Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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conslderod within tho framework of tlio<br />

lam~ly, rather than on an individual basis,<br />

what do you do about tho child who is<br />

abused, or piiysically liarmod; tlie battered<br />

child, for example, who has caught the at.<br />

tontion of the media and about whom, consequently,<br />

it is fashionable to be concerned<br />

now? But you cannot measure parental<br />

love In those bohaviourol terms. Parents are<br />

human beings witli thoir own needs and<br />

their own limitations. They suffer in their<br />

own dimension. The child, because he is a<br />

child of their's comes into their sphere 01<br />

need, comes into thoir sphere ol acting out.<br />

precisely because he is thoir child. To<br />

remove the child because lie is a "victim"<br />

of h ~s parents, is to rornove the child lrom<br />

all the positive things that affect him<br />

because there is one negative thing. It<br />

means we have not understood tho nature<br />

of the family role or the child's needs.<br />

I remember, in our early work at Warren.<br />

dale. we received throe childron lrom a<br />

fam~ty in which tho mother had abused the<br />

children; neglected mostly but. also, in an<br />

act of desperation. she had burnt the children's<br />

hands on a hot stove because they<br />

had stolon something and she had been<br />

warned that she had to keep them from<br />

doing that or they would be removed lrom<br />

the homo. In her inadequacy, in her inability<br />

to cope witli the pressure, in her anxiety to<br />

protect the children lrom being taken away<br />

lrom her, she did the very thing that caused<br />

the children to be taken away because she<br />

wasn't fit, or a "safe" mothor. Yet, tho<br />

fact of the matter is, in all their history from<br />

that day forward, they never received tho<br />

love that tlioir mother and father had given<br />

them. As far as I know, nobody else ever<br />

burnt their hands, but out of one single hurt<br />

from tho parents. the children lost a11 of<br />

thclr ties, all of the alloction, all of the sari.<br />

se of bolorlgirig that we have in our relationsh~ps<br />

with tlie t~oople wlio bore us and<br />

raised US iirid liave a conirnitment to us that<br />

cannot be equalled by an unrelated person.<br />

From every angle. thinking is so<br />

inadequate, so meagre. we hasteri to firid<br />

excuses to rip children off from their<br />

fsmtlies, or rip families off lrom their cliild-<br />

ren. As I see it, this whole lad about the<br />

battered cliild is one more excusc to rip off<br />

children, lo avoid real solutions to real<br />

problems. It used to be if tlio house was dir.<br />

ty, or if the childron missed meals, the chlld<br />

was removed. Now we rip them off if<br />

family problems are too groat for parents to<br />

cope with and they take out their frustrotions<br />

in physical abuse or alcohol. The<br />

Minister of Social and Community Services<br />

cannot disclierge a staff of a state run in.<br />

stitution for kicking a retarded adult woman<br />

in tlie head, but a parent who batters his<br />

child can be "fired" by the most bigoted.<br />

unconsciously hostile person in the community,<br />

the potential batterer who<br />

becomes the saviour of battered childron.<br />

In all of these situations there is an obvious<br />

alternative if you don't exclude the family<br />

from tho very beginning of your thinking<br />

about tho problem. What would happen if<br />

instead of taking the children away from<br />

the family, the lamily got support? What<br />

would hove happened to the mother wlio<br />

was trying to keep her children from misbehaving<br />

in the community and burnt their<br />

hands in a last, desperate attempt at disciplining<br />

them if, when the children had<br />

first misbehaved in tho community, some.<br />

body had assessed that she needed sup.<br />

port7 What if a worker had gone into<br />

that family and supported tlie mother? Had<br />

taught her what she needed to learn in or.<br />

dcr to become a more adequate mother?<br />

Had taught her ways of coping with the<br />

children's bohaviour other than with such<br />

severe measures?<br />

Had that alternative beon tried, tho childron<br />

could have remained in tho family, they<br />

would have continued to receive parental<br />

care and afloct~on. the 110 would not havo<br />

been broken, tho mother would havo loll<br />

bettor about herself, about hor adequacy as<br />

a parent and she would have suffered less.<br />

tlio children would not have suffered sen.<br />

sration lrom their parents and society<br />

would not havo had to boar the expense of<br />

rtllslrig the children throu(jI1 moans that<br />

were, at best, inadequate to their needs<br />

and tho children would not havo grown up<br />

alienated lrom socloty.<br />

We need to got Into the habit 01 asking,<br />

why ifiis alterriativo that we use out of all<br />

tho altornntivcs available? Wliilt we should<br />

do if we are concerned<br />

~<br />

about the<br />

~~<br />

lonal<br />

rlgllts of cliilrfron is ro;~lizo (Itat one of the<br />

first rights of tho cliild sliould be that a child<br />

sliould never be deprived of his farnily. That<br />

tho state, tho social service agancies and<br />

tho courts ;Ire mandated to find alternatives<br />

that keep the child within his family.<br />

As we begin to use our ingenuity lor finding<br />

ways to be supportive to tlte parerits, ways<br />

of keeping families togotlior, instead of<br />

splitting them up. I know we will find those<br />

alternatives are much more offectivo. Tlioy none7 4<br />

are certainly mlrc humane and I would be<br />

very surprised if we do not also find they<br />

are rnucli rnoro economical.<br />

I welcolne the now Interest in the legal<br />

right.; for cliildrori, but I hope that the cliild<br />

does not have to beconic the victim of this<br />

now rnovorncnt on his behalf. Because I a111<br />

certain that the only wav rve can guarantee<br />

that. ~. is - to maki? sure that the orinciole ol<br />

~<br />

legal rights for children is incorporated<br />

within the family, not separate from the<br />

family. What is the sense ol a movemont<br />

for childron's rights when the family has<br />


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