Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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"S1pb~K n pnprr dflran~ trim ,,jf has hen svrrkln~ far or, rr$lnu ue wanl<br />

mother'# low, tcrrvrfms an qdflnrpd<br />

'_"O~Y!I!!Y That's nrl the wry It Ir," Lee<br />

, chllddrorm~, orla killcd In an ~cchrnt umpD'u ' . '. '<br />

: !- nnd the nnrjpnpm do Idmryy . Oslrnclrrd hy aoclcly dllrln~ a llme nl<br />

them nr(nntrd - ". ............... ,. unn.fm -..............<br />

*U hlnnoll - on unplanned nrcmancy - lhey<br />

*. 0 my ch~d~ii;-- '. - n hlrthpnrml Iwve ic~t larccd io supprisa a bnsic part OI<br />

I '-----<br />

IUc: pnrml.chlld llcs. and the mntlnully<br />

thrsc can pmvldc. "ncqlrlrlng blrlhpnrcnls<br />

ID<br />

1 . ri)j70R') NO,E: A rerenl orlld,<br />

nkn away nil rlfila lo hnvc any infarma.<br />

on ,his<br />

Uon almrll lhrlr chlldrcn rclcRntcs us lo the<br />

pogo loid Ihe o1 JDd~ DeCaro, On , alsllrc nf baby rnochlncr." Im adds.<br />

I odopls. who searched for years i?r,hls Bnby machlncs, lncubalors, sludn. Thew<br />

birlhmolher before he lound hfr.<br />

nrc <strong>III</strong>C phrases nome blrlhparcnls use la<br />

do,enl of calls for, ' dcwrll~c ihr sclt.lnra~c aoclely has hondal<br />

,he olllcl~ ralulleb<br />

lhrm. Thc "psycholnElcal nmpulallon" lhry<br />

help ~nlorrnOtion, and din brought a ctndrrm can cause lhrm untold anaulsh . lor<br />

