Ph.d. afhandling, Thomas Bjørner

Ph.d. afhandling, Thomas Bjørner

Ph.d. afhandling, Thomas Bjørner


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organization, contextualizing and more ´focused´ study of the STB trial” (O´Brien et al.<br />

1999: 290). Undersøgelsen peger på en række rutiner og interaktioner i hjemmet i<br />

forholdet til teknologien, og en af konklusionerne er således også ”that everyday routine<br />

activities in the home are so closely interwoven with technology. The technology not only<br />

fits within routine but may be used as a means of constructing the very routine of home<br />

life” (O´Brien et al. 1999: 290). Denne optik er dog ikke unik for O´Brien et al.s<br />

undersøgelse, men er fremkommet ved et væld af HCI (Human Computer Interaction)<br />

forskningsresultater. Venkatesh (opr. 1985, In: O´Brien 1999) peger på, at man begynder<br />

at fokusere på vigtigheden af interaktionen mellem det tekniske og sociale arrangement i<br />

husstandene. Han udreder et teoretisk fundament af husstandens teknologiske apparater,<br />

der identificeres som to ”rum” i hjemmet:<br />

”The social space which is constituted by the social structure of the household<br />

and the activities performed within the household [and] the technological space,<br />

which represents the nature of the technological environment within the<br />

household” (Venkatesh In: O´Brien et al. 1999: 284-285).<br />

Med denne distinktion ønsker Venkatesh at disse ”rum” interagerer både som komplekse<br />

og uforudsigelige størrelser, men samtidig ”that it is in the nature of this interaction that<br />

domestic technologies find their character” (O´Brien et al. 1999: 285).<br />

”From the technolology side, this conceptualisation shows how computers and<br />

new media technologies may be adopted and used; from the user side, it helps<br />

identify the internal dynamics of family life that determine successful (or<br />

unsuccessful) adoption and use of the technologies. This dynamic can<br />

besummed up as the interaction between the social space and the technological<br />

space…We cannot assume that what the technology can do in the household is<br />

the same as what the household wants to do with the technology” (Venkatesh<br />

In: O´Brien et al. 1999: 285).<br />

Jeg har dog valgt her at redegøre nærmere for O´Briens et al. undersøgelse, fordi den på<br />

nogle punkter ligner min egen undersøgelse. Jeg har dog ikke foretaget nogen egentligt<br />


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