Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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sotisiblo ~iinri. Regarding tlio adoption case.<br />

slio commontotl tliot tliis ntlol~tion liad<br />

tnkon ploco in tiio Marltirncs wlioro slio<br />

Iliouglit, nt tliot tinio, social servicos were<br />

not so otfvaricod. She iriipliod tlint a<br />

niotlorn odoptio~i, dorio properly, woulrl not<br />

protluco sucli an c~rrlial~py atloptoe.<br />

Ariotlinr parson whoso ar1vlcc I sought was<br />

o nun, tlio Motlior Superior in a liorno for<br />

uriwod motliors. Allliougli I was not<br />

Cntiiolic. I tl~ouglit it worthwliilo to sock<br />

nriotiier ol~lnion. Looking back, I think I was<br />

still hoping to find sorncono wlio would toll<br />

mo it wos ell right lor mo to koop riiy baby. I<br />

folt as tiiougli I liod already trunsgressccl<br />

ogolnst society by conceiving o child out-<br />

01-wodlock ond ovcryono I consc~ltcd<br />

sooniod to bo indicating to ~iic that I would<br />

bo committing an odditional sin by not<br />

giving up tlio baby lor adoption. I wanted to<br />

keep my baby, but I also wanted to fool tliat<br />

I hod tlio approval ol otliur pcol~lc In doing<br />

so, because I did not fool I hod tho couragc<br />

to go against socloty's wislics. Bosidcs. I<br />

was gonulnely concerned about what really<br />

was tlio most fair thing to do.<br />

Tlio Motlior Superior asked me if i prayed<br />

often and wlion i said I did not, told me I<br />

sliould alwnys pray, not only when I was in<br />

dillicultios. Slio olso suggostocl that I talk to<br />

o niinistor, or minister's wile, 01 my own<br />

loitli. She said an unwed niotl~cr with any<br />

intolligonca would think carefully about<br />

wliotlior or not to koop her baby, but tlien<br />

wont on lo state, quite ompliaticolly, tlint<br />

whorl an unmarried motlicr did decide to<br />

keep lior child: "It doesn't work out lor tlio<br />

rnotlior ond it doesn't work out for tlio<br />

child."<br />

The only porson wlio gave me any en<br />

courngorilont to scok a solution other tlion<br />

adoption was a counsoilor at tho YMCA-<br />

YWCA wliom I went to sco for vocotional<br />

counsoiiing. [He told 1iio I liod dono well on<br />

tiio 1.0. tests and sliould considcr going to<br />

univorsity if I could.) Wlicri wo discussor1<br />

llio situation I was in, ho said lie tliouglit<br />

thoro wore just as nialiy arguments in<br />

favour of keeping tlio baby as tlioro were<br />

for hovlng it placed lor adoption, arid<br />

strggcstod 1 riiiglit be ol11e to fir~rl i~ 1ir11no<br />

whero tlicro wore othor young chiltlron nnrl<br />

wlioro tlio ~notlior would be williril] to look<br />

alter riiy baby durlng tlic day wlillo I<br />

workod arid then I could take over tlie cnro<br />

of tilo I~nby, arid liolp in tlie housc, wlion I<br />

carno Iionio from work.<br />

I thought this was an Intorosting idea, but<br />

did not know liow to go c111out linrling such<br />

a porson. Tlio ordinary oriil~loyrii~!~it ngon.<br />

cios didn't soorri to covor tliat kind 01 tliin~j.<br />

NI~ now otnploycr iiod told me, on tlio ni!llil<br />

of my nrrlvol, tiiat I could not keep lily l~nl~y<br />

in lior homo. Sonioorio clse told 1110 obot~l n<br />

wo~non wlio liod ernployod an uti~iiarriorl<br />

niotiicr as a don~ostic servant arid liod<br />

ollowod lior to kocp tlio l~nby witli licr. 1011.<br />

tainod tliis woman's addrcss and wont to<br />

sco her, hoping tlial If she no longer had tlio<br />

othor girl witli lior she nii(]lit corisidor omploying<br />

mo. My hopes wore soon dosliotl.<br />

This won~i~ri told mo tliat tho girl llod<br />

worked woll boloro tho boby was born, llut<br />

oftorwards liad spent most of lior limo<br />

doing lltings for tho bal~y and, since tliis<br />

was not satisfactory from lier omployor's<br />

point of viow, slio was lot go. (And tlio<br />

woman wosn't keen to try tliis cxpcriment<br />

again.)<br />

By this tinlo I had passod tlio Iialfwny point<br />

111 my pregnancy ond os yet liad found no<br />

solution for tiio future.<br />

Tlio CAS had a consultant psycliiatrist ancl<br />

it was suggcstcd tliat I soo lier. i think tliis<br />

miglit liavo boon bocousc I liad told tliorn<br />

about tho porlod in my life when I liad boon<br />

vory depressed. During olio appointment<br />

witli this Dr. Mullor I montioncd tho<br />

suggestion that tlio Y counsellor liad ninrlo.<br />

Dr. Mulicr comnicntcd tliat it wos vory bad,<br />

psycliologicnlly, for yourig pooplo to 110 in<br />

an environniont whore they wero constontly<br />

boiny warned not to toucli tliings and I<br />

gntlicrotl flint slio was in~plyicig- ti~al this<br />

miglit bo tlio case il I wore living with lily<br />

boby in soriioorio else's liot~so. I discussed<br />

tire niattcr later witii Miss Wallocc and slio<br />

agreed will1 Dr. Mullor.<br />

Iliefio consultations with Dr. Mulinr rinitlinr<br />


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