Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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dl&nantr : &ttna~rtr!<br />

Sunday, Nuvarnber 9, 1980-IJc<br />

'-<br />

',(Coalloeed from pege 1C)<br />

The~hlldren'sHome Scclety ofllce<br />

In Pensacola handled lhc adopllon.<br />

"I have r law er who Is dealln<br />

wllh lhc agency n Penancola," sel<br />

Mrs. Draughon. 'They told me In Au-<br />

z !<br />

gust bey couldn't flnd out (he whereabouts<br />

ol (he rdopuve parents. But<br />

'the liut tlmq my lawyer contacted<br />

c lhem;theg spld they would tr): one .<br />

more lhlng lo try to flnd lhem.<br />

Mrs. Draughon is sUll waltlng to<br />

hear from the agency. Her lawyer de-<br />

: cllncd to comment on the case. '<br />

Amrdlng Lo a legal spokesman, If<br />

the enc Is unable to locate the<br />

adoptfvo Jmll tho couM wlll be<br />

j the next step. T& attorne snld there<br />

, was a good chance Ulal a fudge could<br />

order the informallon released dl-<br />

, rectly to Mrs. Draughon, to conduct<br />

her own search..<br />

, Mennwhlle. Mrs. Draughon haa organlzed<br />

a Tnllahnscc branch of Con-.<br />

cerncd Unlled Dl& Parents (CUB)<br />

. , - . . . - - . . - - .<br />

The grou is a nallonal, non.profll<br />

Rupporl ancfndvococ grou for parcnls<br />

who have been Lrced Poaurrcn.<br />

der thelr chlldren for adopllon.<br />

CUB was formcd In '70 lo sup ort<br />

, the rl h(s ol ado tees to ohtaln thr<br />

hlrlh \lalory an# thelr nslural perenh'<br />

Idenllly.<br />

Ilowcvcr, It la not a search orgnnl.<br />

znllon,olflclals sny. CUD'apurposcis<br />

'<br />

to edu~atc parents on wa a lo search<br />

! ,for lholr chlldren and on tow to deal<br />

wllh rgc~clcd and support groups.<br />

' "I ot involved wlth CUD beeause 1 . ' I .<br />

woul! Ilk6 to help educate eoplc<br />

ahul how adopllon uscd to i e and<br />

how natural blrth parents feel now -<br />

whal KC are golng through," snld -<br />

Mrs. Draughon.<br />

Florence Roqs, dlrcclor of Chlldrcn'r<br />

Home Society In Tnllahasce.<br />

safd her a ency understood those<br />

1. elln s. agency provldes fro!<br />

couns.&ng for parenla who wlsh Lo<br />

contact lhc chlldren they put up for<br />

adopllon. to let lhem know whal to<br />

expecl, she sald.<br />

'I fnl that It Is sod when a ...<br />

mother baa been 'forccd' to place a<br />

cl~lld for adopllon," Mrs. Ros snld.<br />

"Yet, 1 thlnk she has Lo re~nembcr the<br />

chlld and the edopU,ve parenla and<br />

lhelr fnllngs!'<br />

Mrs. Ross said the egenc dld eve<br />

lblo to make a dY optlon In.<br />

~~~%%?nvallnble to ndopllvo , C.LB<br />

parents, and to help edopllvo pnrcnla<br />

and natural pnrenla conlacl cnch 0th-<br />

Is lhe reunlon ofa chlld wllh hls<br />

nolural molher odvlsnhlel Yrs, says<br />

Mrs. Drauahon, who clles advlca<br />

froni profKqlonnl.plonnls.<br />

Maybe, snys Mrs. Ross - and<br />

maybe not. The reunion of n lccn- I ;<br />

oger wllh hls nntural molher could be . ..<br />

u ~clllng If the chlld wasn't ready,<br />

sk snld. !<br />

: For now, there laJua1 more waltlnp<br />

and more wondcrln~ for Mrs.<br />

Draughon. She snys she wlll not glvp<br />

up her scnrch.<br />

St'hW-1 t

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