nsponse horn sever01 btrthporenls wlth yrars~llerulrdr, thry ray.<br />

thalr own slov !a tell. , . End the "tinc~~n.~~~s".ln ihc adnptlw<br />

amc~durc. lhrv armc. anlnllna lo dlllcrcnt<br />

By RUE SCAEIRLC . bathods klngirlrdln~llrorniamd 11awa11,<br />

';<br />

.<br />

roh~mt ~taew ran<br />

ullcrc blrthparcnb an In some cascr bclnu<br />

.<br />

~nlcd vlnllaUon rl~hla wlth lhclr chlldrcn<br />

plad In ndopllon. Bmay sound unorlhodox,<br />

but Lcc Campbell observes: "Thcy hold (ha<br />

hump cPrda .:;<br />

the'chlldrcn who m sur.<br />

many d us havc bccn :rhnrled fnr<br />

years. We arc Jusl sllrtlng mmeou!."says<br />

I @~~mpacll. . : -'.. .; .'. 1 ' .<br />

Ire la a birlh~amn(: a woman non In hcr<br />

SOs, who slam li becamc pnp;nlnl wllcn dha<br />

ups no1 marrlcd md stlll in high school Int<br />

Ncw Ilamrahlr?. "Scbt away" la a homc for<br />

tmd mGhei-8. aha rnve hLr baby. a srm..uo,<br />

. - -. . .<br />

br adopllon.<br />

LA nie pltmt of adoplcd chlldrcn, wwn to<br />

ganlr Innage ynn or beyond md drlven by<br />

I m ' lnncr . n d td search lor lhclr<br />

I bltihparmb, has been wcll-publlalzd In re.<br />

ml ycam<br />

- Llllle has lwn hcrrd, howcver, Imm the:<br />

Mhparcnla. the women and mcn who rclln.<br />

: qulsh thclr bablcs lor 'adopllon and Yen<br />

rilrcat lnlo allcncc. ' ' '<br />

"Thcy lcll you to go home. taplckui your<br />

rcndcrcd lor adopuon. Theredhould be mom.<br />

~lcrnallres!' . .. ,<br />

Hcrs(alcmcni refltcb a gmwlniaelivlsrn,<br />

Id lhe new.Iound unlty ol those blrlhparcnld<br />

who hnvc "mme nul." Thls ycar. Ihcy\illcd<br />

Icglsldon at lhe Shle lloua In and open<br />

up the adopllon pmetdum.<br />

'. Ulncern lot the chlldm, whlch parlly<br />

moUvrIcd lhclr oridnal deelsion lor adop<br />

Uon, mnllnuea lo pnvcnt the blrlhwrcnla<br />

horn actually making mnlact.Thcy wanl the<br />

sddnl agcnclu lo hgln to act as m !n-<br />

@nncdlary."I<br />

know.whrn he la, bul I won't<br />

try lo mnlPcl hlm;' a birlhpnrenl =Id. "1<br />

hap? somcdap he will cum8 lo find me. My<br />

maln mnccm Is not Lo have a bad eUcd on<br />

llfc, to lorficl It. Thcy my jusl lo rcmc~nbcr him or hls Iamlly."<br />

lhal ynu arc making two ~oplc VCN happy1 Thcn, she added, "11 he docan'l mme by<br />

. nnd lhnl bnmcday 11 will all sccm llke a lhc IImc he Is 25, thouch. l don'l know what I<br />

drrnm." snys Susan Darkc nl Pcabndy, who wlll do. It wlll be awlul hard not lo reach out<br />

alw nave ur, a baby boy lorndot~llon a1 o~c 17. Ihbtl." . .' * .<br />

I'or moic lhan-10 yean, ~uian prctrndrd Many hlrlhparcnla wonder I1 there Isn'L a<br />

ml In rcmcmkr. "Synthcllc dmncsla."nha bctlcr way of hapdllng !he narlon'a adopUon<br />

cnllsll nnw. Shc hnd lold hcr hrahand, IIoRcr, . syslcnt. Thry want mnn cholcc. opUonr A<br />

nllh whom she hall four daughlen. But ah,<br />

seldom spokc 01 IL<br />

Thcn, one. L%rldmas, she was out shop<br />

ping, nnd suddenly, mcmnrlnmeflmdln~<br />

hk. "It dawned on me that l had molhcr<br />

Mid, no matter how mucb I put It out of my.<br />

mind. Tho fact lhat I had never boclgbl a loy adoplton pmcedures. .<br />

lor hlm or spnt 8 CMaF*. wlth him ,,<br />

. brought It lnlo foeus." . '<br />

. .<br />

,. .<br />

...<br />

"Rarefy, If~.wr, dw~ one flnd.thoi :<br />

o Is &Ice up IJI. Jtarrn(l!l mle .<br />

%Rout p n t rsluctnnm of ,511' or<br />

chat mls u&hout o mad ma to'thsm-<br />

*(C...'<br />

. . . . .<br />

i ...<br />

Birtl~parents . Seek . ,%w<br />

. . . .<br />

..........8........ . . . . a .<br />

1<br />

~ 8 ' .<br />

'Illc mmmlltrc hmrlng hid already brrn ' lUrlhpnrcnts lnnlsl th~y havn no wlsh lo<br />

leld lhln ycar when adopllve pnrcnls got i Hvnl or lhrcalen lhe rclallonshll) wllh the<br />

uind 01, Ir@slallon, lllcd by hlrlbparrnln, adoptkc parcnL7. "It !a well.hownlhatadnp.<br />

uhlch would oprn Up adnpllon proccdurrr. : Uve PIrcnIs arc the rePlor truepnrcnls In lhe<br />

llouae Bill 5100 wnuld rcqulre adopllon . nlosl mcanlnulul rensc." Susan Uarkc, bath<br />

, eprnclrs In accrpl updalcd lnlnrmallnn lrots M adnplcc and a blrlhpar~nl~ says. "In more<br />

blrlhparrnls and to acl as lnlermcdlrrlcs In than 1% rcllnluns. I havc ncvcr yet men an<br />

8.<br />

, r .acd conlacla wllh adapllvc parcnls. The adoplcc nhUl nllccllons," rhe pdds.<br />

.. i. rlcs would have In nollfy (he a~lopltvc Flnc. Ihcadoptlvepamnla say, but whrtd<br />

