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4 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion GuideDetermine the Customer’s Computer ProblemOne of the technician’s first tasks is to determine the type of computer problem that the customeris experiencing.Remember these three rules at the beginning of your conversation:■■■Know: Call your customer by name.Relate: Use brief communication to create a one-to-one connection between you andyour customer.Understand: Determine the customer’s level of knowledge about her computer toknow how to effectively communicate with her.To accomplish these tasks, you should practice active listening skills. Allow the customer totell the whole story. As the customer is explaining the problem, occasionally interject asmall word or phrase, such as “I understand,” “Yes,” “I see,” or “Okay.” This behavior letsthe customer know that you are there and listening. This is not the same as interrupting thecustomer to ask a question or make a statement.A technician should not interrupt the customer to ask a question or make a statement. Thisis rude and disrespectful and creates tension. Many times in a conversation, you might findyourself thinking about what to say before the other person finishes talking. When you dothis, you are not really listening. As practice, try listening carefully when other peoplespeak, and let them finish their thoughts.After you have listened to the customer explain the whole problem, clarify what the personhas said. This helps convince the customer that you have heard and understand the situation.A good practice for clarification is to paraphrase the customer’s explanation by beginningwith “Let me see if I understand what you have told me....” This is a very effective tool thatshows the customer that you have listened and that you are concerned about the issues.After you have assured the customer that you understand the problem, you will probablyhave to ask some follow-up questions. Make sure that these questions are pertinent. Do notask questions that the customer has already answered while describing the problem. Doingthis only irritates the customer and shows that you were not listening.Follow-up questions should be targeted, closed-ended questions based on the informationyou have already gathered. Closed-ended questions should focus on obtaining specificinformation. The customer should be able to answer with a simple “yes” or “no” or with afactual response such as “Windows XP Pro.” Use all the information you have gatheredfrom the customer to continue filling out the work order.Display Professional Behavior with the CustomerWhen dealing with customers, you must be professional in all aspects of your role. Youmust handle customers with respect and prompt attention. When on the phone, make sure

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