Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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un passé aussi doré. Je voulais leur<br />

montrer qu'ils pouvaient ètre fiers <strong>de</strong><br />

leur I<strong>de</strong>ntité.<br />

Etes-vous vous-même Kur<strong>de</strong>?<br />

_ Je n'aime pas tellement c<strong>et</strong>te questiqn,<br />

car je suis Turc avant tout <strong>et</strong> je<br />

m'i<strong>de</strong>ntifie totalement à ce pays. Par le<br />

passé, le problème <strong>de</strong>s Kur<strong>de</strong>s ne se<br />

posait pas avec la mème acuité. Nous<br />

étions tous embarqués sur le mème<br />

navire. Mes grands-parents sont originaires<br />

d'Anatolie orientale, <strong>et</strong> j'ai sûrement<br />

du sang kur<strong>de</strong> dans mes veines.<br />

Peut-on considérer «Mem <strong>et</strong> Zîn»<br />

comme la première étape d'un travail?<br />

- Oui, mais ce n'est pas simple. Car il<br />

faut affronter non seulement la censure<br />

gouvernementale, mais aussi celle,<br />

encore plus dangereuse peut-être,<br />

<strong>de</strong>s extrémistes. J'ai déjà recu <strong>de</strong>s menaces<br />

voilées. Certains trouvent en.eff<strong>et</strong><br />

que je ne suis pas allé assez loin<br />

avec «Mem <strong>et</strong> Zîn». Moi,je ne suis pas<br />

un anarchiste, je ne suis pas agressif.<br />

Toutefois, je considère que ce film<br />

'n'est qu'une première étape pour présenter<br />

le Kurdistan. Je ne pouvais <strong>et</strong> ne<br />

voulais pas lui donner une teneur politique<br />

plus prononcée.<br />

Quels sont les problèmes que rencontrent<br />

les cinéastes turcs?<br />

- Le problème numéro un, c'est l'argent.<br />

Le cinéma américain colonise<br />

totalement les salles du pays. Les films<br />

que nous faisons ne sont vus que par<br />

très peu <strong>de</strong> personnes. Et pas la peine<br />

<strong>de</strong> penser à l'exportation ... En Turquie,<br />

l'argent que vous injectez dans<br />

un film ne vous procure rien en r<strong>et</strong>our.<br />

En le réalisant, nous faisons <strong>de</strong> la résistance.<br />

Propos recueillis par<br />


turkish daily news - December 31, 1993<br />

PM Çiller in DiyarbakIr today for New Year<br />

Turkish Daily News Ankara's argument that Turkey had man}: measures have been taken both lery fire, and the issue turned into a<br />

ANKARA- Prime Minister Tansu control everywhere in its territories. for (,:iIIer's protection and to restore major <strong>de</strong>bate. Officials accepted after-<br />

Çiller is travelling to the Southeastern Ministerial s~urces ~old the.TDN that the city, at least the' areas where the wards that at least TL 5 billion had to<br />

provincial capital of Diyarabir today th~y ha~ ~olced thIS r.ea~tlOn to the prime minister will be visiting. Lice be allocated for the reconstruction of<br />

to spend New Year's Eve with securi- pnme mInIster but she insIsted on go- was subject to fierce gun and heavy Lice.<br />

ty personnel fighting separatist terror- Ing to the ~outheast. . . artillery fire on Oct. 22 after an 'al- This week security forces in the<br />

ism in the region and boost local mo-, ," AccordIng to one offICIaI, who leged attack on local security forces town spee<strong>de</strong>d up their efforts to fill in<br />

raie. asked not to be named: "If Turkey by militants of the outlawed Kurdi- holes opened by machine gun fire and<br />

Çiller, un<strong>de</strong>r heavy protection, will does have control ------------ stan Workers' Party lift the <strong>de</strong>bris of unrepairable. homes.<br />

also attend the drawing for the nation- ,everywhere, why (PKK). Locals have Meanwhile, it was reported that cans<br />

al lottery and New Year's Eve cele- does she make claimed since that of paint have been dIstributed to the<br />

brations'. Following this, she is to s~ch a show? It -----. - -------- there had been no local population so they could work<br />

travelto the town of Lice which, on gIves a wrong message and a mlstak- clash and security forces opened fire on the reconstruction project them-<br />

