Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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p r o m to by Lo conlael her until<br />

she wls of age. But I did lind out rhm<br />

she would k undusllng lut s p ~ and u<br />

S.vman amnged to hve a member<br />

of her l ady get Uckr(s to Uu mdwtion<br />

nrrmonks and she mod bu oldat<br />

w flew back cuf to atlad. "I .inmaged<br />

to atand right kslde my h gb<br />

. ter."Nynmutd"Idooduckm.rI<br />

mld to hu. I trmehed her nom I<br />

-. .-.<br />

A m<br />

t o m ,*,!me*<br />

Lllnd b d to k r &uMar.~'l~<br />

to. but I'iud tbdkrwidm mud<br />

those of her p&.;'~shc '11&<br />

wonderful juat to k Ihere WW ba."<br />

Nmun raid #he lwk ple(tucs d her<br />

&&?hm at tbeeemnok. vhUd her<br />

honk and seonkd out bG.1- dm<br />

Ing her stay. ''I waated to know mry-<br />

Mu1 mu!d about ber."shcaddml<br />

Oie funllv Mad who hdimmn~v-<br />

man's daughter since sh was a hdy.<br />

agreed-to ahare pholognphs. csp&<br />

encer, and memories with her. Nyimn<br />

SIU cormponds with this wow wbo<br />

' offers some avenue of hope for hrturr<br />

conlactrith her daughter.<br />

"I'm not sorry 'at I fmd her," Nym<br />

n said of her flvf-war surch.<br />

~~~<br />

"And<br />

I've accepted the f&t thal for M.. I<br />

can't bve a relaUo~hip 4th hr. But I<br />

alsoknow that someday she wlll want to<br />

mr!ctmeandlllbc he&."<br />

If Marianne Hymm's mry hasn't<br />

quite ended "happily ever alterwas yet,<br />

Jw._Vplanueva's has. l'he regional<br />

coordinator ol CLLB;Vlllanueva urn trr<br />

stmmmtnl in -forming the Colorado<br />

chaplcrof UteorganiraUonIn 1978.<br />

A Denver reside'nt. Vihueva was 17<br />

yea13 old when she reIlnqulahed her<br />

baby boy. "My lamlly never talked<br />

about It for years." she sald. "It was as<br />

UL had never haowned. MY family out<br />

ItoutofUHirmlnd;but~neder~otllk''<br />

When dK became involved with CUB.<br />

UH idea of finding her cud beeune a<br />

rrallt~. VUlnnueva sald ?hrowh Ur d-<br />

forts ii UM organization, rbe 6und her<br />

son, who rsr Uwn 1) years old, U*&<br />

PnmPylvanbd(bough he had bmn 6<br />

s&y$$.t&<br />

b,& it<br />

.. . , ..<br />

I<br />

earenw thmunh an intcnncdlarv. VUla. .. mediary deliver a letter from her whlle<br />

nueva mld. "f didn't want conl&l with he was-at barkelball camp Ln Puuuylhun<br />

at lust," she uphtned. "1 onl) ranta. The Lntennedla~ reported that<br />

aanled(oknowlhalhe wasOK." Vlllanueva's son wan at lval shocied.<br />

Evenlurlly. ell conlael with her mn'r lhen UrUed lo hear Crm hls b h<br />

adoptive parenu went Uuough a law- mob.<br />

yer, VUnuevn sald. "1 wrote my son "Five day8 Lstu.1 got a alr-plge ktletters,<br />

but Uley wwe never given tt (LT hil~ Nm, uldng qucs(ima and tellhim<br />

and I didn't renlvrury corrupoo * Lng. me Uut bk adoptlvo puents hd<br />

dace for (hree yean." ~ . l l u l nelvabmnhlmUrWa.!hdbml<br />

Um she saw pictw oI her son Le<br />

thm years belme. He'd bd no idea I'd<br />

kcn-&in# to cqlt.ct !dm,'.' VULnIJ~:<br />

aatd . .<br />

ts hve rgreed to kt tbdr mn vlrlt his ' "great." she sald k harbors ;6.6lk;$'::<br />

Wh mothrr In Colondo wer wring nes or anger toward her. "Hc apt,<br />

break. At lhmt Lime he will mect VJUa-<br />

j<br />

nacva'a ather two children, a !bycar-<br />

u his leelings eaily." she ulb;@a.<br />

past monUui I'vc fuund thnl o'&.<br />

dd boy anda girl. 10. .. loviny, him because he's my m1.1~:<br />

:'<br />

. Vihuevr said bcr son's leltrrs are : IikeNm." .:; ..<br />

. - . ----..-,

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