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16 | COVER STORY | Brands vs. Retail 8.<strong>2018</strong><br />


Scenes from<br />

a Marriage<br />

The sector is rapidly changing. The concentration process in both, the manufacturing and the retail sector,<br />

seems to be inexorable. Is this the end of the partnership between retailers and producers?<br />

Text: Marcel Rotzoll<br />

The brands and the specialist sports retail –<br />

normally a love affair, because the retailers<br />

cannot attract customers without strong<br />

brands. Without specialised sports shops, however,<br />

the brands have no display anymore to bring the<br />

customers in contact with the own products; and<br />

the often mentioned brand building is still very<br />

difficult to realise without reliable trade partners.<br />

Nevertheless, the rifts – deep rifts – are evident in<br />

the love relationship now. Everybody wants to play<br />

a part in the “game of thrones”. The global sports<br />

groups stand at one side and the big retail chains<br />

on the other. Apparently, the smaller suppliers and<br />

specialist sports retailers are anywhere between<br />

and get crushed.<br />

Some say:<br />

Own retail,<br />

such as here<br />

a Nike Store,<br />

pulls customers<br />

into<br />

specialist<br />

retail, too.<br />

Example Adidas. The company from Herzogenaurach<br />

focuses on the own e-commerce. It is scheduled<br />

to increase the sales to 4 billion euro until<br />

2020. Although the brand with the three stripes<br />

has registered growth in all distribution channels<br />

most recently, it was the own e-commerce which<br />

grew particularly fast (57%) in 2017. Above that, the<br />

producer intends to increase the profit by 13 – 17<br />

percent in <strong>2018</strong> with a “better price and product<br />

mix”; that means, with the further expansion of the<br />

own online business. Additionally, Adidas launched,<br />

at the end of 2017, its own app Adidas Sports<br />

& Style on the occasion of the world’s greatest<br />

software conference Dreamforce – initially in the<br />

US and the UK. Now, it is also available in Germany.<br />

According to the brand, the app is supposed to offer<br />

“the consumers an Adidas experience tailored to<br />

their respective preferences and habits”. Online<br />

product offers, customized product recommendations<br />

and personalised articles, blog posts or videos<br />

as well as real-time information about the favourite<br />

kind of sports, athletes and products are supposed<br />

to motivate the customer to buy directly from<br />

Adidas.<br />

Example Nike: In the middle of 2017, Mark Parker,<br />

CEO of Nike, announced the future of sports<br />

would depend on “those companies meeting the<br />

requirements of the constantly further developing<br />

consumers” - and, of course, Nike wants to be<br />

such a significant company, according to the own<br />

perception of themselves. Therefore, he issued the<br />

maxim to “behave even more aggressively on the<br />

digital marketplace, to focus on key segments and<br />

to deliver faster than ever”. Even more innovations,<br />

shorter product cycles and a more direct customer<br />

contact are supposed to drive the initiative forward.<br />

One of these innovations is that the product styles<br />

are reduced by 25 percent in favour of “a deeper<br />

selection of key franchises”. Nike understands<br />

under more direct customer contact “to design the<br />

future of the trade”. Therefore, the brand created<br />

an own division under the name Nike Direct which<br />

bundles Nike.com, the own retail and the digital<br />

Nike+ products under one roof. In the meantime,<br />

Nike Direct has become a growth guarantor for the<br />

American producer. In the third quarter of the Nike<br />

financial year <strong>2018</strong>, Nike Direct alone registered<br />

double-digit increase.<br />

Both big players do not focus on the specialised<br />

sports retail. Even more! Driven by the high sales<br />

expectations of the shareholders, the corporations<br />

have to achieve results. Apparently, it is not important<br />

that, this way, business cooperations >>><br />


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