Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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Continud<br />

"We had one CUB member irr<br />

Itimom," mid Sandra. "Doth thebinlr<br />

mother and her son were senrclring for<br />

each other, they later lmmd that they<br />

had been in tlic same office within the<br />

mme week. But the social worker never<br />

mida word toeitheroftlirm."<br />

And slie mllsoneof hcrown fruitlars<br />

tiip to Richmond, when asocial worker<br />

"mt tight there in fmnt of me.witli my<br />

motlrer's nameandaddressand wouldn t<br />

tell men thing. When she accidentally<br />

dropped a ptrotop-aph from.the file, she<br />

avooped down and grabbed it sa fnst, I<br />

.never got a chance to scc it. Ilicn she<br />

dcnid it cvagnpia~~mofmy morl1cr. But<br />

if it cvnsn't a picture of m mother, why<br />

would she be m careful a LJ ut letting me<br />

an it?"<br />

It wnsn't until the family friend ,in<br />

Gnat Fnlbcontaad IicrtlratSundrawas<br />

.' able to lam the truth about frerdd<br />

.. mother, fmm her tmubkd Georgin<br />

cliildliod to her fateful out-of-wedlock<br />

pmgnancy. and the decision to relane<br />

Sandra to someone better able tomre for<br />

Iicr.<br />

'<br />

nrmugh the l~elp of other family<br />

: friends,Snndra 1111s beenable toseeall the<br />

photograpIra she wants. And it wns this<br />

i experienm that led her to scarch for her<br />

own daughar.<br />

"At the time, 1 didn't know wliat I cvns<br />

doin ," sl~e nuid. "I puem I wnn rally<br />

rcbetng a~ninst my adoptive parents for<br />

; not telling me the truth about my past."<br />

"But once I went tlimuglr all the pain .<br />

and torture d trying to lomte my own<br />

mother, I made up my mind that m<br />

dnuglrterwould ncvcrlinvetoptlimug r I<br />

that. I decided I would find iicr, even if<br />

slie didn't want to ace are, just to kt her.<br />

know that I wan hem if slic ever did want<br />

to meet me.".<br />

Sandra's ncarclr to locllte la; own<br />

daughter lms lxen successful. And,<br />

altlrougli she has violated both tlrc letter<br />

drrd spirit of the law, wlriclr liy<br />

discnuraging ado lon thmuglr intermedinrics<br />

nnd pro I?' 11biting the rclmc of<br />

mords, eks to treat atlop~ionn an<br />

~kelaona in tlle farnily clwt nnd rlrgcn<br />

both rnotlrerandcl~ild toclasetlredwro~i<br />

tlre pnt, Sntrdm mid sllc is now more<br />

cunretrt t11ar1 slrehnscver been in Irerlife.<br />

i<br />

-<br />

Arm-wide mcetirlp of Corrcenid ,<br />

United Binliprents are held the second<br />

Sunday of each 111011t11 at 6 p.111. nt St.<br />

Cliriao Irer'~ Cliurcli in Ncw Carrollton,<br />

~dl(l.'r)rtl~enrotrtliof Ma only.tlie.~<br />

~nectilig will be lreltl tlre tlli&urrlns.)<br />

For infortnation 1x11 Cam1 Sitoln at 262-<br />

7,w.<br />

. .

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