Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption

Articles Book III - Pg 300-560 (Birthparents) - triadoption


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ul talent. Periodic repom Tmm the Nrncd up thm pibilitiu One<br />

orphanage indicated that Claudia's was singing in an Atlanta hotel: a<br />

abilities me rcmgnizcd and chat saond was with atraveling band in<br />

she was being given voia losons. Colondo. Ncitha turned out to bc<br />

But the rcpm had cad &er a the Claudia I was rtcking.<br />

yar. when Claudii was adopted. The third, a Claudia Blair. was<br />

Now IZ yars had passed. appearing in a small LQS Angcles<br />

When I alled Squires I was im- nighdub. I flew to Glifornh and<br />

p d by the quin sincerity in his wrote her a note saying that I was<br />

voice. He wid that his wile didn't eking information for a dicnt.<br />

want to intcrtcrc in Claudia's life would come to the nightdub and<br />

Shc just wantd to know whaha ask her a few quenions.<br />

Claudia was all right and if possible The following night. I mchd<br />

to mcct hcr again. 'It may be a- the club in time for the tint show.<br />

pensive," Squira said "But I want ?he stage cumins paned to meal<br />

you to do anything you ha= to do Chudia Blair. She was a sltnder<br />

to find Claudiz h e watched my girl, vuy pretty, with a plasant<br />

wife suffa long enough. 1 love ha voia and good NF procnoc The<br />

and want to help ha." audience liked ha, and so did I.<br />

It's hard to say no to a man like Whcn she had finished ha songs,<br />

that. But 1 warned him that it is vcry I went to ha dressing room. She<br />

difficult for a natural parent to trace was sitting in a chair. knitting, and<br />

a legally adopted child.No rcputablc did not lmk up as I induced myadoption<br />

agency will divulge the =IF. "It's nice to meet you, Mr.<br />

names of the adopting parents or Goldhder:' she wid. "Our managa<br />

anything el.r about the childi cir- read me your notr I couldn't read it<br />

cumstan- Even the coun records mywlf. You we I'm blind."<br />

qarding the adoption arc scaled. I was stunned. "lin sorry," I stam-<br />

Ncvcrthclas. I went to Utiu and mad. "I didn't know, Miss Blair."<br />

*iritcd the orphan.&. The authori- "Not many people do. ?he sugc<br />

ties thcrc. while refusing-quite curuiru arc always drawn before<br />

rightly-to answer questions. inad- sommne luds me off."<br />

rmcntly gavc me a clue. "Claudia's :'Can anything be done?"<br />

nadr arc wcll taken care of." I was "No." she wid. "I11 always be<br />

told. "In ha. we understand she blind. Now, what do you want?"<br />

has a camr of ha own."<br />

By this time I had grave doubts<br />

This reference to a urn left me that I had round the right girl. 1 told<br />

wondaing if the girl might not bc her abut my assignment. As she<br />

singing professionally. .% search of listcncd her hcc hard and<br />

pcrformcrs-union files for a female cold. "Yq" she said. "I was that<br />

vocalist. first name Claudia. age child. Whcn 1 was eight yurs old,<br />

about 21. blond hair. blue qcs. my mother gavc me away-kauw<br />

"I'LL C0.U.E BA 'CK FOR YOU"<br />

sine & v d dut I was going<br />

blind"<br />

Chudia's bittancu was obviously<br />

prof~lnd Sk knew nothing of her<br />

motha's whaclbouy and made it<br />

dar that she didn't want to. She<br />

spoke with p t &mion of ha<br />

doptim ~M~IS, the Blairs, with<br />

whom she lived in a n d y suburb.<br />

She flatly jened my suggestion<br />

that she mat wirh ha mother.<br />

Whcn I told John Squires of Claudia><br />

blindness and bincrnen, hew<br />

silent for a moment. Then he said,<br />

"I'm terribly iony. But I'd like you<br />

to make evcry doon to pernude<br />

CLudia to change hcr mind"<br />

That may bc impossible," I said.<br />

"Is it tmt that your wifi knew<br />

CLudia was lcsing her sight when<br />

sh put hcr in tbc orphanagr?"<br />

Job Squires haitared. Finally,<br />

he Pi4 "The truth an be mysided.<br />

Plusc don't give up."<br />

I told hin~ that I -would lmk up<br />

Uaudiis adoptive parents and try<br />

toenh thdr support. That evening.<br />

whm I was sum Claudia had gone<br />

to work, I went to the Blain' homc.<br />

?hey mre clearly warmhuncd<br />

pplc But when I asked for their<br />

help, MIX Blair h e quite agitatsd<br />

and said, "I don't YX why<br />

Claudia should have anything to do<br />

with her mother."<br />

Blair added earnestly. "We want<br />

you to know hat we have never<br />

fried to Nrn Claudiu against ha real<br />

motha. If she seems bitter, iis h-<br />

wuw of what she rcmcrnkrs when<br />

she wu lei? at the orphanage.*<br />

"YOU should have ucn her!" Mrs.<br />

Blair burst out. "We went to that<br />

orpbanagc to adopt a mull b&y.<br />

But there was Claudia, nine yean<br />

old No fitha, no motha. And she<br />

was losing ha yaight We had to<br />

take ha. IVe've neva rrgmtcd it"<br />

W s me," said Blair. "We<br />

couldn't love ha more if she wm<br />

our own daughter."<br />

mnsm I ~ ~ y ~ e d r l "YOU ~ ,<br />

should know how her own mother<br />

TI."<br />

We talked for more dun an hour.<br />

I pointed out that the binancu<br />

Claudia Tdt might b m c corrosive<br />

in h4 lifc \Vouldn't it be bcna to<br />

cry rn eliminate it? I used dl the<br />

powas of persuasion I could sunmon.<br />

Firully, they glurccd at each<br />

other, and MmBLir nodded slowly.<br />

"Wcll talk to Chudia &ut it," she<br />

said. "xlephone ha here tomorrow<br />

&moon. She will have to give you<br />

the final answer."<br />

When I phoned CIaudiu oploded<br />

almost at oncc"1 was given away<br />

-abandoncdl" d~ cried 'Whcn I<br />

mast needed my mother, she deserted<br />

me, beaux she didn't want<br />

the burden of a blind child. Do you<br />

apcct me to forgive that?"<br />

"You might at lcart hear her side<br />

of it"<br />

There was a long silencc Finally,<br />

she said, 'Vay wrlL To plav my<br />

adowvc parcnu, whom I dearly<br />

lave, 1'11 m e with ha. Just one.<br />

But nothing will ever change the<br />

way that I fed abut hcr.Nothiig!"<br />

I telephoned John Squira. He<br />

said that he and his wife would fly<br />

to Lor Angcles rtwt night 'I think

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