13.06.2018 Aufrufe

sportFACHHANDEL 08_2018 Leseprobe

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8.<strong>2018</strong> GDPR<br />

GDPR | SERVICE | 37<br />

4<br />

Does your website save data?<br />

Which data is absolutely necessary for<br />

your website’s technical operation (e.g.<br />

IP-address, date and time of requests, browser, OS<br />

version, etc.)? Do you create log files, and what do<br />

you save there for which purpose? When are the<br />

log files deleted? Information like this has to be<br />

ex plained on your website with appropriate<br />

references and text modules.<br />

5<br />

Do you use cookies?<br />

If you do, which ones and for what<br />

purpose? Do you have a cookie reference?<br />

That should definitely be added.<br />

6<br />

Do<br />

7<br />

Do<br />

you have an SSL encryption?<br />

If you don’t, it should urgently be<br />

implemented.<br />

you use a web analysis tool (e.g.<br />

Google Analytics)?<br />

Then you need a text passage on that.<br />

8<br />

Do you use social media plug-ins (e.g.<br />

Facebook)?<br />

Then obtain information on a “two-click<br />

solution”. That way you make sure that data isn’t<br />

passed on by merely accessing your website.<br />

9<br />

Do you embed YouTube videos?<br />

In that case it is advised to use the<br />

„extended data protection mode“.<br />

10<br />

11<br />

Is a map by Google-Maps embedded?<br />

In that case a text passage should also<br />

mention that.<br />

Do you really require a contact form?<br />

Because, in terms of data protection, that<br />

causes a number of questions which you<br />

can avoid by removing it.<br />

12<br />

Do you operate a newsletter?<br />

Then it is absolutely necessary to check<br />

whether the consent gathered is still valid.<br />

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www.europeanoutdoorsummit.com +44 161 4374634 info@europeanoutdoorsummit.com

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