk and disco, aRer llic ugly (and racist)<br />

I read with sadness "Is There Anylhlng<br />

a 28-Year-Old Can Teach Her<br />

anti-dlsco backlash 01 heavy rnelal fans<br />

In the lare'scvenllcs. And It Is "punk rock-<br />

Teenage Slsler?" by Calliy Cevoll (Feb- ers" who have produced llic rnost effecruory.<br />

1982). llwe who are In our lwenlles llve prolesl agalnsl violence lo women. In<br />

and thirties have nolliing totell our sisters Rhoda Dakar and the Speclal A.KA.'s<br />

that lheydon'talready know. thenour lib- haunting plece about rape etitltled 'The<br />

eration has cost us dearly indeed. To Bollcr."<br />

equole sexunllly solely wilh genital actlv- When I see a young wortion like<br />

Ily Is as allenaung as llic denlal or repres- Cevoll's slsler who is so wltlioul an Idellslon<br />

of female sexuality. No wonder we lily Uial she must ernulale a long-dead<br />

speak of the full physlcol expression of counterc~rllurc, I feel sorry lor her. She<br />

sekuality in negative terms (the loss 01 ccrtolnly can't expect the young men her<br />

vlrginlty).<br />

age who emulate the same counlerc~l<br />

In the ellort to combat centuries of Lure lo bcany different fromllielr predc<br />

repression of women as human beings cessors. (In my ~~perlen~e.lh~y're just as<br />

and as sexual belngs we have unlortu- scxlsL)<br />

nalely managed lo deliumanlze sex. Isn't As long as "punk" femlnlsts like my-<br />

It time ttial we renllze lhdtyoung men and self ore universally Ignored or conwomen<br />

need more than birth-control ln- demned by second-wave feminists, there<br />

formation? Isn't It Ume that we tell them can be no third wave of femlnlsm. It's o<br />

that sexuality Is a cruclal part of the total shame, because as a ihlrd.generallon<br />

personality, tile means Ulrougli whlcli we femlnlst (my grondrnolher, was a sufenter<br />

Into loving relotlonshlps that are froglst) I know how much I owe my preself.enhancing<br />

not self-destructive? Are decessors. We could learn from each<br />

we not yet liberaled enough to rccognlze olher, but not unlll we pul our prejudlccs<br />

tliat lndlscrimlnate sexual actlvlly is not behlnd us.<br />

synonymous wllli autonomy, and are we<br />

Deborah K. Lnzarolf<br />

not secure enough in our own sexualily<br />

Orinda. Calif.<br />

to tell that to our sisters and lo our<br />

brothers?<br />

"I wanted to keep my child,<br />

Mary Jo Nolin but was never offered<br />

Bellicsdn. Md.<br />

resources to do so"<br />

"As long as 'punk' feminists like I was vcry pleased lo see 11ie senslmyself<br />

ate ignored by second- uve, I ~OU~~I~UI letters from two ~dopt~vc<br />

wave feminists, there can be no mollicrs in the February issue. If more<br />

third wave ..."<br />

adoptlve parents lell as lhcy do, birth<br />

'I'<br />

mothers would not have lo slrlfer as<br />

I've nollccd . Uiat feminisls are much. In answer lo sonic Issues tliey<br />

quick lo jump on Ule bandwagon rolsed: the reason Illat many blrtli<br />

of support for any lrodlllonai female molhers. Including myself, ore so bltler.<br />

folkslngcr/songwritcr, and are even is because we were used, because vlr<br />

qulcker lo condemn all "punk rock." were llcd to, and because we hod no re.<br />

Apparenlly, ticcording to Calliy cholcc. We syrnpnllilze wilh IIlc pain 01<br />

Ccvoli and her ilk, the sell-dcslruclivc, women who ore lnletllle, arid know tlial 1<br />

i<br />

G'MaJJunr 1982<br />

A'<br />

39b<br />


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