Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America

Kristian Williams - Our Enemies in Blue - Police and Power in America


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Braverman, Harry. Labor <strong>and</strong> Monopoly Capital: Th e Degradation of Wo rk <strong>in</strong>the Tw entieth Century. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1974.Braverman barely mentions the police, but his work <strong>in</strong>forms my discussion of class status.Levi , Margaret. Bureaucratic Insurgency: Th e Case of <strong>Police</strong> Un ions. Lex<strong>in</strong>gton,MA: Lex<strong>in</strong>gton Books, 1977.Lyons. Richard L. 'The Boston <strong>Police</strong> Strike of 1919." Th e New Engl<strong>and</strong> Quarterlyaune 1947) .Re<strong>in</strong>er, Robert. Th e <strong>Blue</strong>-Goated Wo rker: A Sociological Study of <strong>Police</strong> Un ionism.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978.Re<strong>in</strong>er concentrates on the English police, but much of his analysis of their position <strong>and</strong>fit I1ction <strong>in</strong> capitalist society is applicable <strong>in</strong> the U. S. context as well.Russell, Francis. A City <strong>in</strong> Te rror-1919-The Boston <strong>Police</strong> Strike. NewYork: Vik<strong>in</strong>g Press, 1975.Skolnick, Jerome H. Th e Politics of Protest: Violent Aspects of Protest <strong>and</strong>Confrontation; A Report Submitted by Jerome H. Skolnick lThe SkolnickReport; Report of the Task Force on Violent Aspects of Protest <strong>and</strong> Confrontationto the National Commission on the Causes <strong>and</strong> Prevention ofViolence], Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, D.C.: GPO, 1969.BLACK POLICE ASSOCIATIONSAlex, Nicholas. Black <strong>in</strong> <strong>Blue</strong>: A Study of the Negro <strong>Police</strong>man. New York:Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.Dulaney, W Mcu·v<strong>in</strong>. Black <strong>Police</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>America</strong>. Bloom<strong>in</strong>gton: IJ1(liana University Press, 1996.CORPORATISMCrouch, Col<strong>in</strong> <strong>and</strong> Ronald Dore. "Whatever Ha!1!lPl1pd to f:nrpM"ti,,!,,;>" !!1.Corporatism <strong>and</strong> Accountability: Organized Interests <strong>in</strong> British Public Life,edited by Col<strong>in</strong> Crouch <strong>and</strong> Ronald Dore. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.Schmitter, Philippe C. "Still the Century of Corporatism?" Th e Review ofPolitics 36 (1974) .Schmitter's paper is the best <strong>in</strong>troduction to corporatism I've seen, expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g its orig<strong>in</strong>s, itsbasic pr<strong>in</strong>ciples, <strong>and</strong> its various types.THE STATE AND STATE AUTONOMYSmith, Mart<strong>in</strong> J. Pressure, <strong>Power</strong> <strong>and</strong> Policy: State Autonomy <strong>and</strong> Policy Networks<strong>in</strong> Brita<strong>in</strong> <strong>and</strong> the United States. Pittsburgh: University of PittsburghPress, 1993.Szczech, Clayton. "Beyond Autonomy or Dom<strong>in</strong>ance: The Political Sociologyof Prison Expansion." Undergraduate thesis, Heed College (2000) .This thesis offe rs a clear <strong>and</strong> empirically based explanation of prison expansion. At the sametime, it goes some distance toward resolution of the "state autonomy vs. class dom<strong>in</strong>ance"debate.Tilly, Charles. Coercion: Capital, <strong>and</strong> European States, AD 990-1990. Cambridge,MA: Basil Blackwell, 1990s.312

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