Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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On 'The puiclful clluic<br />

'~clo~jtio~t on ullrrt~ali\.e ,<br />

lfavlng rcad ihc Aprll LO Clahc a!\-<br />

ele "The pninlut choice lor otmrtlon, I<br />

' am amnrcd to Ilnd how many pfup1c<br />

,till do not bcllcvc sdoptlon 10 hc on<br />

alternative to abortion.<br />

~ o lhnt d womnn who gave birth to<br />

. "unwPntcJ" twins put lhcm up for<br />

rdnpllon, It would no1 have "screwed<br />

.up her 1lfc," she would have not only<br />

rcllcvcd hcrsclf of thc responslhllltY of<br />

ralslng two more children bul nls0 Put<br />

them into an cnvlronmt!nt where they<br />

would be wanted nnd lnvcd.<br />


,<br />

6 .<br />

Atlol~tiorr 6tlegs~~tli~~g'<br />

rn rcplj lo Mr. Allon Dall's cn'nlcn-<br />

' tlon tho1 adopllon is s rensunnblc alternptlvc<br />

to abortion (Lcttcr,.April 2.1): 1<br />

do not presume to pass jurlgnlclll ull the<br />

rlghtncss or wrorlgncns 01 ahortion. Dul<br />

this much L know: glving Up o chlld lor<br />

odoptlon is thc most dcgroding,<br />

dchumnnizing, groluilously pnlnlul ex-<br />

.pcrlcncc n womnn is cver llkcly lo 1.4~~.<br />

At the lowcst point in hcr lllc. nI R,<br />

momcnt whcn blic I3 complctcly vulncrnblc,<br />

n u.uman ir cx(r1'cId lu hnnrl 0vr.r<br />

' hrr child to ntrnnpcrs. nnd, llrvcr n~nin<br />

to see or hcnr of 111nt child..<br />

The glib consolntior~: crllvr~*d 11). thc<br />

' soclnl work prnlerrlofl;~lr itrl: rirnlIly<br />

unlruc. Timc docs not lrsrrlt Ilir mill:<br />

It only lcssetls thc 1rl.qucne). of lilc<br />

altseks. Olltcr clllldrcn drr 1101 rcl11:lre<br />

llic 108t child: thvy only na:~kr Illc lor: a<br />

Illtlc lcrs inlolcral)lu<br />

Kxr<strong>III</strong>.I: .N ,EAIIY<br />

Iilnghzn~ ,- g/w f7t<br />

'1,<br />


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