Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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PAGE 12<br />

', . . " C.. 'i, , ..<br />

~~nllnu~dIra~~W<br />

I T .<br />

\vl~crcab~~uts. to no avail.<br />

"I've dunc cvcrythin~, nnd aolhing has<br />

pnnncduut, bul I'nl not going h1q11it." Anac<br />

said.<br />

Allln~ugh il \vas nlntost unl~cnrd of lor an1<br />

unrvcd lcctlager to kccp hcr bnh! in lhc<br />

slxtics. when bolh Carol and Anne had lllcir<br />

do~~gl~tcrs, ntli~uclcs have cl~arrgcd sun~cwllnl<br />

in the past 10 years.<br />

"In thcsinties, morrnlurwcrein~hcclosel<br />

for years nnd pnrs, nod singlc pnrclllin~<br />

wnsn't evcn ronsldcrcd an optiirn." Carol<br />

said."Tl~coptionstl~cn~crc to gct nlnrried or<br />

give the chlld up, Today. things llavc<br />

chn~~gcd."<br />

Anne said she ran still rcn~cmbcr hrr socinl<br />

worker tclllng hcr. " 'Giving up lhc bnby Is<br />

1110 nrost unselfish thing you can cvcr do.'<br />

"Thccounscllng wassohiascdbnck then."<br />

she said. "Nowadnys. cvcr).onc qurstiuns<br />

au~htrrity, hut ltli-11 wc %err tl!!~!tl lo ohcy<br />

wlin~cvcrtl~eourl~urirics told us. Thc sllualiun<br />

is diffcrcnt tudny. Teen pregnancy Is slill<br />

happening, bet more girls arc havir~g<br />

abortions or kccping thcir babies. Tbcy evcn<br />

have tccn pnrcnling clnsses now."<br />

Anothcr laclor adding to the bittrrncss fcll<br />

by trot11 wonlcn is that socinl workers lhcn<br />

drillcdlromc lltclhcn~c thnl two parrnls were<br />

tlcccssary for n hnppy child.<br />

"We were lold thc bnbics u~ould IIC plnrccl<br />

In ~l~cschnnov. two,nnrcnt l~orncs, nrrd tllcy'd<br />

Nci~her ('nrol nor Anne has cxl~rric~~ectl o<br />

prethle~~~ which has 1111tl1i.r ~~~~~i~ltlcrcd<br />

11111cr<br />

\vnnlctl \\~II ~ivc up hntrics fnr ndol~lion ns<br />

tccnnarrs.<br />

"ll~irl!...ic~c~~ l~rrccnl 111 s-llntcn $vla~'t.c<br />

g1vc11 ul~~cl~ilcl forntlol~tic*~~ 1111vr hrcn ul~nl~lc<br />

lo linvc nnull~cr child, dlir It* p\ythnl~~{:irnl<br />

rrnsnns or inlcr~ility tl~rn~scl\cs or tl~clr<br />

<strong>III</strong>IS~R<strong>III</strong>\." Clnrtli snit\. "Six in our ~~<strong>III</strong>I~I t~f 25<br />

CUJI n~c~~~lrcrs hart. 11;il~l Illill pre~lrle~~~;"<br />

CUlls~irnnr!~~~~in<br />

. ., . 197b,nl1crn1l11lt ntlo~~tecu<br />

slnrlcd a a~encn~r~~l 11ltl1cir oivn. nlt~ltl~rtit~~<br />

lo Icrcnlr l>irth(~nrr~~ls<br />

ll~e!. 1vII they hnd n<br />

rifihr 111 know nl111u1 ll~cir l~t~rrditnr,v<br />

l~nck[:rc~t~r~cl 11nc1 r11i-~llcnl <strong>III</strong>+II*~~. raiol snl~l,<br />

"I1111 il goes Iir!.cln~l tllr e~~r~licnl l~isl~~ry."<br />

sllc cxl~l;~i~~ctl. "Tllc!. also ltn\.c n nnt~rrsl<br />

ruricrsil!. nI111ut ~\II~I they 11r11k like, n desire lo<br />

know thrir ran,~c."<br />

1:1~rCLlIl n~cn~I~i*rs, 1111c~11llrc ISI dilfic1111<br />

ns 1ccl~1~fco111it1~1~uI~~l1I1rrl~1l;clls<br />

tcllll~g Illc<br />

cllfld;c;l 1l;ey'vc 11nd nllcr tt~nrringc~hnt they<br />

I~nvc n irnll.sil~ling so~~~~.ul~rrc, orcurcling tu<br />

Anne.<br />

"Tl~nl's IICCII lhc hnrrlrsl pnrl for all lllc<br />

wotttvn <strong>III</strong> 111c firt>lq?, or 11-Il111g tl~clr 5 11115r if<br />

thc S~I'UW cl~tesr~'t krltts.." sllr snict ";~<strong>III</strong>I<br />

rcnlly dc111'1 rnrc \VIIUI (.1*ur lric~nds think. 1,111<br />

11's rcvrnlinfi the scrrrt lo innlily mcmhcrr<br />

~vlio'\~r I1cc11 ht.111 ill tl~r ~Intk ~II~I's dlffic~~l~."<br />

All CLli1 111cn111ers \V<strong>III</strong>IILI llkc In scc nlcrrc<br />

ron~n~~~aicnlin~~ bcl\\ree nrl~,l~titu ntrd birth<br />

parcilts. nnd lltc ~~r~n~~i?.nlit~t~<br />

olflclnlly<br />

cndorscs tile risnc~l~l of <strong>III</strong>IUII~ l'nhlr<br />

Adnplian (ROTA). Nnt to Ire ct1111uscd rlth<br />

npcnnd~~pli~~rr, which rt~cu~r~l~nsscs \lsltollon<br />

rlghls. RDI'A nll~~ws furcrlrrrlr 01 cholcc for<br />

bollt I~irtl~~~nretrts arnl ntl~~(~tivc pnrcnls. with<br />

an nge~~ry~rrndr~~~~ic~nl~u).cr~~~i~cllatl~rg<br />

n [~lan<br />

nn~crrnl~lc (11 he~rlc pnflics.<br />

"I ll~ink P~<strong>III</strong>C~II~II R<strong>III</strong>I V<strong>III</strong><strong>III</strong><strong>III</strong><strong>III</strong>~~~~~I~ arc<br />

tl~cc~r~ly~vnyt~~l~~l~~ll~c<br />

\il~~;~tit~~~."('nrt~l sniil.<br />

"Arlol~ti\r I ~ L I lur~l~~r~~tly Itnvc<br />

ttlirconrc~~ti~~ns nllt1111 \% Ilnl lllr I ~irll~l~~~rnts<br />

lot~ribtlo~~tedcl~ll~nrindu~bclr~~rni~ecl<br />

11). ll~c lm~, II&L$ r~ri~lrtl illis ej~olc sl~~~itlne.<br />

n sil~glc parcat nnyway." Carol said. Srcrel, rl~~rrrl nrl~tl11i1~11 is ~>~~ltlnlc~l t~ulny,"<br />


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