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uilding na� onal capacity and partnership, solici� ng an increased level of<br />

coopera� on from donors, be� er understanding of donors with respect to<br />

sensi� vity, selec� vity, avoiding trial and error methods, maintaining fi nancial<br />

discipline, refl ec� on of fi nancial sources in the Annual Budget and improving<br />

donor procedures (harmoniza� on). A revised dra� named Foreign Aid Policy<br />

2010 also emphasizes on adhering to Paris Principles of aid eff ec� veness<br />

as was reaffi rmed by the AAA and aims at transparency, accountability,<br />

predictability and sustainability by enhancing na� onal capaci� es, domes� c<br />

resources mobiliza� on and op� mizing the opportuni� es for trade and<br />

investment. Mee� ng of Nepal Development Forum and Nepal Port Folio<br />

Performance Review are the two pivotal instruments on mainstreaming aid<br />

debates in the country.<br />

In 2010, Nepal Country Evalua� on for an exercise on a Joint Evalua� on<br />

of The Implementa� on of Paris Declara� on was carried out by the Ministry<br />

of Finance and the development partners. It recommends the replica� on<br />

of sectors-based programs. MfDR has changed making aid delivery more<br />

responsive to benefi ciaries. The evalua� on report states the validity of<br />

indicators and says that the implementa� on of principle has enhanced<br />

results. The major problem found is the pervasive incen� ves within<br />

Nepal and DP systems. The fi nding hugely demands the improvement of<br />

ins� tu� onal capacity, access to informa� on and par� cipa� on of all levels<br />

and proper rela� onal needs between policy, strategy and service to meet<br />

the real needs of people. Social inclusion, good governance, state building<br />

and post confl ict situa� on, all cross cu� ng themes have to be integrated<br />

within the discourse of aid eff ec� veness.<br />

So at the prime hour to make Busan Forum for the sake of LDCs, Nepal<br />

has to prepare agendas with wide na� onal/interna� onal consulta� ons of<br />

poli� cal par� es, academia, development partners, civil society and ins� tu� on<br />

like AAMN. The delegates hence must come up with a single but composite<br />

voice of all stakeholders. Agendas should include aid predictability, mid-term<br />

support for reconstruc� on and economic growth, donor harmoniza� on and<br />

alignment, MfDR and country ownerships. Our priori� es about aid for trade,<br />

technical Assistance pooling, capacity building, public fi nancial management,<br />

and procurement systems have to be harnessed with acute discussions and<br />

broad consulta� ons. A general discourse on ‘Development eff ec� veness’<br />

rather than discussions confi ned to ‘Aid Eff ec� veness’ sounds exci� ng at this<br />

stage from both accountability and delivery perspec� ves. Eff orts to sa� sfy<br />

the taxpayers of both donor and recipient countries are needed and Busan<br />

HLF-4 should go a long way in this regard.<br />

Meena Acharya while analyzing the “Aid Eff ec� veness Agenda and Gender<br />

Responsive Budge� ng – Experience of Nepal” reveals bi� er truth about<br />

the reality of aid eff ec� veness on the lives of rural women. The grassroots<br />

women have had li� le voice and infl uence in development and priority<br />

se� ng processes in Nepal. Only during the prepara� on of the Tenth Plan<br />

(PRSP, 2002-2007) some consulta� on with women groups from na� onal to<br />

regional level took place. However, they have had very li� le infl uence on the<br />


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