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Related issues, including information and outreach<br />

In his concluding remarks, the Chair of the UNDC expressed his belief<br />

that the non-papers presented in the working groups had provided “a good<br />

basis for reaching consensus in future deliberations”. He also observed that<br />

the Commission’s method of work had been raised as an issue on a number<br />

of occasions by many delegations and he believed that “future sessions of the<br />

Commission should devote a certain amount of time to discuss it”. 44<br />

On 21 April, the UNDC adopted by consensus the reports of its<br />

subsidiary bodies, the conclusions contained therein and its report, as a whole,<br />

to be presented to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session.<br />

Terrorism and disarmament<br />

Concerted international cooperation and action remains vital to the prevention<br />

of proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means<br />

of delivery to terrorists and other non-State actors.<br />

Ban Ki-moon, United nations secretary-General 45<br />

Weapons of mass destruction and terrorism<br />

In 2011, several preparatory meetings were convened in advance of the<br />

second Nuclear Security Summit, to be held in Seoul from 26 to 27 March<br />

2012. These meetings took place in Vienna (March), Seoul (June) and Helsinki<br />

(October) to deal, inter alia, with the preparation of a concluding document46 for the 2012 Summit. In the Final Communiqué47 adopted at the first Summit<br />

in Washington, D.C., in April 2010, the participating leaders of 47 States and<br />

3 international organizations had stated that “nuclear terrorism is one of the<br />

most challenging threats to international security, and strong nuclear security<br />

measures are the most effective means to prevent terrorists, criminals, or other<br />

unauthorized actors from acquiring nuclear materials”. The 2012 Summit<br />

will focus on cooperative measures to combat the threat of nuclear terrorism,<br />

protection of nuclear materials and related facilities, and prevention of illicit<br />

trafficking of nuclear materials.<br />

On 22 September, the United Nations Secretary-General convened and<br />

chaired a High-level Meeting on Nuclear Safety and Security. The meeting<br />

44 Ibid.<br />

45 Secretary-General’s statement, “Secretary-General Welcomes Mandate Extension<br />

for Security Council’s 1540 Committee”, New York, 26 April 2011. Available from<br />

http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2011/sgsm13527.doc.htm (accessed 17 May 2012).<br />

46 Available from http://www.thenuclearsecuritysummit.org/userfiles/Seoul%20Communique_<br />

FINAL.pdf (accessed 16 May 2012).<br />

47 United States, Office of the Press Secretary, “Communiqué of the Washington Nuclear<br />

Security Summit”, 13 April 2010. Available from http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-pressoffice/communiqu-washington-nuclear-security-summit<br />

(accessed 16 May 2012).<br />


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