Here - EWMA 2013

Here - EWMA 2013

Here - EWMA 2013


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144<br />

Free Paper Session: Basic Science and Burns<br />



Andrey Alekseev 1,2 , Alexandr Bobrovnikov 1,2 , Michael Krutikov 1,2 , Murman Lagvilava 1 ,<br />

Vitaliy Bogdanov 1<br />

1 A.V.Vishnevsky Institute of surgery (Moscow, Russia);<br />

2 Department of thermal injuries, wounds and wound infections, RMAPO (Moscow,<br />

Russia).<br />

Aim: To develop modern technologies of local conservative treatment in burned patients<br />

and assess its effectiveness.<br />

Methods: 1408 clinical-laboratorial studies of effectiveness of different dressings groups<br />

and methods for local treatment of burn wounds, donor sites and transplanted skin grafts<br />

were conducted in 985 patients. All studies were open, comparative, controlled and<br />

performed according to single protocol. In main group (579 patients), modern dressings,<br />

antimicrobial drugs and ultrasonic cavitation were applied. In comparison group (406<br />

patients), treatment of burn wounds was conducted by gauze dressings with ointments<br />

based on polyethylene glycol and by antiseptic solutions. In all patients, deep burns<br />

were closed surgically.<br />

Results: Results showed that application of gauze dressings with povidone-iodine<br />

solution, ointments based on polyethylene glycol and textile dressings allowed to treat<br />

wounds by dry method. On the contrary, atraumatic, hydrogel, film dressings, and silvercontained<br />

creams allowed to treat wounds by moist method. Dressings from one group<br />

created and maintained definite wound environment and therefore had equal clinical<br />

efficacy. Results of burn wound treatment depended on technology of use of modern<br />

dressings, local antiseptics and physical methods of influence on wounds, application of<br />

which in complex treatment of burned patients allowed to reduce treatment duration due<br />

to decrease of epithelization terms or preparation for operations.<br />

Conclusions: Basis of technologies of local conservative treatment is interchange of<br />

moist and dry methods of treatment aimed at creation of optimal conditions for<br />

regeneration using different groups of dressings and methods, depending on<br />

localization, burn sizes, wound healing stages and infection presence.<br />


145<br />

A new approach for children burn scars<br />

Free Paper Session: Basic Science and Burns<br />

Agostino Bruno 1 , Marco Palombo 1 , Giancarlo delli Santi 1 , Lucio Fasciani 1 ,<br />

Tiziana Pagliarini 1 , Paolo Palombo 1<br />

1 S Eugenio Hospital (Rome, Italy).<br />

Aim: Burn scars are known for their dystrophic sequelae, causing massive changes both<br />

functional and aesthetic.Many treatments have been proposed, with variable and<br />

sometimes disappointing results.<br />

Methods: In the last 6 months we treated 14 children (age from 3 years to 13) for their<br />

burn scar from scald. Their hypertrophic scars were dermabraded, and non-cultured<br />

epithelial autograft harvested from an area close to the burnt surface was treated<br />

according to the ReCell technique and applied to the dermabraded surface ; underneath<br />

the treaded area, lipofilling was performed. Once the area healed up, non ablative<br />

fractional laser session were performed (one month apart from each other).<br />

Results: Dressing were no longer required by the 8th post-operative day; we highlighted<br />

a complete reepithelization by 10 days post-op, and satisfactory skin pigmentation and<br />

texture by 3 months post op. No major complication occurred.<br />

Conclusion: This approach proved to be very effective in the management of young<br />

patient burn scar, as it isn’t very invasive, and allows a rapid functional and aesthetic<br />

recovery.<br />


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