Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America


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7 Henry David, The History of the Haymarket Affoir: A Study <strong>in</strong> the <strong>America</strong>n SOcial-Revolutionary <strong>and</strong>I.abor Movements (New York: Farrar <strong>and</strong> R<strong>in</strong>ehart, 1936), 528. The Knights of Lahor, for example,issued a slatemenr that "the Knights of Labor have no affiliation, association, sympathy, or respectfor the b<strong>and</strong> of cowardly murderers, cut-throats, <strong>and</strong> robbers, known as anarchists." Quoted <strong>in</strong>Foster Rhea I )ullcs <strong>and</strong> Melvyn Dubofsky, Labor <strong>in</strong> <strong>America</strong>: A History (Arl<strong>in</strong>gton Heights, IL:Harlan Davidson, 1984), 188-189.8 Jeremy Brecher, Strike! (San Francisco: Straight Arrow Books, 1972), 47.9 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Bruce C. Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs: A Social History of Chicago's Anarchists,1870-1900 (New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers Univcr;ity Press, 1988), 190.10 Kelson, Beyond the lv1artyrs, 190.II Joseph G. Rayback, A History of <strong>America</strong>n Labor (New Yo rk: The Free Press, 1966), 168-169.12 Among other questionable features, the jury conta<strong>in</strong>ed members who admitted to prejudicesaga<strong>in</strong>st the defendants. Rayback, History of <strong>America</strong>n Labor, 167-168.13 Avrich, Haymarket Tragedy, 275.14 Qlloted <strong>in</strong> Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs, 192-193.15 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Avrich, Htlymarkl't Tragedy, 28.3.16 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Yellen, Labor Struggles, 69.17 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 14-20.18 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 15.19 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 20.20 Alan Wolfe, The Seilmy Side of Democracy: Repression <strong>in</strong> <strong>America</strong> (Read<strong>in</strong>g, MA: Longman, 1978), 6.21 I )on ner, Protectors of Privilege, 1.22 Frank Kitson, Low 1memity Operations: Subversion, I.nsurgeru)\ Petlce-Keep<strong>in</strong>g (Hamden, CT:Archon Books, 1971), 49.23 Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities[Church Committee] , F<strong>in</strong>tll Report of the Select Committee to Study Government Operations WithRespect to Intelligence Activities, 94th Congress, 2d sess., 1976, Book II, 1.24 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 10-1 1. Donner's book Protectors of Privilege: Red Squads tlild Repression<strong>in</strong> Urban <strong>America</strong> is commonly recognized as the s<strong>in</strong>gle best history of the subject, <strong>and</strong>much of the discussion here is drawn from his work.25 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 31.26 Donner, Protectors afPrivilege, 1-2.27 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 30.28 Ward Churchill <strong>and</strong> Jim V<strong>and</strong>er Wall, Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret wttrs Agtl<strong>in</strong>st the BltlckPtl nther Party <strong>and</strong> the AmeriCLIrl Indian Movement (Boston: South End Press, 1990), 22.29 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 35-36 .. 30 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 36-37.31 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 3.32 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 62-63.33 Donner, Protectors ofPrilJilege, 57-59.34 Frank Donner, "Theory <strong>and</strong> Practice of <strong>America</strong>n Political T ntelligcnce," New York Review ofBooks, Apr.il 22, 1971, 29.35 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 91.36 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 66-69.37 Donner, Protectors of PriVilege, 260.38 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 93-95.39 Donner, Protectors afPrivilege, 233.40 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, .) 1 8 <strong>and</strong> .030.41 "In the early years of [the twentieth] century, police gathered <strong>in</strong>formation from <strong>in</strong>formersplanted by private agencies, employers' associations, <strong>and</strong> patriotic groups. By the thirties,big-city police had begun to recruit their own <strong>in</strong>formers from the private secror <strong>and</strong> acted as[he spy's 'h<strong>and</strong>lers,' 'contacts,' or 'controls,' only rarely themselves resort<strong>in</strong>g to impersonation,dissembl<strong>in</strong>g loyalties, <strong>and</strong> the fabrication of cover identities. It was one th<strong>in</strong>g to have an agent asan <strong>in</strong>dependent contractor to do the dirty work of spy<strong>in</strong>g, but quite another fo r a public servantto do it himself. But <strong>in</strong> the sixties, police, not only <strong>in</strong> Chicago <strong>and</strong> New Yo rk but <strong>in</strong> smallercities-San Diego, Houston, Oakl<strong>and</strong>, New Orleans, <strong>and</strong> Columbus, to name a few-went underground,<strong>and</strong> the 'undercover agent' became commonplace." Donner. Protectors of Privilege, 69-70.42 Donner, "Theory <strong>and</strong> Practice," 33.43 Donner, Protectors ofPrilJilege, 169.44 Donner, Protectors of Privilege, 260.45 <strong>America</strong>n Friends Service Committee (AFSC), Program on Government Surveillance <strong>and</strong> Citizens'Rights, The <strong>Police</strong> Thretlt to Political Liberty: Discoveries tlnd Actions of the <strong>America</strong>n Friends ServiceCommittee Program on Government Surveillance <strong>and</strong> Citizens' Rights (Philadelphia: AFSe, 1979), 12.277

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