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14 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion GuideConsider other circumstances in which it might be a good idea to escalate a call to management.Follow Business PoliciesAs a technician, you should be aware of all business policies related to customer calls.Don’t make a promise to a customer that you cannot keep. You should also have a goodunderstanding of all rules governing employees. Table 10-8 lists typical customer call rulesas well as call center employee rules.Table 10-8Customer Call and Call Center Employee RulesCustomer Call RulesCall Center Employee RulesMaximum time on call (example: Arrive at your workstation early enough to be15 minutes) prepared, usually about 15 to 20 minutesbefore the first call.Maximum call time in queue (example:three minutes)Number of calls per day (example:minimum of 30)Rules about passing calls to othertechnicians (example: only whenabsolutely necessary, and not withoutthat technician’s permission)Rules about what you can and cannotpromise to the customer (see thatcustomer’s SLA for details)When to follow the SLA and when toescalate to managementDo not exceed the allowed number and lengthof breaks.Do not take a break or go to lunch if a call ison the board.Do not take a break or go to lunch at the sametime as other technicians. Stagger breaksamong technicians.Do not leave an ongoing call to take a break orgo to lunch.Make sure that another technician is availableif you have to leave.If no other technician is available, check withthe customer to see if you can call back later,possibly in the morning.Do not show favoritism to certain customers.Do not take another technician’s calls withoutpermission.Do not talk negatively about the capabilities ofanother technician.

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