Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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there In sapprt of opcn records. Thd womnn'a relollonshlp wlth her i<br />

Womm . -. .-.. whma<br />

~<br />

chlldrcn hnd . been hmbnnd nnd othcr chlldrcn, hcr nbll. '<br />

adopted o p rl the ~ bill, not brcnuse , Ity to trust and to lwe nnd hcr ncll-<br />

It wcnt too nr but becnllse It dld no1 00 lmnge hnve all bccn ncgntlvcly nl.<br />

far enough. For exnmple, nn Inter- i fccted by loslng her chlld, tlsrlnlly hcr<br />

; mcdloty w m! d have bccn ulrcd for . nrsl-born, to adopllon nnd by lhc<br />

a parent senrchlng lor hls "R or cr adult I ."w~wcllng" she war glvm before,<br />

nonordsughler.) .' '<br />

'durlngnnd nttcr the ndoptlon<br />

I<br />

Unfortunately, only d thlrd 01 thme She now lcels mom open In tnlklng<br />

'nchdulcd lo s~eak wcre able lo do so . about hcr expcrlcncc. Sho reads a&. '<br />

lnthc tlmepm'vlded, and U wns finnlll ,I :clcs nnd sces tclcvlsla shows about<br />

dcddcd thnt the blU would not move ; , reunlom bctwcm ndoplm nnd their<br />

out of wmmltlm. Also, slncc 1I.g span- ' nrolhcn nnd prn 8 thnl one day she,<br />

.sore<br />

Albert Burstcln of' loo, wlll bcq'founJ" nlthough s h mny ~<br />

Tennfly,dldnol run for rcelccuonlnst ,, 'not feel she Is rcndy to scar& for her<br />

' ycnr, the mcasure wlll nnd a new . sonor dnughler;<br />

swnsor before .. any . a~tlon pn be ( Olhcr womcn nctlvcly s6nrch lor<br />

, liken. : . 8<br />

. I thclr chlldrcn, no1 to seek cuslody but,<br />

thou h mmy pcopie can empa-, mlher, to lenrn If thclr chlldrcn nre :<br />

(him wlJ an adoptcsls rlght to know, . nllve and well nnd tobenvnllnble to*<br />

chcv ...-...~<br />

hnve - dllfl~ltv comnmhcrdlnr lcvlnte the adoptpe's lnevllable fear of<br />

why a parrnt, nknioften he ~ t ': d jrejccllon: '. ..<br />

mother, fmls a aimtlar need nnd har I : Mnny womcn feel ;ompel;& to<br />

1'<br />

slmllnr rirrht. The molhcrs' pllght IS : scnrch after hcartng trua horror s b<br />

only now hglnnlng to becomc known, . ' rlaof edopllon abuse, such ns thesuras<br />

wns tho adopt?' pllght 10 yap; ' ! rendernlchlldahowarbomwllhasb<br />

MQO. ..--. . '<br />

vcrehnndlcnpnotcvidcnl at blr(h.The .<br />

Thc stemtyped myih is thnt the :'child was ncvcrndoplednnd wns InsUmothcr<br />

dld not wnnl to kecp her chlld ','<br />

, tutionnll~rd; howcvcr, hcr moU~cr wns<br />

and wns hnppy to glve her bnby to a ncver notlflcd, nllhoudi the nBcncy<br />

marrlcd couple to mlsc. She wns abls . kncw that sheffanlcd her chlld bock.<br />

,<br />

lo get on wllh her Ilfe nnd, 'fxccpt for Other adoplca have bccn.rejccted<br />

some longing on hlrlhdnya and holl. ' by Utclr ndopUve lnmlllc?,and thrown<br />

days, never looked bnckon n sorry cpl- back Inlo lhc foslcr-cnre i)r;tem wlIh<br />

'sodcthot she wnntcd to forget. ,<br />

' - ' 'out the morher'fi over bclng notifled, "<br />

The womnn lnlcr mnrricd nnd hod evcn lhough she mlght now be nble to<br />

other chlldrcn, who mnde up for the<br />

''<br />

pmvldc n home forhcr chlld.<br />

loss of her first chlld. No one kncw Untll agcnclu am mndc nicounlabulthcchlld's<br />

cxlslence; It was kept able for U~clr nctions and rmllclu. any I<br />

a dccp secret Muse<br />

lhe mothcr dld .<br />

not want nnyonc to know thnt she had<br />

hngullty of such an lndlscrclloh<br />

' Even If she wondcrcd how her son or .<br />

dnukhter war farlng, the womnn h ew '<br />

lhal she had entered Into a wnlract<br />

nnd could no1 wmo. bqck into her<br />

chlld's llfa<br />

'Ihe truth - tho rcnllty - 1% qulie<br />

dlllcrcnt. A lyplcal molhcr wanled<br />

dcspcratcly to keep her chlld, but war .<br />

prasurcd and coerced b fnmlly, '<br />

frlcnds, clergymen, 6 0 ~ wbrkem' 1 ~<br />

nnd soclcty's mores to feel thnt, If she ..<br />

, rcnlly loved hcrchlld, she hod no nllernatlvc<br />

tondoptlon.<br />

She was numbed by the cxnericni i<br />

of hnvlne to surrcndir lrarentkl rl~hlr wl1hlnn;hort tlmeof h6rbaby's birth. I<br />

