Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America


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area: they would pull up <strong>in</strong> a squad car near a group of Black people; several officerswould then jump out, beat them, get back <strong>in</strong> the car, <strong>and</strong> drive away. 103Thatnight, a cop was shot <strong>in</strong> a vacant lot near Vernor Highway; he returned fire <strong>and</strong>the assailant was killed. Nevertheless, the police retaliated aga<strong>in</strong>st the entireneighborhood. They laid siege to an apartment build<strong>in</strong>g at 290 East Vernor,sh<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g searchlights on the build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> fir<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to it with revolvers, rifles, <strong>and</strong>mach<strong>in</strong>e guns. They eventually forced the residents out with tear gas <strong>and</strong> beatthem as they fled. Then the apartments were ransacked, doors kicked <strong>in</strong>, locksbroken, furniture overturned. Money, jewelry, <strong>and</strong> liquor were stolen.l04In an article titled '''The Gestapo <strong>in</strong> Detroit," NAACP attorney <strong>and</strong> laterSupreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall reported, 'They used 'persuasion'rather than firm action with white rioters, while aga<strong>in</strong>st Negroes they usedthe ultimate <strong>in</strong> force: night sticks, revolvers, riot guns, sub-mach<strong>in</strong>e guns,<strong>and</strong> deer guns."105 He concluded:This record of the Detroit police demonstrates once more what all Negroesknow only too well: that nearly all police departments limit their conceptionof check<strong>in</strong>g racial disorders to surround<strong>in</strong>g, arrest<strong>in</strong>g, maltreat<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>and</strong>shoot<strong>in</strong>g Negroes. Little attempt is made to check the activities of whites. lOGOf the thirty-four people killed, twenty-five were Black <strong>and</strong> n<strong>in</strong>e were White;the police killed seventeen Black people <strong>and</strong> none who were White. I 07 JudgeGeorge Edwards of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit,described the riot as "open warfare between the Detroit Negroes <strong>and</strong> theDetroit <strong>Police</strong> Department."108BIRMINGHAM: BULL CONNOR AND THE LAWShortly after World War II, resistance to White supremacy began to accumulatea critical mass. Nearly a century after the Civil War, Black people had had enoughmorethan enoughf empty promises <strong>and</strong> the th<strong>in</strong> simulacrum of freedom thathad been their lot s<strong>in</strong>ce the end of slavery. Tired of be<strong>in</strong>g excluded <strong>and</strong> exploited,sick of segregation <strong>and</strong> second-class citizenship, they determ<strong>in</strong>ed to-asJames Forman put it-either "sit at the table," or "knock the fuck<strong>in</strong>' legs off' ofit. 109 First <strong>in</strong> the South, but soon throughout the country, Black people weredem<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g their due of White society. And White people, as ever, were seriousabout not giv<strong>in</strong>g it to them.The police occupied their traditional place, st<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g :firmly <strong>in</strong> the way of African<strong>America</strong>ns' efforts to w<strong>in</strong> their rights. The situation dem<strong>and</strong>ed noth<strong>in</strong>g new ofthe police, though <strong>in</strong> times of crisis their function may have been a bit clearerthan usual, as the rhetoric of legal impartiality slipped further <strong>and</strong> further awayfrom them. Birm<strong>in</strong>gham's police chief, Bull Connor, put it pla<strong>in</strong>ly: 'We don't givea damn about the law. Down here we make our own law." I 10 It was a startl<strong>in</strong>gadmission from a man sworn to uphold the law, but undoubtedly true. I I IConnor <strong>and</strong> his police department epitomized a type of law enforcement characteristicof the time, though sadly persist<strong>in</strong>g to the present day. Most famously,<strong>in</strong> 1963, Birm<strong>in</strong>gham became the shame of the nation when television footageshowed demonstrators with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference be<strong>in</strong>gbeaten by Connor's officers, attacked with police dogs, <strong>and</strong> sprayed with fire hoses.93

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