Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris

Bulletin de liaison et d'information - Institut kurde de Paris


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70<br />

ftMeans must be sought for another cease-fire. Were<br />

backyard neiohbors with both the PKK and the state. When<br />

these two po~ers start fi¥.hting,bombs fall on us. That's why<br />

we want peace. And we 11si<strong>de</strong> with whoever takes the first<br />

step towards I:>eace,"he ad<strong>de</strong>d. . .<br />

Kaya said they wanted.~e local electIOns of March 1994<br />

held un<strong>de</strong>r peaceful conditions..<br />

"We want the real candidates of our people to g<strong>et</strong> elected.<br />

To ensure voters' saf<strong>et</strong>y, we'll do whatever is required of<br />

us," he said. .<br />

"The solution is freedom, <strong>de</strong>mocracy, and the brotherhood<br />

of R;0ples," he conclu<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Greek <strong>de</strong>putiès on the pulpit"<br />

Following Kara's speech, the presente was announced of<br />

a Greek <strong>de</strong>legatIOn comprised of ~eputies çf PASOK, the<br />

New Democracy Party, and the Political Spnng Party at the<br />

convention hall. Later on, PASOK <strong>de</strong>puty Kostas Batulas<br />

was called on to <strong>de</strong>liver a speech. .<br />

Batulas started his speech by wishing success, on behalf<br />

of the Greek Parliament, to "the heroic struggle of the Kurdish<br />

people, the DEP conventioll and the Kurdish people."<br />

Clanrung that all international institutions <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d the<br />

right of self-<strong>de</strong>termination accor<strong>de</strong>d to nations, he said human<br />

rights must also be proteCted, adding "May God help<br />

you." Eleni Leonditis, representative of the International<br />

Struggle for the Rights and Freedoms of Peoples, said her<br />

orgamzation supported the "holy struggle of the Kurdish<br />

people for self-<strong>de</strong>termination."<br />

"Today Kurds are livin:gun<strong>de</strong>r the sword of war and violence.<br />

Kurdish villages remind one of war-torn areas. Innocen~'people<br />

are being killed, tortured. We receive such in~ormatlon<br />

every day. Therefore we're going to start a campalOn<br />

for political and financial support for the Kurdish peopfe.<br />

L<strong>et</strong> It be known that Greek public opinion is with the Kurds.<br />

My friends, we know that your struggle is for the rights of<br />

your people. Your cadres are being mur<strong>de</strong>red, we know that,<br />

too.We respect and admire the Kurdish people's struggle,<br />

and extend our support for its continuance," Leonditis ad<strong>de</strong>d<br />

Ḟollowing speeches by the Greek guests, DEP <strong>de</strong>puties<br />

and <strong>de</strong>legates took the floor.<br />

~EP <strong>de</strong>puty Zübeyir Aydar claimed that the case lodged<br />

agalllst the DEP at the Constitutional Court was an attempt<br />

to r,revent the I?EP from entering the local elections.<br />

If the DEP ISbarred from the elections they will not be<br />

true elections. And those elected cannot ru~ the country," he<br />

alleged.<br />

'.<br />

Meanwhile, ~ gr~,upstarted shouting "Kurdistan shall be a<br />

grave for FaSCism. They were later silenced by the memo<br />

bers of the party council.<br />

The crowd started shoutino "Martyrs don't die" when the<br />

presence at the convention hall of Cihan Sincar, wife of<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>red DEP <strong>de</strong>puty Mehm<strong>et</strong> Sincar was announced.<br />

Later on, a children's choir, the el<strong>de</strong>st only 9 and 10 years<br />

old, sang Kurdish songs. They wore bandannas painted in<br />

yellow, red, and green, the colors of the PKK.<br />

Police bust daily Özgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m<br />

• Police raid offices, <strong>de</strong>tain over 100 staffers<br />

• Minister Saglar con<strong>de</strong>mns 'violation of press freedom'<br />

Turkish Daily News<br />

. ANKARA- Police acting un<strong>de</strong>r or<strong>de</strong>rs from State Security<br />

Courts this weekend launched Turkey's s~rongestc.rackdown<br />

ever on a Turkish newspape~ a~d "aJ~ed offices of<br />

the pro-Kurdi~h Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>~ dally III v~o~s cities.<br />

