Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America


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40 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 179. On the Lawrence textile strike, see also: Z<strong>in</strong>n, People's History,328-330.41 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Peter Bollen, Great Labor Quotations: Sourcebook <strong>and</strong> Reader (Los Angeles: Red EyePress, 2000), 22.42 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 176. By the end of the strike, 296 had been arrested. Yellen, LaborStruggles, 189.43 Yellen, labor Struggles, 178-179.44 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 194.45 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Yellen, Labor Struggles, 181. A similar argument was used to convicr the Haymarketdefendants a quarterecentury before. See chapter 7.46 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 193.47 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 182.48 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Z<strong>in</strong>n, People's History, 328.49 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 185-187.50 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Z<strong>in</strong>n, People's History, 329.51 Yellen, Labo/" Struggles, 190-91.52 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Yellen, Labor Struggles, 193.53 Yellen, Labor Struggle.f, 195-197.54 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 308-3 13 <strong>and</strong> 316-3 17.55 One oft-cited example: Oregon lumber mills shut down, because there was no way to ship thewood. Brecher, Strike! 151; <strong>and</strong> Yellen, Labor Struggles, 315.56 David F. Sclv<strong>in</strong>, A "[errible Anger: The 1934 Waterfront <strong>and</strong> General Strikes <strong>in</strong> San Francisco (Deetwit: Wayne State University Press, 1996), 91-92.57 Selv<strong>in</strong>, lerrible Anger, 93.58 flrecher, Strike! 152.59 Violence was less common <strong>in</strong> Portl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> Seattle, where the persistent threat of a general strikediscouraged any attempt at open<strong>in</strong>g the docks. Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 104.The most notable <strong>in</strong>cident <strong>in</strong> the northwest carne as the San Francisco General Strike wasw<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g down. Seattle mayor Charles Smith ordered 300 police to remove 2,000 picketers fromthe city's pier at Smith's Cove. The cops used tear gas <strong>and</strong> nausea gas aga<strong>in</strong>st the crowds, <strong>and</strong> thepolice chief resigned <strong>in</strong> protest. Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 225; <strong>and</strong> Ye llen, Labor Struggles, 332.60 Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Angel; 144-146; <strong>and</strong> Yellen, Labor Struggles, 318.61 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 156.62 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 318.63 Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 149. The police naturally reversed this chronology <strong>in</strong> their official stateements, claim<strong>in</strong>g that the <strong>in</strong>spectors merely defended themselves aga<strong>in</strong>st the hail of rocks com<strong>in</strong>gfrom the crowd. Several witnesses, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Harry Bridges, testified that noth<strong>in</strong>g was thrownuntil after the shots were fired. Seiv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 14.64 Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 11-12 <strong>and</strong> 14.65 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 150.66 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 319; <strong>and</strong> Brecher, Strike! 1 53.67 Brecher, Strike! 153; <strong>and</strong> Yellen, Labor Struggles, 319.68 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 161-162.69 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Yellen, Labor Strug..'?:le.28.77 Sely<strong>in</strong>, TerribLe Anger, 221 <strong>and</strong> 227.78 Selv<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 224.79 Se1v<strong>in</strong>, Terrible Anger, 233.80 Yellen, Labor Struggles, 334-335.81 Selv<strong>in</strong>, TerribLe Anger, 237. Between January 1, 1937, <strong>and</strong> August 1, 1938, 350 strikes occurredon the West Coast docks, mostly brief <strong>and</strong> localized "quickies." Brecher, Strike' 158.82 Quoted <strong>in</strong> Selv<strong>in</strong>, lerrible Allger. 240.8.3 To ny Bartelme, "Indicted Longshoremen Adopred as Union Crusade," Post <strong>and</strong> Courier (Charleseto n, SC), September 3, 2001.84 Bartelme, "Indicted Longshoremen;" <strong>and</strong> "Analysis: South Carol<strong>in</strong>a Longshoremen Accuse AttorneyGeneral of Play<strong>in</strong>g Politics <strong>in</strong> Riot Indictments of Union Members," Morn<strong>in</strong>g Edition,National Public Radio, July 16, 2001 [database: Newspaper source, accessed September 29, 2002].265

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