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10 eject buttonEeject button The lever that releases an object, suchas the button on a floppy drive.Electronic Industries Association (EIA) A groupthat specifies electrical transmission standards. TheEIA and the Telecommunications IndustryAssociation (TIA) have developed numerous wellknowncommunications standards, includingEIA/TIA-232 and EIA/TIA-449.electronic mail (e-mail) Users’ ability to communicateover a computer network. The exchange ofcomputer-stored messages by network communication.electrophotographic drum A central part of thelaser printer that acquires the toner to be printed onpaper.electrostatic discharge (ESD) The discharge ofstatic electricity from one conductor to another conductorof a different potential.encryption A security feature that applies codingto a file so that only authorized users can view thefile.A Microsoft-spe-Encryption File System (EFS)cific file system for encryption.Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics (EIDE)An enhanced version of the standard IDE interfacethat connects hard disks, CD-ROM drives, and tapedrives to a PC.Ethernet A baseband LAN specification inventedby Xerox Corporation and developed jointly byXerox, Intel, and Digital Equipment Corporation.Ethernet networks use CSMA/CD and run on a varietyof cable types at 10 Mbps or more. Ethernet issimilar to the IEEE 802.3 series of standards.Ethernet port An RJ-45 socket that is used to connecta computer to a cabled LAN.event A network message indicating operationalirregularities in physical elements of a network or aresponse to the occurrence of a significant task, typicallythe completion of a request for information.Event Viewer An application that monitors systemevents, application events, and security events.exhaust vent An outlet that expels hot air from theinterior of a device or room.expansion card modem A modem that is insertedinto a motherboard expansion slot (ISA or PCI). Alsocalled an internal modem.expansion slot An opening in a computer where aPC card can be inserted to add capabilities to thecomputer.ExpressCard A high-throughput laptop expansioncard standard that was developed by the PCMCIA.The ExpressCard expansion slot uses the built-in PCIExpress (x1) and/or USB bus of a laptop.ExpressCards have a 26-pin connector and are hotswappable.extended memoryextended partitionhard drive.Memory above 1 MB.The second partition on theextended-star topology A star topology that isexpanded to include additional networking devices.external hard drive A device that connects to thecomputer to provide additional data storage.external modem A modem that connects to theserial port (COM1 or COM2) of most computers. Anexternal modem, such as a cable modem, typically isused for high-speed connections.

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