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30 IT Essentials: PC Harware and Software Companion GuideTable 12-4 Common Operating System Problems and Solutions continuedProblem SymptomA customer plans to install WindowsXP on 100 computers in a branchoffice over a weekend, but is veryconcerned about how much time itwill take.The customer is receiving warningsabout the hard drive becoming too full.A customer receives error messagesthat an application will not launchbecause a required service is notrunning.Possible SolutionAdvise the customer that the installation CD willtake too long. Consult with customer about one ofthe automated installation solutions.Run the Disk Cleanup utility to delete temporaryfiles.Ask the customer for the name of the service inthe error message and restart the service.Lab 12.5.3: Fix an Operating System ProblemIn this lab, you troubleshoot and fix a computer that does not connect to the network. Referto the lab in IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Labs and Study Guide, ThirdEdition (ISBN 1-58713-198-6). You can perform this lab now or wait until the end of thechapter.Remote Technician Activity 12.5.3: Fix an Operating System ProblemIn this Remote Technician Activity, you will gather data from the customer and then instructthe customer on how to fix a computer that does not connect to the network. You will thendocument the customer’s problem in the work order provided in the activity. Refer to thelab in IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Labs and Study Guide, Third Edition(ISBN 1-58713-198-6). You can perform this activity now or wait until the end of thechapter.

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