Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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All counselling I received pointed to adoption os tho only<br />

'good' and 'roosonoble' choice for an unwed mother. I wos not<br />

told one positive thing obout keeping my child, or one nogotivo<br />

result, either to me or tho child, from giving him up, The only<br />

option I was offered was to place tho child in foster core. I wos<br />

never informed of the possibility of receiving welforo or ony other<br />

flnanciol ossistonco end I was too ignorant to ask. In ell my contocts<br />

with tho egoncy, I felt lnvislble, dehumanized, e 'non-person'<br />

who existed only os o collection of statistics and sociological<br />

cliches, not o unique humon being with dignity, with velld feelings<br />

and needs. Because I was not 'Mrs.' somebody, my pregnancy<br />

was viewed as a mistoko to be remedied, end I wos seen, not os a<br />

mother, but as tho producer of a veluobio product. a white heeitlly<br />

infant of college-educated parents. I was the means to on end.<br />

I went Into labor on on eorly April evening when the earth<br />

wes just beginning to come olive, and for years afterword I ovoidod<br />

tho worm touch of early spring sun - the memory burned like fire.<br />

My boyfriend drove me to tho hospitol oround 10:OO p.m. and<br />

dropped me off, wishing me luck. I spent the night in terror end<br />

pain, es I had in no way been prepared for labor and delivery. I<br />

was left alone in a cold room, end I could heor women in labor<br />

screaming, as I screamed. The hospital personnel were unsympathetic<br />

and even hostile. I woke up in e ward to find I hod an<br />

eight pound, one ounce boy. I named him Michael. His small white<br />

face, a mirror of me snd his father and our families, wos the most<br />

beautiful sight I have over seen.<br />

They brought him to me twice to feed. then without warning,<br />

transferred me to the psychiotrlc ward end forbade me to see my<br />

child. I later learned that this octlon was planned long before I<br />

was admitted. When I insisted on seeing my child, one doctor<br />

threatened to have me transferred to the state monte1 hospital<br />

'if I made any trouble'.<br />

After the usuel live deys. Michool went into e foster home.<br />

When l visited him, I hod to go to the ogency to got him. Tho<br />

following year was o continuation of a nightmore. I suffered from<br />

post-partum depression which nobody would attribute to the<br />

fact that I wos soporetod from my child. I was treated os e happy<br />

person who suddenly became depressed for some unknown rooson.<br />

Tho counselling continued in o similar vein with great stress<br />

on how selfish I wos to deny my son e 'normol' homo and how he<br />

was becoming less desirable os he got older. It replaced my reel<br />

feelings with 'You'll forgot, you'll finish college, you'll get merriod,<br />

you'll have othor children, you'll hove o new iifel' Finally, I govo<br />

up. I surrendered.<br />


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