Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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But you don't forgot. You novor forgot. And you novor forgot<br />

tho poin. Yos, lifo goo8 on, and if you oro lucky you build o iioppy,<br />

fulfilling lifo for yoursoif. But timo is your friond only in its growing<br />

longth botwoon ottocks of poin, loss, griof, end guilt. Tho guilt, if<br />

you ore lucky, obotos. But tho poin ond loss romoin.<br />

Adoption moy hovo boon 'right' for my doughtor. I connot<br />

doboto wliothor or not sho hos e good homo, loving fomily. But.<br />

for mo, it will novor bo right. Adoption as it exists today - ond<br />

existed then - is inhumoni<br />

Imogino tho engor whon, yoors lotor, you roolizo whot might<br />

hovo boon. lmoglno tho frustrotion whon you roalizo tho oitornotivos<br />

ond rosourcos which woro ovoiloblo, but hlddon from you.<br />

After seven years of struggling wlth tho poin ond unobio to<br />

forgot, I returned to tho Now Englond Homo for Littlo Wonderers<br />

who hod orrengod Llso's adoption. They proved to bo far more<br />

oympothotic ond undorstonding tiion I hod hopod ond woro willing<br />

to accept my Relooso of Protoction/Consont to inform. My birthdoughtor's<br />

fomiiy sccoptod this communlcotion grotofully ond<br />

hovo said they would support her soarch for me if ond when<br />

she wonts to.<br />

Now I must wait for them or for her to como to terms wlth my<br />

oxistonco, dotermino whet piece I shall fill In their lives end soek<br />

ma out. This waiting is o now kind of pain."<br />


"Pathological griof moy result from situations in which<br />

the loss Is not socially deiinod as such. This may occur<br />

'foliowing an abortion whore the expectation is either that<br />

the person wlll keop tho ovent a secret or that tho women<br />

should be greteful that the procedure is complerad. The<br />

sltuetlon may be lurthor complicated by tho anger toword<br />

the women ior baing 'careless' and inconveniancing<br />

others. .<br />

Slmilor dynamics occur when a woman givos up en lnlant<br />

for adoption. With both abortion and adoption, there Is a<br />

task of grieving to be done, but the social support nacess8ry<br />

tor tho process is often Inodequato."<br />

-Boston Collogo, BRIDGE MAGAZINE, Foll 1976<br />


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