l\s the yam go on, her nngulsh and 8<br />

~rlevlni<br />

- bccome more, not less, h ':<br />

icnse. ' .I<br />

The womnn is ncvcr nble to get on i<br />

wllh hcr llfc bccnusc n big pnrt of her I<br />

Is rnlsslng. She mny ncvcr hnve hod ..<br />

othcr chlldrcn bccnusc tho trnumn of<br />

loslng hcr cldld w ~ so s grcnt; rvcn I1 .<br />

she hos othcr chlldren, lhcy can ncvcr<br />

1111 Iht rnld thnt thc surrendered chlld<br />

left behlnd. .. 1<br />

i<br />

womnn who'needs lo know lhe imh<br />

about her cldld wlll be l o w losenrch :<br />

onherown.. ( .' . ..<br />

Women llke myself. who have curl- ,<br />

tlnucd to love and hnve wnccrn for our .<br />

lost chlldren. are tlrcd ofbclnr orebcnted<br />

as women llvlng In shidbhbas r<br />

,who dcslrcpmtcctlon nnd anonymity. ;<br />

We ncver mkcd for or wnntcd the con.<br />

ndenllallly. whlch Is a basic tenet 01 1<br />

. Mothers who sakh nn molhcrs<br />

who cnrc, add WI! recnt bclng pre-<br />

scnled as sclflsh threnu lo our chll- :<br />

dren and thclr fnmllles If we wlsh to<br />

findthem. . I<br />

We donot regard our chlldkn ar .<br />

"pmperty" to be slolcn, 111uglrl over or<br />

'owncd. Nothlng would be mom lrnelc :than hnvlngpaicnls nn$ndopllvc pnr. I<br />

cnls nt ivnr wllh one nnolher n*hrn, In.<br />

fact, we shnrcthc mostpreclous band:<br />

lovcnndconcern for U~csnme chlld.<br />

Adoptca Ip New Jcrscy nrctold thnt<br />

thclr records are scaled to pmlcct,Ule<br />

rlghis of ihc mother. It should be evldcnt<br />

by now thnt most mothcrs do not<br />

wmt pmlcctlon end cnnfidcntlnllly<br />

from thelr own chlldrcn. Llke It or not,<br />

lscnrches will contln~~e wlthln or out-<br />

',$ldeogcncy dm~cls. . ,<br />

f , Mnny of tho Issocs Iouctrcd upn In<br />

New Jersey ndopllrm n!form nre<br />

mornl, no1 Icgnl, 1?!;11%.nt(:rc Is o Chl.<br />

ncse prwcrb: "A mnn fnlls b:lck on<br />

lcgnlltla when hc hns no moral<br />

groundson whlch toslnnd."<br />

. I 1 mom opcn nr~d humnne adopllon<br />

.Is a legal Issue, It Is becnusc wo, iu a<br />

soclely, hnve codlflcd our blnsa nnd<br />

I<br />

lgnornnm. Our laws h Ncw Jency<br />

m~utbcrhnnged tb ncknowlcdge thnl<br />

It is pcrfr?Uy nnlurd for Inembers of<br />

th@ ndolitlon trlnttglc to wnnl to know<br />

one nnothcr. It Is Imposslblc to ernse<br />

th'cbondsof molher nnd chlld from the<br />

rnlnds nnd souls of ndoplccs nnd thclr<br />

motllcrs.<br />

In thls ln~pcrlcct world, there wlll<br />

nlwnys bcn nccd ond a plncc for ndop.<br />

tlon. .<br />

Lct IU work to~ethcr to reform our '<br />

stnte's ndopUon prnclll.r*. nnd lnws 1<br />

nlth the end lhol, In UI. Il~turc, ndop. '<br />

t~swould reconnlrc thrl~~-~l~~n-r~ol \<br />

wllhascnscof belngrcjcctcd, but wlrh<br />

the knowlcdgc oL who they tmly ore:<br />

People with ndoptlvcpnrcnlr who love<br />

thcmdccply, but who wcrenlsoborn lo<br />

n mothcr whose, lovo wns so grcnt (hat<br />

she mndc the ulllmutc st(crlfl6e . .. for<br />

thclrwclfnre.<br />

-<br />

a<br />

Bmk, scorrlt~d/ur, nnd rvus rc~rrlltcd<br />

wllh, the dorrghlershc lost loodoptlon.,<br />

Slte is o c~~oundcr of Otieinr and a<br />

ri~embero/C.U.B. s

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