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26 Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) cableSmall Computer System Interface (SCSI) cableAn external or internal cable that connects the SCSIcontroller to SCSI ports of multiple internal andexternal devices.smart card A credit-card-sized device thatincludes a processor and memory. Used to storeinformation and authenticate network users. Smartcards provide two-factor identification because theuser must have both the card and a password toaccess the network.software firewall An application on a computerthat inspects and filters data packets.solenoid A coil of wires that forms electromagnetsthat fire the pins in a dot-matrix printer.solid-ink printer A printer that uses solid sticks ofink rather than toner or ink cartridges. Solid-inkprinters produce high-quality images. The ink sticksare nontoxic and can be handled safely.sound card An integrated circuit board thatenhances a computer’s audio capabilities.southbridge A chip that implements the slowercapabilities of the motherboard. It is connected to theCPU through the northbridge chip. Also called theInput/Output (I/O) Controller Hub (ICH).spamspeakerUnsolicited e-mail.An audio output device.spike A sudden increase in voltage that is usuallycaused by a lightning strike.spoof To gain access to resources on devices bypretending to be a trusted computer.spooling The process of loading documents into abuffer (usually an area on a hard drive) until theprinter is ready to print the documents.spyware Malware that monitors activity on thecomputer. The spyware then sends this information tothe organization responsible for launching the spyware.standby power supply (SPS) Battery backup thatis enabled when voltage levels fall below normal.standoff A barrier/screw used to physically separateparts—in particular, the system board—from thecase.star topology A LAN topology in which endpointson a network are connected to a common centralswitch by point-to-point links. A ring topology that isorganized as a star and implements a unidirectionalclosed-loop star instead of point-to-point links.static RAM (SRAM) A type of RAM that retainsits contents for as long as power is supplied. SRAMdoes not require constant refreshing, like dynamicRAM (DRAM).static random-access memory (SRAM) Memorythat holds data as long as voltage is applied. Usedmainly as cache memory for the CPU.stylus A writing utensil. Typically used as an inputmethod for the touch-sensitive screens of PDAs andgraphics tablets.subnet mask The second group of numbers usedwhen configuring an IP address on a device. Enddevices use the subnet mask to determine the networkportion of an IP address.subnetting A logical division of a network. It providesthe means to divide a network, and the subnetmask specifies how it is subdivided.surge Any voltage increase above 110 percent ofthe normal voltage carried by a power line.surge protector A suppressor that regulates thevoltage going to a device.

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