Here - EWMA 2013

Here - EWMA 2013

Here - EWMA 2013


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EP 516<br />

E-Poster: Leg Ulcer<br />

Dermoscopy-diagnostic method of microangiopathy in chronic<br />

venous ulceration<br />

Javorka Delic 1 , Vesna Mikulic 1 , Vesna Vlahovic Tatljak 1<br />

1 Serbian Wound Healing Society (Belgrade, Serbia).<br />

Microangioathy in postthrombotic chronic venous ulceration (CVU) is the consequence<br />

of venosus hypertension, stasis, chronic inflammation and reparative processes.<br />

Objective: The presentation of the blood wessels and pigmentation of the papilar<br />

dermis by dermoskopy*, Delta 20. 57 patients, with CVU, which is confirmed by clinical<br />

and Color Doppler exams, 32 female, 25 male, with fotodocumentation–clinic image,<br />

dermoscopy.<br />

Results: Venous capillares in papilar dermis:dilated, derformed, like lacuna, individual<br />

or grouped in globula formation and often, in formation like pomegranate (more globula),<br />

which is localised near of CVU. On places of atophy or sclerosys there werent visible<br />

blood wessels and the pigment deposites. Pappering. Maccular pigmentation, very<br />

tipical finding, is the sign of the increasing acitivities of the macrophags, usually<br />

increasing in lymphoedema, inflammation, infection. Pappering was the most enlarges<br />

on zones near the cicatrix. Pseudo–network localised near of CVU, (hemosiderin,<br />

melanine) present the residual pigmentation in stasis dermatitis. Also, a sign of the<br />

phenomena of lowering melanines in deeper leyer beacouse of the disturbance of basal<br />

membrane and epidermal barrier. Dermoscopy as a diagnostic method of the<br />

microangiopathy, is representing different pigment deposites, disturbance of blood<br />

wessels as lakuna, globulas, pomegranate, atrophy and sclerosis of the skin. On the<br />

results has influence the type of the skin (Fitz–Patrick), sex (estrogen depended<br />

pigmentation) but the most importante influence have the stadium of HVI (stadium C5<br />

and C6).<br />

Key words: Dermoscopy, chronic ulceration, pigmentation, blood wessels<br />

*HEINE<br />


EP 517<br />


E-Poster: Leg Ulcer<br />

Wen-Chang Cheng 1 , Haiyan Wang 2<br />

1 Chung Shang Medical University Hospital (Taichung, Taiwan);<br />

2 Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Anhui, China).<br />

The idea that dry type therapy is better than moist therapy in healing deep<br />

wounds was presented by Dr. Wen-Chang Cheng in 2012 <strong>EWMA</strong>. The current NPWT<br />

and compression therapy of lower leg promote wound healing maybe associated with<br />

decreased wound exudate. To evaluate the relationship of wounds healing and exudate<br />

by oral diuretics, and observation of decreased exudate of wounds on lower leg is<br />

designed in this study.<br />

Methods: A study of 20 problem wounds with delayed healing in proliferation phase<br />

more than 3 months were selected. Prescription of oral diuretic, furosemide 40 mg daily,<br />

and wound therapy performed simultaneously. Before and after the research, the same<br />

method of wound care is performed. The circumference of midfoot is measured. The<br />

edema of foot, wound exudate and moisture of dressings were also evaluated.<br />

Results: Average circumference of midfoot is 25.8 cm before study and 24.5 cm after<br />

study. Average wounds size is 21.2 cm 2 , and average healing time 29.4 days was noted<br />

in this study. Lower leg edema improvement, skin wrinkles, and eschar formation easily<br />

were also observed. However two cases with complications by oral diuretics, one is<br />

dizziness and another one palpitation were recorded in this study.<br />

Conclusions: Decreased edema of lower leg, then improved the wound healing in this<br />

study. Decreased wound exudate, delayed epithelial rolling, and made granulation phase<br />

progressed smoothly. Decreased edema maybe make bacteria colony decreased, and<br />

promoted wound healing. Systemic decreased edema can improved wound healing of<br />

lower limb.<br />

*VAC<br />


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