Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice Toward a Positive ...

Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice Toward a Positive ...

Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice Toward a Positive ...


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A Two-Factor <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Esteem</strong> Enhancement Program 215means targeting a source of self-esteem that is capable of increasing worthinessor competence, or both, <strong>and</strong> setting up a plan to get there by usingour problem-solving skills. We work on reaching the goal through practice,which eventually results in new learning <strong>and</strong> in an increase of competence,worthiness, or both. Because acquiring more competence <strong>and</strong>more worthiness is additive (Harter, 1999), completing the cycle in thisway shifts our position on the self-esteem matrix in a positive direction.Sometimes it is helpful to make a copy of Figure 5.5, which shows howself-esteem is lived in adulthood, so that participants underst<strong>and</strong> whythey are being asked to construct such a plan <strong>and</strong> how it will help themin the future. I also point out that one may always repeat the process <strong>and</strong>that always keeping a self-esteem project “going” at least maintains ourawareness of self-esteem over time.Step 3: Building a <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Esteem</strong> Action Plan. Now we move to part IIof the h<strong>and</strong>out <strong>and</strong> walk participants through the steps one at a time in away that requires them to build a plan. There are two reasons for doingso. First, this practice allows us to check the work to see if participantsreally underst<strong>and</strong> the cycle. Second, the exercise is designed to move intothat future with them: if done correctly, the plan that is developed herealso becomes the first self-esteem project that they work on once thegroup is over. Once again, the worksheet for this step is set up to be donein a stepwise fashion under the direction of the facilitator who acts asteacher, coach, <strong>and</strong> troubleshooter for this process.First, in part II-A, group members are asked to identify a self-esteemarea that they wish to improve. Our work with the MSEI on identifyingself-esteem strengths <strong>and</strong> weaknesses becomes important once again. Aperson whose self-esteem is relatively healthy is best served by building aproject around a content area that scored low on the test. Such an individualis likely to be able to tolerate looking at shortcomings withoutbecoming defensive or discouraged, which helps them to take a “fasttrack” toward increasing self-esteem. However, a person with a moreserious self-esteem problem already focuses on his or her vulnerabilities,so that individual is better served by taking another slower <strong>and</strong> moregentle approach. In this case, working to improve functioning in an areawhere one is already doing at least moderately well is more effective. Thistype of plan leads to an increase in the self-confidence that success bringswith it, which could help the person gain enough confidence to move onto more complex tasks. I usually leave the choice up to the members, butI do suggest these basic guidelines to them as they are selecting an areafor improvement.Next, members are instructed to match the nature of their selfesteemtheme with an appropriate source of self-esteem by using the four

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