) parrnla U lhc blrlhpatcntnolongcr wantcd lo tho hlnlrparcnt hasn't lmn able, llke Susrn<br />

,'nrraln anonynlous, and was wllllns ,110 has, to carve out a new 1110 tor hcr~lf, with a<br />

I mnthclcd hy the rdnptlvc pamnla.<br />

hap11y tnnrlly sltuallon? Would she be so<br />

'the adopllvo patrnla muld rilusc the nonlhrcalclllnelhcn7 Tluy mnlrnii lhcy have<br />

,<br />

! mnfad, but lhry would have lo be made olhrr lcnm whlch arc alno rcallsllc.<br />

j aware IC oiicr ertstcd. "Tho vcw lhln~ wh~ch al~owa adopt~v;<br />

, The amounl of op lllod lmrn adoptlvo parrnla lo vlcw the chlld as Utrlr nwn and lo<br />

: wrrnta was "lncrcdiK< aeeomtlng lo one pmvldc thc banding and Itre srrudiy ja the<br />

, mrnnrlllce ahlr. pmnllac 01 nnn.lnlcrmpled prrmllng," one<br />

uw barn, ahc ws wllhout a Jell. the baby'r<br />

lather hod dlsappntrd and she had lrrrlnd<br />

hc had 1 wlle and lhrcc chlldrcn In another<br />

#late. She watllvlng sl home wllh her molhcr<br />

and bmther, and told Oral she could return lo<br />

llvc lhcrc, bul that she muldn'l brlng tho<br />

baby honlc.<br />

" Icll (ha1 I had nowhcrc lo m, no one lo<br />

lm lo." shcrecallsloday. I2 gcam latcr.Tha<br />

urUarc olllcc nlaccd her baby In IcmnanrY . ~<br />

loslcr care.<br />

Six rnonlhs lalrr, ohc says, a cascwnrker<br />

vlsllcd her on n Frldsy. an11 ln!d hrr shc hnd<br />

until (he lollowlnn Wcdncsdry lo "mako up<br />

my mind shclhcr I wanlcd lo lake the chlld<br />

or rcllngulsh hlm."<br />

"I dldn'l know nnylhln~ clsc I muld rlo, so<br />

I nlfincd thc paprr." she sap. "Whcn 1<br />

ycar ano, Lee Campbell lormcd C.U.O., COP slgncd. I wun'l cvcn awon 01 whnl I was<br />

mmcd Unllcd Blrlhwrcnla, Inc. Bascd at sfmtng. Thcy lold me lhcy uould tlnd no<br />

Bm 573 In Mlllord, lilass., C.U.B. haa 1W adoptlvc home lor hlm. On hls flnl blrlhdw<br />

.,tncmbcn nallonallv. Only two an mcn, but lcaIlcd,and askcd U I muld we hlrn; but ihw<br />

1fe 66)a them an many more birlhlalhrn mid no, he was 1uil aboul Lo be placed Ln hls<br />

"out them" who hevc ken harmcd by pad adoptlw homc!'<br />

'<br />

Jlmnlly, Barbara mnlnclcd lhe wcUan<br />

'"Oarbur" La- membcr. . .:. I-'' . . .<br />

.<br />

dllcc and lcomcd lhnl hcr chlld had ncvcr<br />

.Barbara is not hci real nimc. She can7<br />

ten placed in adopllon. Ilc rcmains In Iwtcr<br />

ore. 'that lroublcs her. "I wanted lo gel In<br />

ldcnllly hcrselt.hceauic she hw a chlld<br />

"llvlng jusl a icw mllcs away," In an o n<br />

touch wlth (he molhcr. nnd ace I1 she would<br />

mmmunlty, wilh the spme lul name, who<br />

speak lo me, but lile agency sald lhey<br />

muldn'l mnlacl hcr!'<br />

hn't know shc is hl* blrlhmolhcr.<br />

Dsrbara la dlllcrrnt imm lhc stercolgpe "I asked if I ceuld have r pldure 11 hlm.<br />

of lhc woman who aurrendcrn azhl!.' lor .s h Irckl tjday, but lhry dlda'l arni lo do.<br />