Oct. 22, 1993, was puI'led to the en image." Another problem which on the town at random, Not a single selves. Reports have reached Ankara '<br />

l'round after security forces opened. surfaced before the visit ~as the fact official building but the municipality that certain districts of the town which<br />

fire on it. Sources said the program 'that some ~ell-known singers and was hit during the inci<strong>de</strong>nts which re- the prime minister has refused la visit<br />

encountered serious problems from groups publicly refused. to travel to portedly claimed 30 lives. But 70 per- :for the past two months are being fulthe<br />

very beginning. They said even the regIOn (or celebratIOns on the cent of the town's population migrated ly repaired. These districts are said to<br />

the senior ministers of Çiller's govern- grounds that It was dangerous and the to nearby DiyarbakIr in fear. be ones which Çiller will be visiting.<br />

ment were against what they bran<strong>de</strong>d pay was low. . . . Many districts of the s<strong>et</strong>tlement Even soldiers are said to be working<br />

as her "window-show," emphasizing As for the LIce leg of her VISit, were compl<strong>et</strong>ely <strong>de</strong>stroyed with artil- on the construction project.<br />

DEP Deputy Aydar claims troops kill two villagers<br />

Turki,\/J D.lily NeIVs<br />

ANKARA- A Kurdish-origin member of the<br />

.Turkish Parliament claimed this week that two<br />

villagers had recently been killed by government<br />

troops in the Southeast. Pro-Kurdish Democracy<br />

Party (DEP) Siirt Deputy Zübeyir Aydar claimed<br />

that both vi<strong>et</strong>ims were villagers and <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d an<br />

explanation from the Interior Ministry on why and<br />

how they had been killed,<br />

In a written motion to Parliament, Aydar relayed<br />

the cases of villagers Emin Kaya and Ce vat<br />

Tok<strong>de</strong>mir.<br />

Tok<strong>de</strong>mir was allegedly executed by a special<br />

crack team in front of his children while Kaya's<br />

body was found in a river with his stomach split<br />

open and filled with stones -- following his <strong>de</strong>tention.<br />

Aydar said that gendarme soldiers from the<br />

Güçlükonak post rai<strong>de</strong>d the village of<br />

Dügünyurdu (Taruni) on Dec. 24 and. after a<br />

compl<strong>et</strong>e search, <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>Li the village chieftain.<br />

When they coulLi not tind the chieftain, however,<br />

they <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d that Kaya, 30, a father of three<br />

and a member of the village council. accompany<br />

them.<br />

After one day passed, the villagers went to the<br />

station to ask about Kaya but were told by an uni-<br />

L1entified comman<strong>de</strong>r that he knew no one by that<br />

name.<br />

According to Aydar's account, villagm found<br />

the remains of Kaya's burned clothing near the Tigris<br />

river on the evening of Dec. 26. On Dec. 27,<br />

they spotted his body in the river. Marks on the<br />

body reportedly indicated that Kaya had been<br />

hanged.<br />

Also, his stomach hall been slit open and filled<br />

with stones. Aydar said that the whole village had<br />

witnessed gendarme troops escorting Kaya from<br />

his home.<br />

In the second inci<strong>de</strong>nt, which Aydar said had<br />

occurred on Dec. 28. a group of soldiers accompanied<br />

by special crack teams entered the village of<br />

Çevrimtepe<br />

local time.<br />

(Girdaka) in Siirt at about 10:00 p.m.<br />

Aydar claimed that<br />

house of 35-year-old<br />

the soldiers went to the<br />

Ce vat Tok<strong>de</strong>mir and <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that he open the door. When he refused in<br />

fear, they allegedly barged insi<strong>de</strong> and opened<br />

on him in front of his children.<br />

fire<br />

Tok<strong>de</strong>mir, father of six. was later reported in an<br />

Emergency Law communique<br />

killed during a security operation.<br />

as "a terrorist"<br />

In his two written motions, Aydar <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d<br />

that the interiOl' minister explain what was happening,<br />

and that he inform the Parliament wh<strong>et</strong>her<br />

any investigations had been launched regarding<br />

what he refmed to as "these mur<strong>de</strong>rs,"<br />


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