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160 IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Companion GuideBack Up the Hard DriveJust as the system restore points allow the restoration of OS configuration files, backuptools allow the recovery of data. You can use the Microsoft Backup Tool, shown in Figure5-35, to perform backups as required. It is important to establish a backup strategy thatincludes data recovery. The organization’s requirements will determine how often the datamust be backed up and the type of backup to perform.Figure 5-35Microsoft Backup UtilityIt can take a long time to run a backup. If the backup strategy is followed carefully, it willnot be necessary to back up every file at every backup. It is only necessary to make copiesof the files that have changed since the last backup. For this reason, there are several differenttypes of backup.Normal BackupA normal backup is also called a full backup. During a normal backup, all selected files onthe disk are archived to the backup medium. These files are marked as having beenarchived by clearing the archive bit.Copy BackupA copy backup will copy all selected files. It does not mark the files as having beenarchived.Incremental BackupAn incremental backup procedure backs up all the files and folders that have been createdor modified since either the last normal or incremental backup. It marks the files as havingbeen archived by clearing the archive bit. This has the effect of advancing the starting point

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