ndopllon. When she hccame pregnanl, she Ihrt. I dUI have Ule dl1 I bouthl hr hi* llrrt<br />

u?sno117, bulin hercrrlyMs,dlvoreed, wltb . blttbdry In nly trunk. When I lhlnt I have 1<br />

n ledllaalc n~nc-ycar.n~d #on. 1 hb. md chlld a lcw mlles awry. and lhrl I dmn'lws!<br />

nunwho spokc niplans lo maw-her. haw what he lr~ks Ilkellcl*..,."<br />

pine mpnb IW, when he, scmod me'' lIrr velce brerh.<br />

- Policies . ,<br />

, Susnn Dnrkc lmadnrs mriUng her oall<br />

mn slm~edoy:<br />

"I'd want lo know II he undcnlnnd why I<br />

mvc hlm up. I wan1 hlm lo know that hc aas<br />

Hnnlcd. ll~nl hc u,os laved. I wns sllll as<br />

pmud, as Ilappy lo hnvc lrlm - I'd jusl filvcti<br />

Urlh. I'd wan1 10 know lhat I madc the right<br />

dcclslun. 1 tccl wnrn~ly Iouards my sunla<br />

ndopllvc porcnln, that wc've hlh done some.<br />

Wng lheoll~cr mhltl~'I, and lhal wc'vomnde<br />

a fwd lllc wsslbls"<br />

Adopllvc parcnls conlend thillflrcy slflsrd<br />

a mnlracl ~irl~lcr onc sgslcm, and Ihnl Il Is<br />

untalr In cha~~gc 11 mlro~c1kcIy. Ine<br />

Carnplxll rcpllcs: "lrrve Isn't $nand hy<br />

mclrly'a rrrle8. A plccc of papqr doesn't<br />

oblllcrslc lccllnpa. Glvc balh parcnllr 111s<br />

Inllslrlon' phones wen "rlnfiln~ oll the<br />

dunncls for mrt~rnunlcallon, md the lcsn<br />

ldopllvc taolller mid.<br />

q hrx~k," and tbc inlrnsc iccllnp thc ndopllve<br />

wlll dlsnpvcar.<br />

lls whole Issue is brlnp handlcd loo<br />

parcnh 1rII were cllccllvcly con~munlcn!rd, qulckly. and nccds more aludy, ah0 adcicd. "I lhlnk llrry have Jusl never mnsldcrrd<br />

A tavnrabla Judldary Conlrnlttre rcporl wa# \Yhnl do blrlhparrnla wan17<br />

enolher dlcrnatkr, T%ry have ncvcr l~rcn<br />

sld~*lrackrd. The blll I8 klnu held lndellnlle- PA wenlmran'l cn~nary,'Thla wlll cnuso mcoumpd to mnshlcr lhrl the rlrll4 ham<br />

I b lor "changes."<br />

nu lain arid I'd Ilk8 r lrtlcr oncn 1 year. ennlllrr M-1 01 pnrmla. nlry can learn ti<br />

lllrlhparrnln kllcvr lllal ht-hlnd (ha op (rlllil~ rne lrow tha chlld I# dulng:.' Ira Inli~graloUanIhry ~lhmu~hll~clrHvca, orrJ'<br />

, palllnrr lie8 an untnundrd lcrr that lhcy on Camplm nays. 'Tho adopllnn syJ(crn k a Lhen It is no hlg dmd:' aha l ~uea I .<br />

,I hying lo "snnlch" the chlldrm back, @"g& clarcl door Inlcll~clually, an olwn door e~rlb<br />

, . TlnoncLh~~lmlh~~lrth~orml~nodndn)~~<br />

Uiclr lml In lhc donr:' . . Uonnlly. and It Ieavra tla blrlhparrnta wltl~ lh~parcnlsrrtn to nwnn ln H~olnd~~pll~b<br />

Adeptlvo rutrnls say It h mom wrt. IM aour~~llng board. and a #re11 nccd la blow pJrrnLl nccd lrlurc tlrfurmsllan rl Ula tllilecl<br />

) ,4lcWl lam UlaL .law lhe child lr dulirg!'

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