'The operatIOnstarted on Fnday with a raid on the Istanbul<br />

headquarters of the newspaper, during which 110 people,<br />

mostly journalists and printing house workers, were<br />

o<strong>et</strong>ained. A statement from the court claimed it '.:1 ..:3 j ~j.:-.<br />

ing into claims that Özgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m executives ,weremembers<br />

of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and<br />

SOIlJ.ehad even gone through guerilla training. .<br />

Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m offices in tzmir, Adana, Mersin and<br />

Batman provinces were rai<strong>de</strong>d on Saturday.<br />

The newspaper's owner, Ya~ar Kaya, said on Sunday he<br />

would <strong>de</strong>mand compensation for what he called "billions<br />

of liras of losses" and pointed out that such an operation<br />

had not even been witnessed in Franco's Spain or Hitler's<br />

Germany. . . .<br />

"They are trying to silence the press in Turkey," he said.<br />

"But I will make them pay for this. I will teach them a lesson.<br />

If <strong>de</strong>mocracy is to be saved this way in Turkey, I want<br />

them to open fire on me as weiL" Kaya said he would apply<br />

to the COl!rtsfor..compensa~ion and <strong>de</strong>scribeq tj1eo~raliGnLiS"a<br />

fiasco." Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m could nOtbe printed in<br />

full o~ Saturday except f~r an eight-page paper dis!ribut~<br />

. only III the southern provlllées of Adana and MerSIn. This<br />

was before the Adana office was rai<strong>de</strong>d. The newspaper<br />

did not appear on Sunday. Asked to comment on the re~' .<br />

cent operation, Interior Minister Nahit Mente~e said the<br />

police had merely complied with an or<strong>de</strong>r from the Istanbul<br />

State Security Court (DGM) but refused to elaborate. .<br />

In a written statement, the Istanbul DGM said two handguns,<br />

gas masks, i<strong>de</strong>ntity cards of soldiers killed by the<br />

PKK, PKK vouchers worth TL 400 million, documents con-<br />

~ai.ningPKK propaganda, and medical aid supplies had been<br />

.selZed. . .<br />

Kaya èlaimed a day later that the search had achieved<br />

nothing. The DGM statement also claimed that PKK mem~<br />

bers captured by security forces had testified that the newspaper's<br />

employees maintained an organic connection with<br />

the PKK.<br />

Police on Sunday exhibited two unlicenced guns, six bull<strong>et</strong>s<br />

and 400 million lira worth of bills bearing the stamp of'<br />

~hePKK'.spopular front, ERNK..They also showed journal-<br />

IStSa van<strong>et</strong>y of backpacks, sleepmg bags and documentation<br />

w~ch they said proved the paper had links with the organizatIOn.<br />

Reaction:<br />

¥eanwhile, there ~as been stro~g reaction ag~nst the operation.<br />

The InternatIOnal Fe<strong>de</strong>ration of Journalists (IFJ) ISsued<br />

a strongly-wor<strong>de</strong>d con<strong>de</strong>mnation on Saturday.<br />

. . "The Turkish government appears to have no respect for<br />

its own laws," said IFJ General Secr<strong>et</strong>ary Aidan White.<br />

"Justification for.the ban of Özgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m has not been<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> public and no authorities in the government respon<strong>de</strong>d<br />

to requests by journalists for information about the ban on<br />

thepaper," White ad<strong>de</strong>d."<br />

Ozgür Gün<strong>de</strong>m had been regularly harassed by the Turkish<br />

authorities, the IFJ sâid, adding that 10 journalists work~<br />

ing for the paper had been killed and many more <strong>de</strong>tained.<br />

The IFJ said it saw the banning of the Turkish newspaper as<br />

P.artof a ge~era~ increase i~ attacks. on freedom of expressIOnby<br />

all Si<strong>de</strong>sIII the Kurdish confliCt.<br />

"VIOlationshave inclu<strong>de</strong>d the killing of journalists, new~paper<br />

v~ndors and media workers and the expulsion of media<br />

from the southeast of the country," the IFJ said. .<br />

CultureMini~ter fikri Saglar said, on the other hand, that.

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