Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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"Your dnughlcr didn't wnnt to<br />

nlcct lhcml" lViN tnv daughter 8av<br />

no-<br />

"We didn't nsk her. Shc's never<br />

oncc cxprcsscd nny interent in<br />

mccting her nnl~rrnl pnrcnln. and<br />

if she hnd just once nnid she<br />

wnntcd to mcct them . . ."<br />

I think of nll the ndopkcs I've<br />

met at AI,UA mcctinga who hnvc<br />

told ihcir pnrcnln thcy ware nhopping<br />

lhnt nftcrnoon or visiting an<br />

nrl gnllery. 1 think of thc ddopkcs<br />

who sny Lhcy don't ynnt to hurt<br />

their pnrcnla or hnvc them think<br />

thcy arc being rcjcctcd. I wondcr .<br />

if I've cvcr mct his dnughter.<br />

*'~ut your dnughtcr La nn ndult,"<br />

I rcspond whcn my voicc cnkhcs up<br />

with my brnin. "Cnn you think of<br />

any othcr cnnc whcrc you \VOU~~<br />

prenumc lo apcnk for 11cr7. She<br />

could mnrry n bum,. nnd YOU<br />

couliln't do nnythlni? nhout it. And<br />

'you won't lose her-not if you'vc<br />

got n good reintionship lo bcain '<br />

with. All t11c rcscnrch' indicntcs<br />

lhnt whcn ndoplcca find their nnt<br />

urn1 pnrcnts, thcy often fecl closer<br />

to the pnrcnts thcy hnvc known nil<br />

ihcir lives, bccnuae now thcy. don't.<br />

hnvc a nct of perfect. fnntnny<br />

pnrcnts. And hcsldca, shc In n grown<br />

wonlnn, an ndult.No onc owns nny- .<br />

hody elsc. Whnt ~lvcs you the right<br />

to apcnk for your dnughhrl"<br />

And thcn I come to lcnrn thnt<br />

ndoptivc pnrcnts nrc cnu~ht in<br />

thcir own woli of fnntnny this mecreey<br />

hrecdn.<br />

It Is a Snturdny morning two ,<br />

n~ccks lnkr. The phonc rings. I<br />

hcar the background noinc which I<br />

usually signincn long dlntnnce.<br />

"Is this Lorr.inc'Dusky7" ; (<br />

"Yes. Who in thls?"<br />

"I cnn't tcll you. But I hnvcn't<br />

bccn nblc to alccp sincc 1 snw your<br />

picture in the pnpcr. My dnughter<br />

looke so much like you-tho cycs,<br />

lhc mouth, the color of hair. Only,<br />

your checks nrc fullcr. Evcn my<br />

hunbnnd snw the rcnc~~~lrlnncc. I<br />

kecp thinking the neighbors did too.<br />

Thc nrticlc snid your cln~~gblcr wns<br />

ten. Did you mcnn thnt litorally?<br />

'<br />

'<br />

Did you mcnn nbotcl Len?"<br />

In Lhin (ha tnnlhcr of rnll child!<br />

My hcnrt Is pouniifng. there la n<br />

film of sweat on my forchcncl nnd<br />

tcmplcs. "Ho\v old is your clnughtcr?"<br />

We nrc plnying with ench<br />

othcr, to scc who will flrst rcvcni<br />

the 1nl6sing informntion.<br />

"She's clcvcn."<br />

No1 ?nine. "My dnughkr is ten."<br />

But thc cnllcr wnnla to know<br />

. the cxnct birth cintc, since shc in<br />

not convinced yet hccnune - 1 look<br />

. so much iikc hcr ilnufihter who hnn<br />

a million frienda, her dnughtcr who<br />

is giftcd In every wny ponslhle,<br />

moro thnn nny dnughtcr ahc nnd<br />

her hunhnnd could hnvc cvcr hnd.<br />

-. .. .<br />

..<br />

! - .<br />

1:- Town tE Country,,<br />

u . octoJer, 1078: I :<br />

: ...<br />

The dny rind nlonth (lo nnt tnntrh<br />

either. Thc ntrnnfrcr on the phone<br />

slgha. 1 rial not sore trl~cll~cr the<br />

misnlntch brings rclicf or not. Bllc<br />

nnys she \ms goi111: to hnng up If<br />

the inforn~nlio~~ rorrcrs)~on~lc~l. Shr<br />

snyn she knnws thnt it trnul~l~rcnk<br />

hcr iinoghtcr's l~cnrt if onc clny nhr<br />

hnd lo give a rlrllrl nwny. The 0nl~<br />

thi~~g I nm sure of is thnl 1 dnn't<br />

knowwhnt 1 fecl, thnt the cnrotions<br />

nrc tl~mhling out, wniting to 110<br />

told vrhich Ecnr to nhift into.<br />

She won't tell <strong>III</strong>C \r.bcrc shc in<br />

cnllinfi from.<br />

She any8 thnt she kno~rn I 111llRt<br />

love my dnufihlcr, nl111 nhc 1s surc<br />

lhnt son~cdny tvc'il nr~d cncll other.<br />

Then $vc ro over rolllc of the snnlc<br />

ror~vcrantion bccnllsc-for aonlc<br />

rcneon-we nrc looking for n rcnson<br />

to continue t11c conl~cclion.<br />

Ench of ua \visbcs Lllnt thc otllcr<br />

were thc inissing person, but I<br />

recol:nizc ti~nt wc nrc nlso nfrnicl<br />

of thnt rcnlity. We KO on for<br />

nnolhcr minutc or two in this<br />

linlbo, nnd 1 rcnlizc thnt illst nn I<br />

fnnlnsizc nbout the "profcssionnl<br />

pcoplcW who l~nve my little girl.<br />

nhc fnntnaizcs nboc~t 11cr little girl's<br />

pnrcnta, n'c l~nnt! I I nn11 ~ I SllCnd<br />

the rent of thc dny <strong>III</strong> n clnrc.<br />

1 phonc nly dnugl~ter's fnll~cr n<br />

fcw dnys lntcr nnd tcll bin1 nhout<br />

the coevcrsntion. Although Ire<br />

rarely spcnk, wc kecp in touch. Our<br />

dnughlcr sccnla Lo be n connrelir~lr<br />

: link thnt hinds 11s still. Ilc nndcrstnnds<br />

my nccd, nly tlrivc to hc involved.<br />

And non~cdny, he snyn, he<br />

nlso hopes to nlcct our dnufihkr.<br />

We don't inlk lonc thia clny. Thcrc'n<br />

' nbt nluch you cnn sny nlrout n phonc<br />

. all from n alrneger.

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