Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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did mo niucli good, nor much iiorm. Silo<br />

told mo tliat tlioro wns no porfocl solution<br />

for tho situation I was in. I iiod roolizod tliot<br />

long boloro, but I kept trying to firid o<br />

solution tliot woultl bo as noor ~iorfoct os<br />

possible.<br />

In Miss Wolloco's eyes there wos o perfect<br />

solutlori and tliot wi~s odoption. If I rnoritionod<br />

odoptivo situotioris I had rooti nbout<br />

111 which tliings lindn't workod 0111 very<br />

woll, slio would soy eitlior tiint slio (lid riot<br />

boliovo tho story could ho trilo, or suggost<br />

tiiot tho odoptivo poronts had riot rocoivod<br />

enough help from thoir social workor. In<br />

retrospect, it seems to mo tliol tlio CAS in<br />

tiio fifties, ot loost, functioned rnninly as o<br />

baby oxcliangc. Hod tlie CAS sociol<br />

workors not boon so convincod of tho virtues<br />

of adoption, pcrhnps thoy miglit hove<br />

triod harder to find sorno oltornativcs to<br />

suggost. They boliovod that ~rriloss on unwod<br />

mother had a "roolislic" pion, she<br />

would not be oble to roiso lior child successfully.<br />

But thoy did riot oppoor to consider<br />

it part of thoir rosponsibility to help us<br />

formuloto sucli plans. Wo wore oxpoctcd to<br />

come up with "realistic" plans on our own.<br />

I do not rornornbor, for oxortiplo, oriy sociol<br />

workor I corno into conloct witli, aver<br />

voluntooring any inlormotion about govornniont,<br />

or otlior, finoncini osslstnnco that<br />

might bo nvnilnblo to a rnotlior raising lior<br />

ciiiltl on lior own. And wlion I brouglit up<br />

tlio possibility of 01)tolning sorno firionclnl<br />

ossistanco from tlic baby's fotiior. Miss<br />

Wolloco Unvo rlin no cncouragoriiorit. I<br />

gatiiorod tliat sho had littlo enthusiasm for<br />

pntornity suits bocouso slio thouglit sucli<br />

casos difficult to win. l~ut I liovo no<br />

rocolloction of onyono Irorn tilo ogo~icy<br />

oven contncting tiic birthfotlior to suggost<br />

iio had some rosponsibility in tile niottcr<br />

orid miglit coritributo finonclolly to tho support<br />

of tlio baby, or to chock out tlio nccuracy<br />

of tlio inforrnntion on hirn I had<br />

given the ngoncy, inforrnntion wliicii would<br />

be possod on to tho adoptivo pornnts.<br />

I iiad hod no contact witli tlio birthfotlior<br />

niysolf since leoving Montroal. Ho hod not<br />

orisworod tho lettor I hod sent him, so ono<br />

day I phoned hirn. Hc boconic angry and<br />

screarned at me at one point. I don't<br />

romombor oxoctly who1 ho soid, but lio<br />

govo me to understand thot I could expect<br />


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